Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 298 Step on the land of nothingness, destroy the prestige of alien races, and solve the disa

Chapter 298 Step on the land of nothingness, destroy the prestige of alien races, and solve the disaster of descendants

In one chaotic world, in the primordial space, a figure dressed in purple looked at the Ancestor God of Time and Space in front of him, bowed and said.

"Supreme Hongmeng, Xianmeng, obey the order of the ancestor god of time and space!"

In the primordial chaotic world, countless races, hundreds of millions, and countless living beings looked in shock at the man in the purple robe standing above the sea of ​​stars in the sky.

He... is a strong man in the Chaos Heaven Realm, the only legend in Hongmeng! !
I saw a young voice sounding.

"Tang Yu of the Great Thousand World, obey the order of the ancestor god of time and space!"

In the heavens and the universe, countless voices sounded.

"I would like to follow the order of the ancestor god of time and space, and I am willing to fight for the ancestor star of the earth!"


Countless worlds, whether it is martial arts, small thousand, big thousand, three thousand worlds, three thousand big worlds, top big worlds, chaotic big worlds...

Among them, the strongest and most powerful ones listened to the call of the ancestor god of time and space, and these traversers were ordered one after another, and they were all willing to fight for the ancestor star of the earth!
"This battle is really big."

In the Xuanzhou world, Chen Xuan looked at the heavens and the world with a chuckle and said.

"However, it is impossible to go back so quickly. Even if it is the Heavenly Wonderland, it will take several years to go back."

Chen Xuanzhi penetrated into the heavens and watched countless traversers make the ancestor god of time and space laugh and said.

Not only that, Chen Xuan himself feels the heavens and worlds. In the world of billions and immeasurable dust particles, they are all condensed by a supreme rule. Not to mention the chaotic state, even the dao state cannot reach the earth so quickly. Zu Xing!

This may be the experience of the rise of the time-traveling order for this master. After all, if it is so fast, no novel dares to write like this!

After all, the time-traveling master of this time-traveling master, the ancestor of time and space, is a person from the ancestor of the earth in the world of dust, and his strength is very weak. It would be fine if he lived in a world of advanced technology.

But the ancestor planet of the earth is only a nuclear civilization, which is considered a first-level civilization, so it is not very strong, so it needs a time travel order to give its master a chance.

"Emperors from all realms come to meet this emperor!"


In an instant, Chen Xuanzhi's voice spread throughout the world of Xuanzhou!

All the emperors who watched the drama in the 33rd level of worlds were taken aback for a moment, and then they came to the first level of the worlds in an instant!
33 heavy worlds first heavy within the worlds.

The huge Xuandi Palace is suspended in the sky and the earth, thousands of gods and demons phantom worship, surrounded by endless Tao, Tao flowers add to the beautiful scenery, and the majestic purple air turns into stairs...

Countless dao flowers and dao patterns surround it, and the sky radiates immeasurable divine light, feeding the worlds and the world.

The earth gushes out endless heavenly springs of various realms, and billions, trillions, trillions, and trillions of Dao flowers appear in the heavenly springs!
And look at the billions of stars floating above the dome of the sky, the sun star is as dazzling as the ten suns in the chat group, and the same is true for the lunar star.

The purple myrtle star representing the emperor, the purple air in the sky overwhelms hundreds of millions of stars!

In the first level of all realms in the 33rd level, Chen Xuan used his own rights to open up a supreme palace suspended in the heaven and earth in the lowest level of the worlds!
The palace is huge and boundless, the stairs are transformed by ten thousand ways, and there are countless spiritual plants from all worlds, each spiritual plant is higher than the chaotic spiritual root, and the ten thousand ways it emits can erase a chaotic world!

And as the steps transformed by Wan Dao stepped on, a billions and billions of palace gates appeared in front of my eyes!
In front of the gate stood four huge dragon-patterned jade pillars, and the dragon-patterned jade pillars seemed to be surrounded by hundreds of millions of nine-clawed chaotic dragons guarding the gate of the palace!
Walking past the four jade pillars with dragon patterns, the huge palace gate is closed in front of you. The palace gate looks ordinary, but if you look closely, it seems that there are thousands of gods and demons roaring, shocking hundreds of millions of heavens! !
After stepping into the gate of the palace, countless purple qi are like dust, three thousand ways of joy, surrounded by thousands of Tao rhymes, and countless Tao flowers are flying in the hall.

This is the Holy Profound Palace!

