Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 265 After the canonization is completed, Chen Xuan accepts the reward from the Holy Emperor

Chapter 265 After the canonization is completed, Chen Xuan accepts the reward from the Holy Emperor

With Chen Xuan's words, all spirits in the world shook!
The reason for the living beings in Xuanzhou is that Xuanchen, the supreme emperor of Huahua, is actually accepting a concubine at this moment. You must know that since the rise of the emperor Xuanchen, no woman has been able to fall into his eyes.

Now it is announced to all beings in the world!Whether it is a Dahua priest, or a Dahua local official, or a Dahua official with thousands of people, and hundreds of millions of sentient beings, everyone has heard this sentence!

But the prehistoric creatures in the Lich World were surprised. After all, they all knew what kind of person Dahua Sacred Emperor Xuan Chen was now, so he must be supremely powerful!

Even Emperor Jun, the Twelve Ancestral Witches, Nuwa, and the Master Tongtian are all under his seat, and now Napingxin is a concubine, which is indeed beyond the expectation of all prehistoric creatures.

"My concubine sees the Holy Emperor!!"

At the same time, in the Shengxuan Palace, Lady Pingxin was very happy when she heard the words. She had already realized the law of love and Taoism because of Chen Xuan, and she also fell in love with Chen Xuan.

"The imperial concubine is the same as this emperor. She is stationed in the first realm of the 33 layers of worlds, and enjoys the great fortune of the emperor and concubine!" Chen Xuan smiled, waved his hands, and raised his whole body with peace of mind.

In an instant, thousands of Taoist rules were integrated into Pingxin's body, and endless insights into Taoist rules were injected into it. Myriad Taos trembled because of this, and the laws trembled because of this!
I saw the Pingxin Empress floating in the center of heaven and earth in the Great World Shengxuan Hall, surrounded by immeasurable Tao, and hundreds of millions of Tao rules made her feel!


I don't know how long it has passed, it seems like a breath, like ten thousand years! !
This...maybe it's a glimpse of ten thousand years.

And after that, a roar shook the entire Xuanzhou Continent!Countless Dao flowers appear in the sky and earth, and countless Dao patterns are displayed. Hundreds of millions, trillions of millions of living beings are enlightened by this and break through themselves! !
"I'm waiting to thank Emperor Concubine Pingxin!!!"

After trillions of living beings broke through, they cupped their fists and bowed towards the Dahua Emperor Capital East God, their eyes were full of piety!

If Honghuang Buddhism sees this, Gou Zi must be so jealous that he would rather be raped, and want to do this once!

Buddhism is a religion, and these trillions of millions of creatures are far more pious than all the creatures in Buddhism, so if Buddhism sees it, they will definitely kneel down to Concubine Pingxin and ask for a way.

"You don't need to be polite."


In an instant, the voice of Concubine Pingxin resounded across the sky in Xuanzhou Continent, and a wonderful breath lifted all living beings up.

Peace of mind, Dahua's first imperial concubine! !

Her strength has reached the peak of the Chaos Realm!It is about to break through the Chaos Heavenly Realm! !

She can be said to be the No.1 under Chen Xuan, and she is even higher than Chen Xuan in terms of cultivation alone, but the Taoist rules only comprehend one, and she is still the lowest Wuxuan level.

Therefore, it can be said that Chen Xuan is better than Chen Xuan based on cultivation alone, but if it is compared to the overall combat power, a hundred thousand people may not be able to beat Chen Xuan who has mastered the four rules of the Dao, and the four rules of the Dao have reached the point of no way!

Concubine Pingxin glanced at Chen Xuan affectionately, and then stepped into the gates of the emperors of all realms.

"Zhu Rong, Xuan Ming, Ju Mang, Ru Shou, come forward to listen to the seal!!" Chen Xuan spoke again.

"We, see the Holy Emperor!!"

"I canonize you as the god of the four seasons, in charge of the four seasons of the world!!" Chen Xuan was extremely majestic, as if the smile just now was not him at all.

The god of the four seasons? ? ?

So...that is to say...we are not worthy of the throne?Can't enter the Emperor's Gate of the Realms? ?

