Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 286 Looting the Supreme Beings of the Heavens, Emperor Chen Xuan Dao Changhe

Chapter 286 Looting the Supreme Beings of the Heavens, Emperor Chen Xuan Dao Changhe

Zhou Ye is such a strong man, practicing domineering methods!
Let's listen to what he just said, in the sky and on the earth, I am the only one.

Of all the heavens and worlds, only I can reign supreme!

How domineering? ?
This is the lord of the heavens, the absolutely domineering way!This is his way!

All heavens and worlds, billions of beings, immeasurable years, time, space, destiny, reincarnation, etc., all ways can be destroyed, only my way is eternal!
Destroy all the heavens and myriad worlds, only I am the only one!


The divine light of the immeasurable avenue surrounds the immeasurable nothingness, and the ultimate terror and the ultimate domineering merge together at this moment!
At this moment... Zhou Ye is like the true Lord of the Heavens, standing at the beginning and source of the Great Dao!

And this moment! !

The myriad ways that exist in the heavens and myriad worlds are silent within this breath.

At this moment, countless millions of beings in the heavens and worlds were wiped out, and everything they expressed... seemed to be retreating from the edge of the lord of the heavens.

Only the eternal phantom that dominates the heavens and is the only one standing on nothingness!

The terrifying Daoguang.Open up countless worlds

There are years and the breath of life flowing, life and death and reincarnation are circulating, and finally become the purest destruction! !

Destroy the sky...destroy the earth, destroy all living beings, and destroy the Dao!

Zhou Ye, the lord of the heavens, made a terrifying move!

All living beings in the heavens and myriad worlds can feel... that kind of divine power! ! !
It's like the world's most extreme terror is coming, wanting to destroy everything...

In an instant, countless small worlds were plunged into darkness, the sea of ​​stars was disillusioned, the world collapsed, and the end of the world came in a single thought!
For the heavens and all realms, the Lord of the Heavens is the catastrophe of the Heavens, so even if the Lord of the Heavens is just fighting with the Emperor of Heaven, there will be endless terror.


In an instant, countless worlds fell into destruction, and this was only because the Lord of the Heavens had an impact on the aftermath reflection when he was fighting with the heavens and the earth.

This is the mighty power of the Supreme Dao Realm, the peak powerhouse of the heavens.

In the realm of chaos, the reflection itself affects the heavens and the world with its endless stalwarts.

The realm of the Great Dao reflects the myriad worlds, and all the heavens and myriad worlds must have their own Dao, and the Dao of Zhou Ye, the Lord of the Heavens... is to plunder!It is destruction! !

So... only he himself can stand on the peak of the heavens on his own way! !

Even if it's just the breath of Zhou Ye, the lord of the heavens, it can bring a catastrophe to countless small worlds, and only a slightly stronger world can offset this effect...

Even the so-called saints in the wild, if they come here, they will face this force with a kind of seriousness and vigilance.

It can even be said... even Dao Zu Hongjun, the teacher of the sage, has... no!It will be 100% obliterated by the breath of Zhou Ye, the lord of the heavens! !
For many living beings, it is enough to know that the Lord of the Heavens is very strong and a supreme terror.

Above the immeasurable nothingness, the Lord of the Heavens exerted absolutely terrifying power,

All the heavens and the world, I am the only one!
That domineering will actually wanted to directly force Xuanzhou Dahua Shengdi Xuanchen to surrender.

"Emperor Xuanzhou, now do you know the gap between you and me?" Zhou Ye, the lord of the heavens, with the dominance of me alone, destroyed countless worlds in a single thought, and looked at Chen Xuan with a smile on his face.

"Is it fearless because of ignorance?"

Chen Xuan spoke lightly, and Emperor Zijin looked at the Lord of the Heavens.

"The Supreme Being of the Dao Realm is just the Supreme Being of the heavens. I will let this Emperor let you know... what is reverence!"


Chen Xuan sighed softly, and this sigh sounded like in the eternal river of time.

This sigh is like a river of fate.The most original spray.

With his sigh.The countless destroyed worlds were recreated and the peace of the past was restored.

The holy emperor Xuanchen ruled and suppressed the heavens with supreme benevolence.

This is the way of the emperor! !

Chen Xuan sighed, and Dao Dao Shen Guang was like a spring breeze, directly smoothing the domineering will of the Lord of the Heavens in an instant.

He hasn't made a move yet...just a sigh! !
Then wipe out the attack of the Lord of the Heavens! ! !

The demonic black dragon at the feet of the lord of the heavens was shocked at this moment! !
Is this Nima a mighty contest?Don't do anything and sigh and be done? ?Is there a mistake? ?
So awesome? ?Why do we feel that our master is fucking weaker than that one?Play with a snakeskin stick hammer! !


Then Chen Xuan took a step forward, and the majesty of the emperor exploded! !

The emperor, facing his subjects, covers all things.

Facing the enemy, strong suppression!
The emperor never emphasizes his hegemony, but carries it through with actions.

There is no king's soil under the whole world, and there is no king's ministers on the coast of leading the soil.

All those standing in front of them are rebellious officials and thieves! !

For the rebellious officials and thieves, only death is bestowed on him! !

In an instant, Chen Xuan made a move!

The strength is incredible.

The long rivers of emperor's way are reflected in front of the heavens!

There are ten rules circulating under the long river of emperor's way, and three thousand ultimate avenues are conceived in it.

In the long river of the emperor's way, there are countless worlds of great thousand, top-level, and chaotic worlds, and there are hundreds of millions of creatures, and they are sincerely convinced.

A picture scroll of the emperor unfolds faintly.

That is the ruling area belonging to the supreme, supreme Dahua Dynasty, and all the people are the people of Dahua.

All the heavens and myriad worlds, all living beings, if they feel something, worship in this direction.

That's worshiping...their emperor!

Different from the persecution of the lord of the heavens, this kind of worship is a sincere admiration for one's own emperor.

The people worship the emperor, and the emperor protects the people.

That is, the emperor should protect hundreds of millions of people! !
Chen Xuan didn't do anything, he just stood in the immeasurable nothingness with his hands behind his back, reflecting his own way.

The emperor's long river reflects the heavens!
But just like this, all the avenues of the Lord of the Heavens were shattered in an instant.

Just like a mouse meeting a cat, the Dao of the Lord of the Heavens, facing the long river of the Emperor's Dao, is terrified... trembling! !
Emperor Dao Changhe, suppress everything, suppress everything!
The emperor was as mighty as the sea, and Chen Xuan said with a little disappointment, "Lord of the heavens? Hehe, Zhou Ye, is this your Dao? The Supreme Dao, the Supreme of the Heavens, heh, is it so vulnerable?"

"The emperor thought that you were the opponent that the emperor valued, so it turned out to be nothing more than that..."

Yes, vulnerable.

The Dao of the Lord of the Heavens was directly suppressed and crushed by Chen Xuan with the long river of Emperor Dao.

The lord of the heavens is taking the ultimate path of destruction, destroying everything and achieving himself.

But for Chen Xuan, the way of destruction? ?That's just one of the three thousand roads, and it's not even as good as burning the road rules.

(End of this chapter)

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