Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 292 When the time comes for the imperial concubine and maid...

Chapter 292 When the time comes for the imperial concubine and maid...

Void lotus!This is Chen Xuan's Daoist Daoist Void Cailian!

The next moment, the void lotus burst into a buzzing sound, and Wan Dao moved accordingly!

In an instant, hundreds of millions of Taos swept the entire star map world, and countless Taos took away those group creatures who surrendered to Chen Xuan in their hearts, and were involved in the emptiness of the lotus!

This void lotus is transformed by the rules of the heavens and worlds, so it can be attacked and defended, and it is even like another heaven, vast, boundless, and boundless!

Therefore, not to mention including the billions and billions of countless creatures in this star map world, it can even accommodate the creatures of the entire heavens and worlds!
"Whoosh whoosh...!!!"

Hundreds of millions of dao are the divine light, rolling up a group of people and heading towards the nothingness of the lotus. Therefore, from the star map world, it is hundreds of millions of meteors flying in the sky!
"Boys, don't resist, this is the supreme treasure of the Holy Emperor!!"

"We will follow the Holy Emperor to develop in his world, then we will be the people of the Holy Emperor and enjoy everything that the people of Xuanzhou Dahua have!"

"Soldiers, stay still and don't make trouble for me!"


The leaders of many forces spoke up one after another, even the Marshal of the Huanyu Emperor Dynasty.

And Emperor Zunxuan of Huanyu Emperor looked at this scene and sighed, "To be of the same age as these emperors... I don't know if it's luck or misfortune?"

"Hahahaha, Fang Xuan, you didn't get killed by the Sage Emperor, so just enjoy yourself, and still care about this?" Chen Wang laughed loudly.

It turned out that Emperor Xuan's surname was Fang, his first name was Xuan, and his courtesy name was Zhenshi. Apart from King Chen, not even Fang Xuan's daughter Xuan Xi knew about it. After all, King Chen and Fang Xuan were enemies in the old days.

Isn't there a saying that is very good?The one who knows oneself best is the enemy!
"That's right, although we are in the same era as the Holy Emperor, we can also see powers higher than the heavens, so... it's lucky." King Qin chuckled.

At the same time as this kind of emperor, I really don't know whether it is luck or unlucky. Fortunately, I was able to meet him and see the power higher than the heavens.

Unfortunately, everyone has to submit to him, otherwise they might be like Zhou Ye, the lord of the heavens, who would cease to exist from the beginning to the end.

"Everyone, the destination we are going to is the order of the Holy Emperor, so don't worry about it." The Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Engineering laughed at those colleagues who still had a bad face.

"Hmph, Bai Hairu is looking forward to joining Dahua!" The Minister of Rites rolled his eyes and said, "Are you just thinking about the weapons made by the Dahua Ministry of Industry? There are also those warships, which are comparable to the treasures of chaos, and they are not transformed by the original source." !"

"That's right, Bai Hai is old, he must be thinking about the technology created by the Dahua Ministry of Industry! I didn't expect this thing to be comparable to the treasure of Chaos!"

"Shoulder to shoulder? Can I hit you Mahler Gobi? I'm TM Heavenly Dao Realm was wiped out by that drop of water, what the hell!!"

"It's stupid, you don't say I'm not angry, you say this Laoshizi technology is gross, why can you kill us? Play a snake-skinned hammer!!"

"Ham, colleagues, you must know that there are ten thousand ways in the universe, and technology is one of them. It's nothing. Could it be that you don't allow other ways to reach this level?"


Civil and military officials are communicating, but their clansmen, relatives and friends are all included in their own small world, not because they are afraid of being wiped out, but because they are afraid that they will not be found when the time comes.

However, Bai Hai, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, is very interested in joining Dahua. When he saw the technological warship and the water droplets in the burst of divine light, he trembled so much that his saliva almost flowed out.

Why didn't he think of it?Our Ministry of Industry is not inferior to others!It also has its own avenue to walk! !
And Xuan Xi looked at the godless person in that position, why did she feel regret in her heart? ?
At the beginning, I didn't like it... It's not that I didn't like it, but I felt that as the twelfth level of the Heavenly Dao Realm, how could I be inferior to others?

But now?She smashed her face in the blink of an eye. You didn't want to make you a slave back then, but now you are not even worthy of a slave! !

"Xi'er doesn't need to be like this." Seeing this, Fang Xuan saw Xuan Xi's heart, laughed and said, "It's a great fortune to be able to join Dahua instead of dying, maybe you can break through the chaos in Dahua?"

"Father, I know about this, but..."

"Sometimes there must be something in fate, and there is no time in fate. Don't force it." Fang Xuan said with a mysterious smile: "This matter still needs to be decided by yourself. After joining Dahua, I will go to find the emperor's concubine and serve as the emperor's maidservant. When the time comes, I will say Might not be able to become..."

"Ah...??" Xuan Xi heard the words, her face was cute, and she hadn't reacted yet, but the next moment her face was flushed, and she said: "Father, what are you talking about!!"

"Hahahaha, there is a young girl in my family who has been protected by her father for so many years, it's time to get out." Fang Xuan laughed, and then stopped talking.

And Xuan Xi just looked at Chen Xuan's figure...


After that, the innumerable Daoguang successfully brought many forces and groups into the void under a few breaths. The void lotus.

"Return, Xuanzhou!"

After all the surrendered creatures entered the void lotus, Chen Xuan uttered three words, and then his figure disappeared...

"Holy Emperor Emperor Order, return! Xuanzhou!!" Dahua Immortal Emperor Zulong, Demon Emperor Di Jun, Creation Empress Nuwa, Ghost Emperor Cao Cao and other 33 emperors from all realms said in unison, and the voices were transmitted to the star map!

"We will obey the emperor's order!!" Bai Qi, Huo Qubing, Han Xin and other marshals all knelt down, and then led the Dahua soldiers back to the millions of warships.

As for those ethnic groups who did not submit to the Great Hua Sage Emperor?What do they do?Didn't you hear what the Holy Emperor said, don't surrender to the star chart and become the source together, and become the nourishment of the Xuanzhou world?
Afterwards, the emperors of the 33rd realms entered the Supreme Palace, left the star map world under the protection of millions of warships, and headed for the Xuanzhou world!

And those creatures who did not submit to Chen Xuan were elated. If so many creatures disappeared, there would be a lot of competitors missing. Shouldn't this world change its master?
As for what the Holy Emperor said about turning the star map world into its origin?You are not Zhou Ye, the lord of the heavens, can you do such a thing?Besides, turning into the original is also being eaten by nothingness, so it's none of your business?
But the next moment they regretted it.


A buzz erupted in the sky and the earth, and then the stars fell, the sky collapsed and the earth sank, countless heavenly waters poured in, countless nothingnesses entered, the chaotic aura of the whole world dissipated, everything died, and creatures floated and sank...

And they didn't even have a chance to speak, so they turned into the source of the star map world, and fell into the hands of Chen Xuan, who was on the emperor's seat transformed by Wan Dao in the Supreme Palace...

(End of this chapter)

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