Isn't that hiccup...

"Give me one Chaos Spirit Treasure and ten Innate Treasures!" Chen Xuan spoke again, followed by Di Yin, and under the blessing of Dahua's fortune, Zhu Rong, Ru Shou, Xuan Ming, Gou Mang Reached the third heaven of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in an instant!

And there seems to be thousands of Confucian and Taoist powers in his body, and the endless righteousness of heaven and earth surrounds his dantian Zifu!

In the end, a soul like his own villain appeared in his purple mansion...

Afterwards, the little man was surrounded by the righteousness of heaven and earth, and the radiance of Confucianism and Taoism finally merged into his body, sitting in the Purple Mansion...

This is... Yuanshen! !

Zhu Rong, Ruo Shou, Xuan Ming, and Ju Mang have used the great fortune of the country to gather the primordial spirit with the righteousness of Confucianism and Taoism! !

Afterwards, Zhu Rong and the others were surrounded by dozens of rays of light, which were the Chaos Spirit Treasure and ten innate treasures bestowed by Chen Xuan.

"We thank the Holy Emperor!" Zhu Rong and other ancestor witches all bowed to Chen Xuan with happy faces.

Although they didn't enter the supreme and supreme emperor's sect of all realms, they are already very happy to be able to. Besides, our little sister is the concubine of Dahua Emperor! !
"Zhulong, come forward and listen to the seal!!" Chen Xuan spoke again.

The bloody young man transformed by Zhulong hurriedly stood up, bowed his hands towards Chen Xuan, and said: "Zhulong, see the Holy Emperor!"

"canonize the candle dragon as the leader of the four seas, to rule the hundreds of millions of aquatic tribes in the Xuanzhou continent, and bestow: one chaotic spiritual treasure, ten innate treasures!"

Chen Xuan looked at Zhulong, paused and said: "Look, your Dragon Clan can spread clouds and rain for Xuanzhou. After this matter, you can find Kong Ming and Shu Da, who are Dahua officials. The Dragon Clan will be the official of Dahua from now on It is the duty of the Xuanzhou Continent to spread the clouds and rain."


Zhulong also broke through the Hunyuan in an instant, holding the Chaos Lingbao, surrounded by ten innate treasures, and said to Chen Xuan: "Zhulong thanked the Holy Emperor on behalf of the hundreds of millions of dragons! From now on, the dragons will be named Dahua. To spread the clouds and rain for Xuanzhou, I dare not slack off in the slightest!!"

Chen Xuan nodded, and then canonized others.

The canonization award will soon end, and now Chen Xuan is the only person sitting here in the Shengxuan Hall.

"Ding—Host, do you want to accept the reward and enhanced national luck now?"

Then, the chat group sent a message.

It turned out that Chen Xuan got the reward, as well as enhancing the national luck!
After all, the officials of Dahua and the common people all broke through themselves because of the strengthening of the national fortune. How could Xuanchen, the emperor of Dahua, only have a little reward? ?

In an instant, Chen Xuan laid down hundreds of millions of time and space rules, turning the Holy Profound Palace into a unique world outside of Xuanzhou. Here, a million yuan will be inside, and ten days outside!

It is conceivable that the Daoist Rules of Time and Space are much stronger than the Law of Time, and there are still many Daoist magical powers that can obliterate opponents.


Seeing that everything was ready, Chen Xuan began to accept the rewards and national luck without hesitation!


"hold head high……!!!"

In an instant, the purple and gold radiance of the emperor's jade seal was radiant, and the three forces of heaven, earth and human gathered together, like a three-color lotus.

There is also the Dahua Qiyun Golden Dragon, which is now hundreds of millions, trillions and trillions!Just like a piece of dragon scale is a big world!
It is conceivable how strong Dahua's luck is, and with the help of that luck golden dragon, a piece of dragon scale is a big world, even Daqian, three thousand worlds can't be compared!
Afterwards, hundreds of thousands of Taoisms were integrated into Chen Xuan's body, and the immeasurable Taoism rules followed. One of the Taoism rules shocked the sky, deterred the myriad worlds, shocked the heavens, and looked down on the worlds! !
(End of this chapter)

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