And in the Holy Profound Palace, all the emperors of all the 33 layers of the world are sitting cross-legged on the top of countless fairy mountains.

Ying Zheng, Liu Bang, Liu Che, Cao Cao, Yang Guang, Li Shimin, Wu Zetian, Li Longji, Zhao Kuangyin, Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Di, Zhu Zhanji, Zhu Youjian.

There are also Dijun, Nuwa, Fuxi, Huanggu Xianyuan Great Emperor, Eternal Nine Tribulations Immortal Emperor Lu Ling, and Wutian Realm Hengwu Great Emperor Xiao Tianhai are all here.

"I don't know why the Holy Emperor called us? Could it be the so-called ancestor god of time and space just now??" Nuwa, the goddess of good fortune, looked at the other emperors and asked.

"It should be, I feel the rules of the supreme power on the so-called ancestor of time and space!" Dahua Demon Emperor Jun said in a deep voice.


At this moment, a buzzing sound resounded throughout the entire world of the Holy Profound Palace, the Three Thousand Ways vibrated, surrounded by countless Dao Dharma!

Afterwards, the endless dao rhyme surrounded the entire world of Shengxuan Palace in an instant, and purple and gold colored lotuses all over the sky appeared in the void, and a shocking light appeared in front of everyone at this moment! !

In that light, there seemed to be worshiped by thousands of demon gods, and there seemed to be divine permission...

"Praise the Supreme Great Hua Shengxuan!"

"Praise benevolence and mercy to the Emperor of Reincarnation of All Souls!!"

"Praise Taiyu Myriad Spirits Supreme, mighty capable of defeating Jue to Weixuan Tiandizun!!"


In the light, thousands of gods and demons salute and make a pilgrimage!

This scene made all the members of the imperial department, including the leader of Tongtian, stare dumbfounded...

Master Tongtian feels that at this moment, his own laws are roaring, as if he wants to worship this future person!
In particular, his own law seems to be so diligent because of this, if he is given another ten thousand years, he will definitely reach the third heaven of the Dao of Heaven! !

Then, in the astonished eyes of everyone, a figure landed in front of thousands of fairy mountains, the seat of the Supreme Saint Emperor.

When this person falls, thousands of avenues buzz, and countless laws tremble! !
Everyone looked around and saw that person surrounded by three thousand roads, guarding him like a guard, and thousands of Taoism respected this supreme power like the people!

Terrifying and weird, the four powers that make the members of the imperial department tremble are playing in their hands...

And the aura emanating from his body is majestic, supreme, and unique...

There is also compassion and love, just like the emperor loves his people.

"We see the holy emperor, the great glory is immortal, the holy emperor is immortal!!!" Afterwards, the emperors of the 33 worlds, including the goddess of good fortune, Nuwa, stood up and shouted at the stalwart man on the throne.

"You don't need to be too polite." Chen Xuan nodded.

"Today, there are two reasons for calling you here." Chen Xuan didn't wait for the emperors to open their mouths, and said: "First, this emperor wants to go across the border and erase the ancestor gods of time and space. It is the hometown of the emperor who has been invaded by alien races..."


The ones who responded the most were Brother Zheng, Di Xin and the other historical emperors, they looked at Chen Xuan in surprise and anger.

"Dare to ask the Holy Emperor, is the ancestor star the place where the descendants of future generations exist?" Dahua Immortal Emperor Zulong stood up and asked, the killing intent in his eyes could not be restrained.

"That's right, but it's the place where the descendants of Zhu Xia lived. Now foreign races are invading, so this emperor wants to call the Immortal Emperor and others to step on the land of nothingness, destroy the power of the foreign races, and relieve the disaster of descendants!"

 On New Year's Eve, reunion dreams, relatives at home enjoy the festival.

  On New Year's Eve, when the new year begins, the sound of firecrackers shakes the sky.

  The family should be round tonight, as if the moon will always be in the heart.

  Abandon the weapon in my hand, and fight Tianzhu with me.

  There are tens of millions of Zhu Xia, and the roar of firecrackers shakes the year of the beast.

  With a new body, expel Nian Beast's happy voice!

  I wish Qing and others, the Year of the Tiger is auspicious, the roar of a hundred tigers will shake the mountains and rivers like the sound of a hundred tigers in the coming year, and the sky will be shocked!
  Money is also like the king of beasts. You don't want to be safe for a long time, but you want to be full of clothes, and you will be happy when you see it!

(End of this chapter)

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