Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 307 It's really Daqin!Pass down the exercises

Chapter 307 It's really Daqin!Pass down the exercises
"Damn, the aliens are really here? Do you think we are easy to bully?? Fuck it!!"

"It's stupid, brothers, do you dare to go with me? Take a knife and chop it, you are warm, I really think Tianfu is not bloody now, do you? I let these bastards know that if they dare to invade my residence, they will be killed." Give Lao Tzu soul fee (go back)!"

"The hometown of Confucius and Mencius, the ancient sages are so tragic, my sons and daughters are for the motherland and the nation, I would rather lose this head!!"


Among the millions of warships, countless Dahua generals looked at the Zhuxia people appearing in the water mirror in front of them, roaring and roaring, making them, the old guys who have been fighting for no long time, laugh.

This is the real Zhuxia...

Especially those tortoises in Tianfu, one or two are really desperate with knives?No wonder Tianfu has had the most uprisings since ancient times.

"Hahahaha, let's go, let's go out and meet him, otherwise our descendants will start a war with us." Dahua Immortal Emperor Zulong Yingzheng laughed when he saw this.

Zhu Xia has been like this since ancient times. Now that we are living well, we are all willing to live our own little life, but whoever wants to let us have no such last little life, then even if it is to pay for our lives, we must chop off those bastards!
Especially in Tianfu, Tianfu people like ease the most, playing mahjong every day, drinking tea, and playing Halongmen array are very suitable, but if even this is taken away, then the comfortable Tianfu people will let you know, what? Call blood! !


In an instant, dozens of figures appeared in the sky and earth, and pieces of water mirrors appeared above cities in Zhuxia!
"What is this? Why are you wearing our ancient emperor's imperial robe? Black black bird...fuck..."

"Isn't the black black bird the exclusive imperial robe of Brother Qiangu Yidizheng? Why are you wearing it on that person now??"

"Emmmm... Brothers, do you think there is a possibility... This is our ancient emperors??"

"What the hell?? Ancient and modern combined??"

"Ah, let's take a look first, the ruler hasn't spoken yet."

"That's right, that's right, let's talk about it after the ruling party is sure. We have to listen to the country. The country tells us to fight. Let's fight. The country tells us to play, so let's play."


The people in Beiping, Jinling, Shanghai, Tianfu, etc. all looked at the water mirror in the sky and chattered.

But they didn't act rashly, they were waiting for the ruler to speak, as long as the ruler said to fight, then no matter what it was, just do it!

Damn, the world has changed a lot, I've been suffocated for a long time, if the country hadn't temporarily blocked the border to prevent people from entering or leaving, or we'd go directly to Wa Island, set fire to the murderer, and blow up Jinggui's shit toilet!
"The widow is Yingzheng, the first emperor of the great Qin ancestor dragon. Today, he came to the world to protect future generations!" At this time, Yingzheng, who was wearing a black black bird imperial robe, spoke in the air, and his voice spread throughout the ancestor planet of the earth!

"I am Liu Bang, the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty. Today, I come here with the first emperor to protect future generations!!" Afterwards, Liu Bang also spoke.

"I am a great man, Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Today, I came here with the first emperor to protect the future generations!!"

"I am the second emperor of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Guang. Today, I come here with the first emperor to protect future generations!!"

"I am the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Taizong Li Shimin, and now I come here with the First Emperor to protect future generations!!"

"I am the empress of Wuzhou, Wu Zhao, and now I come here with the first emperor to protect the future generations!!"

"I am the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Xuanzong Li Longji. Today, I come here with the first emperor to protect future generations!!"

"I am the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Hongwu Zhu Yuanzhang. Today, I come here with the first emperor to protect future generations!!"

"I am the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Yongle Zhu Di, and today, I come here with the first emperor to protect the descendants of future generations!!"

"I am the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Xuande Zhu Zhanji, and now I come here with the first emperor to protect the future generations!!"

"I am the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Chongzhen Zhu Youjian, and now I come here with the First Emperor to protect future generations!!"


At this moment, many emperors reported themselves one by one, and the voices of the ancestors of the earth shocked the ancestors of the earth.

And...is he really our ancient emperor of Zhuxia? ? ?


Then, hundreds of millions of troops appeared in millions of warships! !

"How can you say that you have no clothes, and you are in the same robe as your son!!"

"Wang Yuxing, repair my spear!"

"Same hatred with the son!!!"

"There is Great Qin in the west, rising like the sun!"

"A hundred years of national hatred, the vicissitudes of life are difficult to heal!"

"Jiu Jiu Lao Qin, we will go to the national crisis together, without bloodshed! Never stop fighting!!!"

"Wind! Wind! Strong wind!!!"

"Wind! Wind! Strong wind!!!"

"Wind! Wind! Strong wind!!!"

The Dahua Immortal Army roared loudly, shaking the sky, the stars, and the universe! !

Although they joined Dahua, they never forgot their vows. These... have been engraved into their bones and souls! !
Hearing these roars made the blood of all the Xia people boil with enthusiasm, as if... the blood was connected with those fairy soldiers at this moment! !
this moment!Although they don't know each other, they are very familiar!

"Damn it! This is definitely Daqin Ruishi! It's not my 360-degree spiral eating shit!!"

"Fuck! My scalp is numb and I have goosebumps all over my body. This is definitely a Daqin Ruishi!"

"No clothes!! I'm in the same robe as my son!!!"


Many Zhuxia people were extremely excited. At this moment, everyone who loves Zhuxia in their bones is excited, even some elementary school students are so excited!

"You don't need to be so wary of us, we are here only to protect our descendants!" Dahua Immortal Emperor Zulongshi Emperor Yingzheng smiled slightly, and then came to an old man in an instant, and the picture was also released.

"You... are you really the first emperor of the Great Qin Dynasty? The eternal emperor Yingzheng??" The old man trembled slightly, as if he was very excited.

"Of course, we heard that there will be a calamity in Zhuxia, and foreign lands will invade the ancestral planet of the earth in the near future, so we came here to keep our descendants safe." Ying Zheng smiled and said: "By the way, these are the stories of our ancestors before Xianqin. The exercises performed can be passed on to the descendants of the Xia, so that everyone of the descendants of the Xia will be like a dragon!!"


Then, Ying Zheng pointed at the old man's forehead, and countless exercises entered the old man's mind.

The old man held his head as if he was in great pain, and then Ying Zheng waved again to make him feel comfortable.

"This this……"

The old man came to his senses in shock and said, "Daqin...what the hell happened? How could this happen??"

"Hahahaha, regardless of this matter for the time being, all generations of us have exercises, which can be passed down to Zhu Xia!" Liu Bang laughed.

"Next, we will let the armies of all generations teach the descendants of Xia Xia, and hope that the emperor can issue an edict and announce it to the world."

(End of this chapter)

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