Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 267 Don't Believe in Heaven Realm?Zulong personally tested

Chapter 267 Don't Believe in Heaven Realm?Zulong personally tested


Great Shang, Great Qin, Great Han, Great Tang, Great Ming and many other time and space worlds were shocked when they saw this news from Cao Mengde!
Heaven realm? ? ?
I'll wipe... Is it the Heavenly Dao Realm above the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal?I don't study much, don't lie to me! !

In the emperor chat group.

Emperor Xuanzhou Martial Emperor Chongzhen: "Thank you for the invitation! You are in Xuanzhou, and you have just become the Heavenly Emperor of Dahua Martial Dao! Cultivate to the Heavenly Dao Realm, enter the Emperor's Gate of the Dahua Realms, and live in the 33rd Heaven of All Realms!!"

Xuanzhou Chaos Emperor Liu Bang: "Thank you for your invitation. I am in Xuanzhou. I have just become the Xuanzhou Chaos Emperor. I have cultivated to the Heavenly Dao Realm. I have entered the Emperor Gate of the Dahua Realms and lived in the 33rd Realm!!"

Xuanzhou God Emperor Kaiyuan: "Thank you for your invitation. I am in Xuanzhou. I have just become the Xuanzhou God Emperor. I have cultivated to the Heavenly Dao Realm. I have entered the Emperor Gate of the Dahua Realms and lived in the 33rd Realm!"

Xuande Emperor Xuande: "Thank you for the invitation. I am in Xuanzhou. I have just become the Emperor of Xuanzhou Array. I have entered the gate of the emperor of the Dahua Realms and lived in the 33rd Realm!!"

Yun Merchant Emperor Di Xin: "Hey, hey, hey! This is too much, you two, why are you both in the realm of heaven? Are you lying to your ancestors??"

Great Tang Emperor Tang Zong: "That's right, especially you! Li Longji!! You even lied to your ancestors? Do you want to be beaten?"

Emperor Wudi of Ming Dynasty Yongle: "And your grandson thief!! How dare you lie to your grandfather and me? Has it been too long since you have been loved by your grandfather?"

Xuanzhou Dao Heavenly Emperor Xuande: "What's the matter, Grandpa, we are really in the realm of heaven, you don't know, the Holy Emperor Dahua Guoyun is called a NB, we are all Daluo Jinxian or Taiyi Jinxian, but in Reaching the Dao of Heaven in an instant!"

Xuanzhou God Emperor Kaiyuan: "That's right, old ancestor, you don't know it yourself, you must be shocked to know it! From Taiyi Jinxian or Daluo Jinxian across Hunyuan Jinxian, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, directly to It feels like heaven!"

Xuanzhou demon emperor Di Jun: "They are not bad, even I reached the chaotic state at that moment!! Let me tell you, we are quite trivial, especially the Dahua officials in the morning, and the Hunyuan Emperor All the members of the Chaos Realm have directly reached the Dao of Heaven Realm. Now that Dahua does not include us, there are already more than 7000 members of the Dao of Heaven Realm! Adding us, there will be close to five members of the Chaos Realm! If it takes a thousand years, it will be more than ten!"

Great Qin Immortal Emperor Qinhuang Zulong: "This...is it true??"

Emperor Xuanzhou Wu Chongzhen: "Why don't we have a fight with Zulong Shihuang? Let's find out if it's true or not!"

Great Qin Immortal Emperor Qin Huang Zulong: "Okay!"


Daqin time and space.

Brother Zheng was shocked to the point of shock, damn it... The descendants who were so weaker than us before are now riding on the foreheads of their ancestors, how can this be tolerated?
It's understandable that our children and grandchildren are better than us, but... it's not so outrageous, is it?You directly crossed the two realms of Hunyuan and reached the realm of heaven... Just kidding, we all practiced step by step, so naturally we know how difficult it is!

