Chapter 290 Not Innately Sacred

"Among the supreme rules, the Taoist rules, the three thousand ways, and the ten thousand ways are all things that can be played with in the hands. Therefore, the Holy Emperor completely wiped out Zhou Ye with the supreme rules. From the beginning and the end of the great way, there is nothing All traces of this person!!"

"But...if that's the case, then why do we still remember??" Emperor Zunxuan asked suspiciously.

If all traces are erased from the beginning to the end of the Dao, then they should not remember Zhou Ye. After all, they also exist in the Dao and belong to it!

But now they still remember Zhou Ye, and even the big battle, why? ?
As soon as Di Zunxuan said this, the others fell into silence.

They all know that the Holy Emperor has not reached that level, which is the innate sacredness that the Holy Emperor said!
Inborn sacred, that is, the mythical Daluo Jinxian!

The big Luo, transcending time and fate, gathers himself in the endless timeline into a particle.From then on, he became the only one in the heavens, and everything after that was transformed by his own thoughts and thoughts, and at the end of time, he was projected, and once proved forever, he was himself everywhere, and he was Da Luo everywhere.

After becoming a time point, there is no Da Luo in time, but Da Luo exists in a certain place of time everywhere. In one thought, all the origins of the universe and even the time line shrink, and everything will become his transformation.

Destruction of the world and creation of the world are all in one thought.

If Chen Xuan achieves Daluo, Chen Xuan can even reverse the timeline of this Xuanzhou world, and even the heavens and myriad worlds!

Let him go back to the original beginning, Taigu, Taisu, Taiji, and Taiyi era, and transform himself into the eternal emptiness. At that time, Pangu will only be his thought.

Even the heavens open and close, immortal and immortal, once the Daluo is verified, there will be no more Daluo in the fate here.

The existence of a concept and a non-concept can only be produced by one Da Luo.

From then on, before this, everything will be transformed by Da Luo.

It should be known that Pangu incarnates all things, and the sun, moon, and stars will die, and Daluo, the self on any timeline is infinitely stronger than Pangu, and it is proved forever that the different selves in different timelines are equivalent to running through the entire universe. Time goes from the past to the future, and the different timelines at each point in time will be transformed into the essence of the self, and Da Luo will be achieved.

This is the reason why Da Luo has no solution. Even if there are people with great supernatural powers who open up a higher world, the self will not be reflected in it. Only Da Luo can fight against Da Luo.

However, even if there are countless big Luos on the opposite side, dealing with one big Luo is still an endless battle. This is the most terrifying thing about big Luos.

No matter how strong you are, you will never be able to beat Da Luo, but Da Luo can beat you who is not Da Luo.

This is Mythical Great Luo, that is, Innate Sacredness! !

As for the supreme sage, that is not to be understood casually.

The supreme mythological saint opened up the heavens with a single thought and destroyed all worlds with a single thought. This is something that cannot be said in words.

And Mythical Daluo wants to obliterate anyone in the heavens and worlds, all he needs to say is that his hundreds of millions of past lives, future lives, that is, the past, present, and future will no longer exist!

Even this person's close friends, wife, parents, friends, etc., have no impression of this person, and they don't remember that this person ever existed!

This is the true sense of non-existence from the beginning of the great way to the end!
Although Chen Xuan has just entered the Dao Realm not long ago, he can erase everything in Zhou Ye's existence, except the memories of those who know him!
Erasing the memory is easy and easy, but it is very difficult to erase the memory of this person who the heavens and the world know!

The memory here can be regarded as Zhou Ye's own way. Everyone remembers Zhou Ye's own way, and it is very difficult to erase it. Therefore, Chen Xuan has not reached the innate holiness, and it is impossible to erase Zhou Ye's own way!

This kind of but being able to reach this point is already an existence they can look up to, so no one opened their mouths to answer Emperor Zunxuan's question.

Of course, although this battle is fast, Dijun and the others in the chaotic state are not without gains. This realization is an opportunity!
If you have accumulated enough, you need to find this opportunity and seize this opportunity. As long as you grasp this opportunity, the breakthrough will be a matter of one thought.


In an instant, Chen Xuan came back and sat on the throne transformed by Wan Dao, the Ten Great Dao Rules were transformed into handles, and the Three Thousand Ways were transformed into pedals!

Chen Xuan looked down at all the creatures in the star map world.

There are billions of stars in the star map world, and countless creatures look at this godless person on the throne, their hearts are surging, there is no fighting intention in their eyes, only piety and respect are left!

"This emperor came across the void, with no thought of war in his heart, but when the emperors of heaven and earth fought with this emperor, more than hundreds of millions of souls would die?"

Chen Xuan opened his mouth slightly, and the voice of the emperor spread throughout the world, with hundreds of millions of vassals.

Countless stars trembled because of the sound of the emperor, the ten rules of the Tao trembled because of the sound of the emperor, and the three thousand avenues trembled because of the sound of the emperor! !

It seemed that Diyin was angry, but Diyin was extremely calm, without anger? ?
"Today, the emperor has a word, if you enter Dahua, you can save the world of Xuanzhou, or not, although the world will be transformed into the original source, and you will make a choice."

Afterwards, Dahua Saint Emperor Xuanchen spoke here, telling the star map world that there are billions and countless living beings, the meaning is very simple, if you join Dahua, you can live, otherwise you will die! !
This is the last kindness of Dahua Saint Emperor Xuanchen, otherwise, according to some emperors, the whole world must be slaughtered, and countless souls must be slaughtered!

The benevolence of the emperor is not cowardice, nor is it great mercy, but for you to choose. If you join, you will be the emperor's people. If you don't join, it doesn't matter. Follow the world to become the source and become the nutrient of Xuanzhou world.


In an instant, Chen Xuan's Zijin Emperor glanced, and a ray of purple-gold light fell on the world of the star map, and hundreds of millions of creatures and generals who died in the war were resurrected one after another!

"What should we do??"

"How? Heh! Dahua Sage Emperor has already made it very clear that we can join Dahua, even if the whole family can join, what else can we fight? Can you beat Dahua??"

"That's right, where is it not survival? I just talked to the generals of Dahua, but I heard that the emperor of Dahua treats his people well. Hundreds of millions of ethnic groups are the people of the emperor, and they can live and work in peace and contentment, and even get them from time to time. Holy Emperor blesses!"

"Not bad, we'd better go back and tell the clansmen to join Dahua."

"Wait... Are you doing this to betray our star map? Betray the Emperor of the Universe??!"

"Betrayal? You see Emperor Zun, all of them are willing to join Dahua, and I will betray you soon?"

"Extremely extreme, why not join Dahua? Hurry up, hurry up, go back and gather the clansmen!"


(End of this chapter)

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