Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 276 Huanyu Star Map World, Nothing Dahua Gongjue

Chapter 276 Huanyu Star Map World, Nothing Dahua Gongjue

Huanyu Empire.

In the vast and boundless world, hundreds of millions of ethnic groups thrive in it, and many powerful ethnic groups comprehend thousands of laws in the world.

And in that vast expanse of heaven and earth, there is a gigantic city that is billions of feet high and magnificent!
The walls of the giant city are lined with patterns, and the weak monks will die when they look at it!
Da Neng, the master of Da Luo, fell into an epiphany after seeing it. This is... the Dao Dao pattern!
And the walls of hundreds of millions of cities all have such terrifying but desirable Dao patterns!
Not only that, but the giant city is surrounded by dots of formations, and the formations are full of three thousand avenues. The ground is black, the fire is cracked, and the two avenues are surrounded. The power can kill the heavenly realm in an instant!
Even in the Chaos Realm, it is impossible to break the pattern of the two Dao rules and the three thousand Dao patterns at will! !

It is conceivable how terrifying this unrivaled giant city suspended in the sky is!
And in the giant city, this place is a top-level big world, which was opened up by a power higher than the realm of heaven!

This area is more than hundreds of millions of miles?There are mountains, rivers, trees and flowers in it!

In the heaven and the earth, hundreds of millions of people from the imperial dynasty of the universe live and work in peace and contentment, and in the mountains, there are countless cultivation sects standing among them!

Above the heavens and the earth, in the boundless sea of ​​stars, there is a vast celestial being suspended!

The sky is suspended in the sea of ​​stars, countless laws are flying in it, surrounded by thousands of dao rhymes, and countless stars are based on it, it is truly an eternal court!
In the palace, there are countless palaces, and one of the huge palaces is the court of the Emperor of the Universe!
And in a palace near this palace, a beautiful woman was lost in thought while looking at the sky full of stars...

The woman stood in front of the palace, with fluttering wind sleeves, three thousand hairs fluttering, her whole body was cold, and her deep eyes were full of faint brilliance.

Wearing a cloud-colored long gauze skirt that extends to the ankles, the front placket embroidered with light pink silk thread is slightly open, and a bell chain is wrapped around the waist, ringing with nothingness.

No makeup or powder was applied on the face, and the thick black silk was rolled up in a flowing moon bun, and a few jade hairpins were inserted obliquely on the head.Don't mean it.

The background is light moon white, the purple gauze on the shawl cannot hide her exquisite figure, the neat hair is pinned to a sapphire blue hairpin, and the pendant next to her ear is shining with sunlight!

Surrounded by the laws of the Three Thousand Great Dao, even though there are hundreds of millions of stars parading in the sea of ​​stars, she has no fear of herself!

This is the only princess of the Huanyu Dynasty, and the only emperor of the Huanyu Dynasty, the daughter of Emperor Xuan, Princess Xuanxi!
Since Xuan Xi came back from the Xuanzhou Continent, she has been out of her mind. The chance in her heart has been telling her that whoever finds her Xuanzhou Emperor can break through to the Chaos Realm!

But as a princess of the Huanyu Empire, her own father is the only emperor of the Huanyu Empire, a powerful late-stage Primal Chaos Profound Realm, and she is an existence above billions and countless living beings, how can she live under others?

Therefore, Xuan Xi has been suppressing this feeling for so many years, but... also because of this, Xuan Xi cannot break through, cannot comprehend the Taoist rules quietly, and even her father, Emperor Xuan, cannot listen to the preaching for her.

This made Xuan Xi live like a year for so many years...

"Ah... Is it possible that I really want to find him? To serve as a slave??" Xuan Xi sighed slightly, her beautiful face showing signs of struggle.

If you go looking for him now, you must be a slave. Which of the maidservants of the Huanyu Emperor Dynasty is not the master's bed warmer?Doesn't my Princess of the Huanyu Emperor Dynasty also want to become this kind of person?

Suddenly, Xuan Xi felt that the feeling in her was getting closer...

How is this going? ? ?

"This is... what's going on?!!" Xuan Xi was shocked, looking at the world in one direction...


In the blink of an eye, Xuan Xi immediately reached the edge of the star map world, staring closely at the front. Fortunately, she is the princess of the Huanyu Imperial Dynasty, and the entire star map world belongs to his father. She also has some authority, otherwise it would not be possible so quickly arrive.

"Could it be possible..." There was some horror in Xuan Xi's beautiful eyes, and she remembered thousands of years ago, when she was about to leave, that person's eyes...

That person was disdainful, and seemed to be looking at her greedily...

Originally Xuan Xi thought that this person was greedy for her beauty, but now it seems...it doesn't seem to be the case!

He is not greedy for himself... No!Not only is he greedy for himself, but... he is also greedy for the imperial dynasty behind her! !

"No, I have to tell my father about this quickly!" Xuan Xi was terrified in his heart, although he didn't know why he was afraid, after all, that person was only in the realm of heaven, and how about being promoted to the realm of chaos after more than 1000 years?Impossible!

After all, she still doesn't know how long it took her to arrive. Although that person is weird, it is absolutely impossible for her to reach the Chaos Realm so quickly!
But...Xuan Xi still had some uneasiness in her heart, so she had to go back and tell Di Xuan quickly!

In the heavens and worlds, in the myriads of nothingness.

The emptiness that was originally extremely calm is now in turmoil, because millions of huge warships are suspended in the immeasurable emptiness!
These warships are as big as top-level worlds, and there are countless three thousand avenues around the warships, making it impossible for immeasurable nothingness to enter!

And within those millions of warships, there is a huge palace, suspended to follow the millions of warships!
The palace is huge and boundless, the stairs are transformed by ten thousand ways, and there are countless spiritual plants from all worlds, each spiritual plant is higher than the chaotic spiritual root, and the ten thousand ways it emits can erase a chaotic world!

And as the steps transformed by Wan Dao stepped on, a billions and billions of palace gates appeared in front of my eyes!
In front of the gate stood four huge dragon-patterned jade pillars, and the dragon-patterned jade pillars seemed to be surrounded by hundreds of millions of nine-clawed chaotic dragons guarding the gate of the palace!
Walking past the four jade pillars with dragon patterns, the huge palace gate is closed in front of you. The palace gate looks ordinary, but if you look closely, it seems that there are thousands of gods and demons roaring, shocking hundreds of millions of heavens! !
After stepping into the gate of the palace, countless purple qi are like dust, three thousand ways of joy, surrounded by thousands of Tao rhymes, and countless Tao flowers are flying in the hall.

In the main hall, surrounded by hundreds of millions of fairy mountains, there are countless fairy courts and pavilions in it!
But at this moment, on the top of the hundreds of millions of fairy mountains in the world, the gray futon is surrounded by three thousand roads, counting road rules!
There are some people sitting on these futons, they are the emperors of all realms of the 33rd level, civil and military officials, and ministers of the imperial department!
In front of the emperor seat transformed by thousands of laws and endless Taoism, Chen Xuan sat on it and looked down.

"Report to the Holy Emperor, according to the current speed, it will take less than three days to arrive at the Star Map World where the Huanyu Emperor Dynasty is located!" At this time, Zhang Juzheng stood up and said politely.

"Well, Song Yingxing, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, did a good job. If there were no such warships, it would be more troublesome." Chen Xuan nodded, looked down at Song Yingxing and smiled.

"What you have done for Dahua is not worth mentioning."

(End of this chapter)

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