Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 256 The world of Xuande finally sees Xuande, take away the chapter of the world and return t

Chapter 256 The World of Xuande Finally Sees Xuande, Takes the World and Returns to Xuanzhou

In the darkness.

This is the heavens and worlds, and there is darkness in the heavens and worlds, except for the nothingness that swallows everything, there are only thousands of worlds in it!

The myriad realms and the heavens, like a sky full of stars, are suspended in the immeasurable nothingness!

The twinkling stars that are as big as thumbs may be a vast world, and these worlds are shining with light like Taoism, so that immeasurable nothingness dare not set foot.

And in this immeasurable nothingness, walking alone is like shopping (gai). There are no so-called rules or rules on him, but... he can travel to the heavens and worlds, but it is strange.

"According to the coordinates of the chat group, this convenience is Zhu Zhanji's world." Chen Xuan murmured, looking at the star that was about to become the world in front of him, a smile flashed in his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, the historical time and space that was originally the world of dust, under the instigation of my little butterfly, it almost reached the world." Chen Xuan looked at this world and smiled, and his spiritual thoughts instantly covered the whole world.

Zhu Zhanji is sending an army to quickly occupy various multiverses, but all known universes are all planted with the Sun Moon Dragon Banner of Ming Dynasty!
For more than 1000 years, Zhu Zhanji, like other emperors, assembled an army to attack the multiverse. With the strengthening of Zhu Zhanji's strength, the world is also gradually strengthening, and the enemies he encountered did not buy and become stronger.

To put it bluntly, the reason why this world of dust can reach this point is entirely because of Zhu Zhanji!

If Zhu Zhanji becomes stronger, the world will become stronger. Otherwise, let alone the Milky Way, just the earth, or Tatar, and Wala are enough for Zhu Zhanji to play with.

Under the enhancement of Zhu Zhanji, the world of dust also evolves into a multiverse, so it also helps Zhu Zhanji. It can be said that the world and Zhu Zhanji are complementary!

Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, and all of a sudden, the way of swordsmanship, one of the laws of the Three Thousand Ways, converged into Chen Xuan's appearance.

Kendo Chen Xuan smiled, and then stepped into the world in front of him.


Xuande World.

"Your Majesty, there are only three known universes left, and Lord Yu Qianyu, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, is on a conquest. Within a month, the three universes will definitely belong to my Ming banner, and the Great Ming Sun Moon Dragon Banner will be planted in the center of the universe!"

The Milky Way, a palace suspended in the center of the universe, suppresses the entire universe, and the palace is full of technology, containing countless technologies that surpass all universes.

But in this technological palace, there is a small world created by one side with great mana. The combination of technology and immortal cultivation is strange.

Zhu Zhanji sat on the throne wearing a golden imperial robe, listening to the reports from the officials below.

"Not in one month, it must be within ten days!" Zhu Zhanji frowned and said, "Sage Emperor Dahua will come here soon, and our world will be a gift to Sage Dahua! "

The courtiers below heard the words, so you look at me, and I look at you...

Zhu Zhanji was speechless with all the ready-to-try feelings.

Some time ago, Zhu Zhanji said that the power that established Wuming will come here, and Wuming will be included in his great China, and so will the people.

However, it was opposed by all civil and military officials!

They can accept everything Zhu Zhanji said. After all, Zhu Zhanji is a man of his word now, but if they dedicate the whole Wu Ming to that person, what should they do? ?

You know, they have worked hard for more than 1000 years. Although there are still some people who are petty greedy, they dare not be too much, and they dare not bully the people at will.

If it is dedicated to that holy emperor's power, then where should we go?Has our official position changed?
They don't care about the change of the court, or the change of the emperor. The establishment of Wu Ming also involves interests. They can live for more than 1000 years and serve for more than 1000 years. Will they be willing to give it up?
If it is a sand sculpture dog reader, these sand sculpture single dog readers will not give it away, let alone these corrupt Confucian officials who once disobeyed the emperor's order for profit, even discredited the emperor, and even made it clear that they framed the emperor.

"If you don't agree, you can't change it."

Zhu Zhanji saw the thoughts of these people, especially the small circle of civil servants, and said coldly: "The Holy Emperor is the supreme powerhouse above the Primordial Realm, and you can't even do it for Daluo, so why not?" Want to fight against the Holy Emperor??"

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the civil servants in that circle were bitter, as if after the death of their own father, they watched their mother being sent to Yihong Court...

The supreme powerhouse above the Hunyuan Realm?
What a fart!

People don't care about the hype you said, besides, it's all based on strength now, you are not even a big Luo, dare to fight against such a strong man?
It’s okay if you are a mythical big Luo, aren’t you still a fucking ordinary trash big Luo?If you don't die, who will die?

At this time, in the palace, a white light suddenly appeared!

A group of generals condensed their mana to the extreme and stood in front of Zhu Zhanji.

Zhu Zhanji rolled his eyes, escort? It was okay more than 1000 years ago, but now... I can't beat what you have done? ?
"Xuande, finally see the real person."

At this time, the white light dissipated, and a young man was wearing a white Taoist robe, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and a good skin.

"Holy Emperor!! Xuande has met the Holy Emperor!!"

Seeing this person's face, Zhu Zhanji was overjoyed, and then said politely.

"Hahahaha, there is no need to be too polite, we are all emperors, and you are not a subject of the emperor." Chen Xuan laughed after hearing the words.

"Holy Emperor, you can't say that. Whether you join Dahua or Ditian, Xuande is just like Prime Minister Cao. He is willing to be a minister of the Holy Emperor." Zhu Zhanji shook his head and smiled.

"Forget it, when will you go to Xuanzhou with the emperor?" Chen Xuan said with a smile, his eyes cast a glance at the circle of civil servants, as if he disdain...

This made the circle of civil servants tremble...

The eyes alone made them feel like they were being watched by something extremely terrifying! !

"It will take ten days to unify here, can you..."

"No need."

Zhu Zhan basically wanted Chen Xuan to wait here for ten days, and after ten days, he would present this world to Chen Xuan as a gift, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted, "There is no need to worry about this world, we When the emperor meets, Xuanzhou has already prepared the immortal wine, and you just need to follow the emperor to go."

"Since that's the case, then Xuande's respect is worse than obedience." Zhu Zhanji nodded when he heard the words, thinking in his heart, but it's true, the emperor is in chaos, he will care about our little world? ?

Afterwards, Chen Xuan took Zhu Zhanji and even Zhu Zhanji's harem to leave, completely ignoring all the civil and military officials, especially those civil officials who were almost scared to pee...


Chen Xuan took Zhu Zhanji out of the world, and after receiving the Xuande world, he went to the other four emperors, took the world away in the same way, and headed towards the Xuanzhou world.

All the living beings in the Lich World, except some who would rather die than submit, most of them joined Dahua, and here Tian Xuan, like Chen Xuan, left with a group of people, accepted the Lich World, and headed towards Xuanzhou World... …

(End of this chapter)

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