Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 284 Chen Xuan's words, grabbing food from the tiger's mouth?

Chapter 284 With Chen Xuan's words, the tiger's mouth takes food?
What kind of phantom is that?
This person stands on the emperor's seat transformed by hundreds of millions of Dao, surrounded by endless Dao rhymes, thousands of Dao flowers add to the beautiful scenery, and thousands of Dao Dao surrounds his body, accompanied by endless Dao rhymes.

This person... seems to be the master of the entire heavens and worlds...

And a wisp of Dao on his body can tear the world apart! !

One can imagine how terrifying this person is! !


Right now!The man opened his eyes, and the golden eyes exuded terrifying imperial prestige!
Emperor Wei made thousands of living beings kneel here, no matter if they were humans, monsters, immortals, demons, ghosts, or beasts, seeing this phantom, no one would not kneel, no one would dare not kneel!
That terrifying Emperor might make all the living beings in the world bow down to him, one can imagine how powerful it is? ?

Emperor Zunxuan of Huanyu Emperor looked at this phantom, trembling with fear, dripping with cold sweat!

What did he see in it? ?

That is the supreme rule! !
The highest rules are all under his control, is this... really the enemy emperor he imagined? ?

how is this possible! ! !

How could this person be so powerful? ? ?


In the phantom, the man propped his head lazily, and the purple gold emperor eyes slightly lowered his eyes to look at Emperor Zunxuan below. There was nothing in his eyes, as if he was looking at an ant...

Countless generals and soldiers of Dahua looked at this phantom in admiration. This is their Dahua Saint Emperor Xuanchen! !
Supreme power! !

! !

at this time

A loud noise shattered the sky and shattered the earth.

The entire Huanyu Empire and even the star map world were shaking, the endless chaos was shaken away, and countless stars were shattered! !

"What kind of power is this?"

"Is this... is it that Heaven is angry?"

"Oh my god! How is it possible? The way of heaven... also doesn't have such power!"

Countless star chart creatures are full of awe, but they hope to see the side of heaven even more!

Another bang.

Another big star exploded!

The entire universe and starry sky were shaking, large swathes of chaos were shattered, and the infinite starry sky was pierced! !

The entire star map world was trembling, and countless people raised their heads, looking at the phantom in horror...

"Oh my God! Who is that?? Just one look... makes the world unbearable???"

"This... this is Godless! The emperor's majesty is like a spring breeze, extremely warm, the wrath of the emperor, hundreds of millions of floating corpses are hard to dispel!"

"Is this... is there no god... Can we really defeat such an emperor?"

"How about... I will surrender..."


Countless creatures in the universe starry sky are whispering, their hearts are terrified, their hearts are full of fear and panic, because they sense the horror of this phantom, this phantom is stronger than the coercion of the emperors of the universe in their own world. For terror, even more tyrannical! ! !


at this time.


A powerful aura exploded from a distance, rushing straight to Xiaohan and into the universe! !

"what happened??"

"What kind of breath is that??"

"Oh my god!! It's the breath of gods and demons!!"

"That's the breath of gods and demons!!"

Countless creatures stared wide-eyed, looking at the rushing momentum in the distance in disbelief! !

At this moment, a terrifying sound of dragon chant spread across the universe, and a black dragon flew from a distance. The black dragon opened its teeth and claws, roaring again and again, as if it could destroy everything! ! !
And on the back of the dragon, stood a man with a slender figure and a handsome face, wearing a white robe and holding a white jade folding fan. There was a slight smile on the man's face, but a cold murderous look flickered in his eyes. Meaning: "Oh? And his world emperor!?"

The black dragon under him kept roaring, those huge dragon eyes scanned all directions, and the dragon's beard fluttered, showing its domineering aura!

This man is the God Demon Black Dragon Lord! !

At this time, Chen Xuan, who was wearing the robe of the emperor of the heavens, looked at the tall man in the white robe above the head of the black dragon and smiled.

What did he see?
Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, this time Dahua went to billions of millions to fight against the immeasurable nothingness, and unexpectedly... encountered a tiger who snatched food from the mouth of a tiger? ?
And the man in white on the head of the black dragon is not inferior to him in strength!That is to say...he is also a strong Daoist! ! !
And this smile seemed to anger the white-robed man, and he waved his hand immediately. Suddenly, the whole world trembled, the worlds of countless vassal star maps trembled, and billions of miles of nothingness trembled.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The entire star map world is collapsing.

The star map world of billions of miles is like a piece of rag, being torn apart bit by bit, layer after layer of starry sky, star after star, life after life, torn apart among the rubble of countless stars!
Hundreds of millions of living beings died, hundreds of millions of living beings were annihilated, and billions of stars were annihilated! !
The entire starry sky, hundreds of millions of worlds were destroyed, this is the wrath of the emperor! !


Countless creatures gasped, watching this scene! !

This. Is this going to destroy star map worlds one after another? ?

This kind of power is really terrifying! !
Chen Xuan frowned. I was thinking about them joining Dahua and adding to the national fortune. I was planning to surrender. What's the matter if you kill them all? ?
Are you so hung up?Are you going to kill so many creatures?It seems you NB? ?
Chen Xuan then waved his hand.


Terrifying rules surround the star map world, and a billions and countless rivers appear!
Chen Xuan pointed again, billions and millions died, and everything that was annihilated was instantly restored under Chen Xuan's fingertips!

The dead souls returned, but they looked at everything in front of them in a daze. They remembered that they were already dead... Oh no!They don't even know that they are dead, they just feel as if they have lost their memory for a while...

Although many of them are big Luo Jinxians, who have jumped out of the long river of time, being obliterated is really obliterated, but!There are still them in the sky for a long time!
So Chen Xuan can use the long river of time in the heavens to restore them.

"Friend Daoist, this world is not suitable for us to fight against nothingness outside this emperor's domain?" Chen Xuan looked at the white-robed man and asked with a smile.

The white-robed man also stared at him, with a ferocious and ferocious smile on his lips, and then disappeared into the star map world with the black dragon in an instant!
"There is no more fighting here, and we will talk about other things when the emperor returns." After Chen Xuan finished speaking, he turned around and disappeared from the Supreme Palace.


But the next moment, there seemed to be some unique rules in the world, and these rules prevented hundreds of millions of creatures from fighting!

It's like... you can't say what you say!
right!As soon as the words came out, Chen Xuan opened his mouth, and hundreds of millions of supreme rules appeared, restricting the creatures in the star map world, and even the generals of the Great Hua, preventing them from fighting again! !

(End of this chapter)

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