Your own strength has become stronger, our ancestors are naturally happy and gratified, but! !It's wrong to lie!
Emperor Xuanzhou Wu Chongzhen: "Since the first emperor of Zulong wants to compete, then come to the realms where I live. I have the authority of the emperor's decree. This side of the realms is under my control. You can fight at will, unless you higher than the realms, otherwise it would be impossible to break through the realms."

Merchant Huang Dixin: "Wherever you want to fight, Zulong remembers to play the video."

Great Qin Immortal Emperor Qinhuang Zulong: "Okay, I know."


Then, in Daqin Time and Space, Brother Zheng directly started the group video,

In an instant, Di Xin, Liu Che, Li Shimin, Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Di, Zhao Kuangyin and others appeared.

"This time, I will go to the world of Xuanzhou to see what its strength is and whether it is deceiving us." Brother Zheng said, looking at the emperor Yuanshen around him.

The emperors all nodded.

Afterwards, Brother Zheng did not hesitate to use the cross-boundary talisman to cross the boundary and leave here, and came to Xuanzhou World.


The moment he stepped into the world of Xuanzhou, Brother Zheng was stunned...

What the hell! ! !

What did I see! ! !
The sky is full of majestic purple energy! ! !

As soon as I inhaled this nima, I felt that my own strength was gradually increasing. This... There are three thousand laws contained in this primordial purple energy! ! !

But... the primordial purple air that contains the three thousand laws is like... the ordinary air in the Xuanzhou world, it is innumerable and indescribable!
"This... is the Primordial Purple Qi??! Why is the Primordial Purple Qi in the Xuanzhou world just like ordinary air, and there are so many auras??" Emperor Xin, the Emperor of the Conferred God, turned pale with shock when he saw this. I don't know, but I learned about the Primordial Purple Qi after passing through those saints.

It is said that the primordial purple qi is the foundation of proving the Tao, and those saints all proclaimed the Tao because of the primordial purple qi, but...

At this moment, in Xuanzhou, the primordial purple qi, the foundation of enlightenment, is innumerable just like ordinary aura, but every time one inhales it, an unknown amount of primordial purple qi will be sucked into the body!
"Is this the majestic purple energy that is the foundation of Dao proving in the world of conferred gods and even my world?? Xuanzhou...is it so powerful?" Journey to the West Li Shimin sighed.


At this moment, several rays of divine light fell, and there were countless three thousand laws contained in this divine light, and there were also ten thousand ways surrounding it!
Then, a ladder appeared!
This is... Wan Dao Dao Ze transformed into Wan Dao Ladder!

Brother Zheng sees the principles of ten thousand ways contained in the ladder of ten thousand ways, and breaks through the late Hunyuan Golden Immortal in an instant!
"Such a powerful Wan Dao... what a powerful person?" Brother Zheng sighed.

It's just a matter of looking at the Wandao ladder, and let Zheng Ge break through in the middle stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal. The most terrifying thing is that this Wan Dao Dao is just a ladder, which is just a step for someone to step on. How can this not make Zheng Ge sigh?

"Ancestor Dragon First Emperor, long time no see."

This is, the six people who walked down the Wandao ladder, the leader is the Emperor Jun who is surrounded by black Taoist rules and served by the Three Thousand Ways!
Afterwards, Li Longji, Liu Bang, Cao Cao, Zhu Zhanji, and Zhu Youjian five people.

"Now Emperor Zulong, can you believe what we just said?" Di Jun smiled slightly, and the rest of the 33 layers of worlds were watching this scene. Everyone is watching here.

But... Seeing Brother Zheng, who is only the strength of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, made them very confused. One and two of you are both in the Heaven Realm, and even in the Chaos Realm. Why are you making such a big show just to meet a Hunyuan Golden Immortal? ?

play it! ! !
However, if they were to know that this person came here, Chen Xuan would know that although he would not greet him in person, he would welcome him with ten thousand ways, lawful steps, Dao flowers to serve, and Dao lines to accompany him! !
"So... what you just said is true!!"

(End of this chapter)

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