Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 296 Capture the crossing ***, the earth's ancestor star suffered disaster

Chapter 296 Capture the crossing, the earth's ancestral star suffered a catastrophe

At this moment, a magnificent voice spread throughout the heavens and worlds! !
This majestic voice can be heard in any world where there are traversers, even in the world of Xuanzhou where the ancestral god of time and space has been annihilated by Chen Xuan, this voice can also be heard!

Among the heavens and worlds, one by one, the traversers who have already stood on the top of the world, all looked at the void, the slowly emerging God of Time and Space.

"In! In! In!"

No matter it was Fang Hunyuan Daluo, Xuanxuan Great Emperor, etc., they all answered respectfully at this time, because the Space-Time Ancestor God was the existence that gave them rebirth.

The heavens shook, and in a restricted area of ​​life, a lord of life in the restricted area stood up in shock, and looked at Dharma Xiang Chen Luo in the sky, and the powerful existence that bowed down in front of Dharma Xiang with respect and respect, and his heart was shocked.

"Where is this person so powerful? Even the Supreme Emperor is so respectful?"

The supreme emperor in his mouth is the traverser of the earth. After coming to this familiar but unfamiliar world, he rose all the way, and finally became a generation of emperor, suppressing for a lifetime.

Now, he has lived for nine lifetimes, becoming the only emperor who is still alive and known in this world.

At the same time, in a desolate land, in the chaotic void, powerful immortal Buddhas one after another, and even Hunyuan Daluo in the wilderness, all looked at the ancestor god of time and space in the chaos, and that Hunyuan Daluo in shock.

This Hunyuan Daluo can be described as a legend of a generation.

It is the first human race in the world, who rose in the war of ten thousand races, and then experienced the invasion of foreign barbarians, and watched the battle between Taoism and Buddha, and finally became Hunyuan Daluo, and even became the tenth in the wild world. Hunyuan Da Luo is the most powerful!
And it was him, at this moment, who was actually respectful to an incomparably mysterious existence.

Scenes like this happen in worlds one after another.

These traversers who have already stood on the top of the world are all respectful at this time, bowing their heads in front of a Dharma image.

This dharma image has a long history, and even the powerhouses in the top big world, at the level of the heavenly realm, are shocked when facing this dharma image of the ancestor god of time and space.

After all... this Time and Space Ancestor God's Dharma is condensed by the highest rules, and the highest rules are higher than the Dao. Think about it, how can these creatures who are still controlled by the Dao not be shocked? ?

"Earth...Earth???" Chen Xuan was stunned when he heard this sentence...Earth...

That's just a small dusty world, so the time traveler chooses our hometown?Now, when the real fellow sees the fellow with tears in his eyes, and the traveler sees the traveler, don't you want to grab the opportunity? ?

"Ah... what did you think of the time travel order? The earth is just a dusty world. Unless you encounter a higher world, or develop it by yourself, you can create a multiverse to be promoted, and you can eventually reach three thousand worlds, but... that's how we chose. Fellow countryman??" Chen Xuan was speechless, shit...he wants to choose us from Earth! !

We lack a lot of understanding of the supreme rule! !
"Ding—you can find the time-traveling order in this way. If the host goes forward to obliterate this generation of time and space ancestor gods, it will be very difficult to obtain the time-traveling order!"

"This generation?" Chen Xuan was stunned for a moment, but nodded after thinking about it, and said, "That's right, the ancestor god of time and space is the ancestor god of time and space only after obtaining the time-traveling order, and the time-traveling order is transformed by the supreme rule. That's a very apt word."

"Regarding the last sentence you said, it is difficult to obtain the time travel order. Of course I know that it is made by the supreme rule after all, but you have said so, then there is a way, I don't panic."


If the chat group is a real person, he must be torn apart!
Are you so upright to let Lao Tzu take action? ?Is there a mistake? ?

They are all supreme rules, and we can win them only if we cooperate, okay, and more!This is for you to beg Laozi, not Laozi to work hard for you haha! !
"Tell me, how much luck do you want?" Chen Xuan sat sideways and asked with his chin propped up.

"Ding—three hundred million trillion!!"

"Wang Defa??? You are faster than robbing a bank!!" Chen Xuan was so shocked that he sat up, three hundred million trillion? ?How many zeros does this have?Let's talk about the big guy? ?

Does my TM Dahua have [-] trillion trillion now?

"If all the creatures in Huanyu and even the star map world join Dahua, how much luck will I get?" Chen Xuan asked as he saw that the chat group did not reply.

"Ding—according to the chat group calculation, you can get [-] worth of luck!"

"That's fine!" Now it's over, not only did he not lose his fortune, but he also earned it!Well done! !
"By the way, I've always had a question." Chen Xuan asked suddenly: "You said you are the supreme rule, why do you still value us? Point the national luck?"

"Ding——Report to the host, the chat group needs to change form."

In one sentence, directly summarize the whole story, yes!very good!Very understandable!
The chat group is formed by the highest rules, but since the birth of the immeasurable worlds, he has traveled through the immeasurable worlds and even the heavens and worlds, and has seen too many ethnic groups and too many creatures.

He is also a living being, but he has never taken form!
He is transformed by the supreme rule, but has never transformed into humans, even beasts, demons, demons, ghosts, and monsters. He has lived for countless years, and Jill, who is envious of the transformation, has turned purple! (Oh yes, he's Mordjill)
Therefore, he found a way to integrate the supreme rules with the help of the endless and immeasurable power of the Great Dao of National Destiny. Although this would make him a living creature in the heavens and worlds, he did not regret it!
Integrate into the supreme rule with the National Fortune Avenue, and the supreme rule may no longer exist at that time, but he will transform into success and remember everything!
This!This is His story!

"Okay, let's take what we need!" Chen Xuan smiled and looked at the sky.


At this time, in the world of hundreds of millions of traversers in the heavens and worlds, the eyes of the ancestor god Dharma of that time slowly opened, and his eyes seemed to span the heavens and realms. Look at each other.

Looking at the bowed traversers, the voice of the ancestor of time and space sounded.

"Three years after the ancestor star of the earth, foreign lands will invade the ancestor star. Ten years later, the ancestor star of the earth will be officially destroyed, and the human race will be extinct!!"

Listening to the words of the ancestor god of time and space, every traveler was stunned. Some of them even forgot how long they had traveled.

But they clearly remember where they came from, and their souls are imprinted with the imprint of where they belong.

So now hearing that the ancestral planet of the earth is about to be destroyed in ten years, these human race traversers are angry!

"Oh? The ancestral planet of the earth is in disaster?? Then if the historical emperors are allowed to go... those alien races will definitely be exterminated, but will the descendants of Zhu Xia be so happy that they will stand on their ancestral graves and dance disco???"

(End of this chapter)

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