movie world adventurer

Chapter 112 Hero Lin Tian

Chapter 112 Hero Lin Tian
In "Captain America 1", Schmidt did not confront Rogers head-on. When meeting Rogers, Schmidt also left directly.Only at the end did he get into a fight with Rogers. "

Lin Tian recalled the situation in "American Team 1" in his head.It was a surprise to meet the famous Schmidt and Zola on the first day in this world.

Lin Tian's current strength is not enough to keep Schmidt and Zola.Lin Tian has self-knowledge, but it doesn't mean he won't make efforts.

With a bang, the sound of the plane's engine blowing fire came.

This is somewhat similar to the situation in "American Team 1".Schmidt has his own plane, and he is going to escape in his own plane.

Could it be that like Rogers, catch up with the plane and have a fight with Schmidt in the sky?Lin Tian felt a little silly.

Catch Zola!
This is an idea that naturally popped up in Lin Tian's head.

If Lin Tian doesn't catch him, it won't be long before Rogers will come.

Such a good opportunity to become famous, Lin Tian thought it would be bad if left to Rogers.

With a decision in mind, Lin Tian ran directly to Schmidt's garage instead of the hangar.

"Doctor, stop immediately, I can guarantee that you will not die today."

Lin Tian stood in front of the powerful car and spoke dissuasion to Zola.

Zola had already started the car.

The body of the car moved suddenly, and a ball of flames spewed out from the rear of the car.The whole car rushed towards Lin Tian like a cannonball.

"Looking for death!" Lin Tian was furious, and Zola wanted to hit him to death.

Without further ado, Lin Tian retreated crazily.In his hand, there is a gun designed by Zola himself.


The gun aimed at Zola's head, Lin Tian pulled the trigger without any hesitation...

"The task given by the system is to kill Schmidt, the leader of Hydera, and Dr. Zola. In order to complete the task, I will kill you sooner or later. I have no choice."

Dr. Zola in the car was hit and vaporized directly.He originally thought that Lin Tian would not shoot, he believed in his own worth.He was sure that even if the Allies captured him, they would only use him and not kill him.

However, Lin Tian was an accident.

"Huh, killing this Zola is not easy." Lin Tian's face was heavy, and after seeing Zola disappear, he quickly left the base and appeared on the surface.

The Hydera soldiers on the surface no longer besieged Lin Tian.Because, their leader, Schmidt, had already left the base by flying the plane.It is obvious to all.

"You have no need to resist, and there is no need to be loyal to Hydra. Schmidt abandoned you, completely disregarding your life and death." Lin Tian stood on the ruins with his head held high.

Jenny, who was preparing to meet Lin Tian in the distance, appeared on the periphery with a few allied soldiers holding weapons, pointing their guns at members of Hydera.

"Long live Hydera!" Suddenly someone shouted.

Lin Tian's expression changed suddenly.

"Long live Hydera!" echoed the others.

Hundreds of Hydra (Hydra) soldiers raised their guns and opened fire at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian reacted in time and escaped the fatal blow.

Jenny and the others on the periphery yelled and opened fire at the same time.

The scene fell into chaos again.

"Are you looking for death? Don't you have parents, wives, or children? Aren't they waiting for you to go home? Are you still stupidly loyal to Schmidt?"

Lin Tian roared, rolling and crawling to avoid the blue beam.

Such words made many Hydera soldiers stagnate a little, but they quickly continued to shoot towards Lin Tian.

Lin Tian realized a problem. It is extremely difficult to subdue Hydra people.They will say "Long live Hydera" back to you, and then go crazy to die.

"A group of brainwashed people, damn it!"

After avoiding the intensive shooting, Lin Tian rushed into the woods.

Once in the woods, with the ability of these ordinary soldiers, it is very difficult to hurt Lin Tian.

Lin Tian quickly joined Jenny and the others, and ran to the hiding place of Professor Snake...
A day later, an explosive piece of news appeared on the continental United States across the Atlantic Ocean.

New York Times news content: The world has a hero comparable to Rogers.

General Patton: "Which onion is this guy? Which laboratory did he come out of?"

Agent Carter: "Rogers, is this Lin your brother? Do you know him? Why didn't I even know about his appearance? The Department of Defense kept it from me?"

Rogers: "Hey, can I say I have absolutely no idea what's going on?"

President of the United States: "Who told me what's going on? Am I the last president in the world who knows who Lin is?"

Even the children on the street worshiped Lin Tianlai one after another.

"Lin, Lin the hero! I will be like Lin, and turn the **** over!"

Everyone's worship of Lin Tian stems from the joint confirmation of more than 100 allied soldiers: Lin single-handedly took down a secret base in Hydera, rescued more than 300 prisoners, and killed the evil scientist Zola.

The top leader of Hydera released a message, corroborating the existence of Lin: "Lin, an existence comparable to Rogers, from now on, you are the enemy of Hydra (Hydra)! I will avenge Dr. Zola !Avenge the dead soldiers! Long live the Hydra!"


In the ice and snow of Europe and Norway, Lin Tian and more than 300 allied soldiers gathered together and hid in the woods.

Everyone is waiting for the arrival of Captain America.

The aerial bombardment by the German army was fruitless.

The food and weapons looted from the Hydera base are enough to ensure that Lin Tian and others can persist for about five days.

In the process of fighting for food and weapons later, Lin's powerful strength convinced everyone present.In the minds of these more than 300 allied soldiers, Lin Tian is already the same existence as Rogers.

Lin Tian became everyone's team leader, and Bills and Ye Rong became Lin Tian's loyal friends and subordinates.

"Lin, everyone is looking forward to your return. Are you going back to America? Why do you say you are not American?" Ye Rong asked.

In the past few days, Lin Tian has revealed an explosive fact that he is not an American.

"I am from China, and I am a descendant of Yanhuang. You should know that in the east of the Pacific Ocean, there is a great nation that is fighting against the aggression of RB imperialism."

"Of course we know, but in our opinion, they are a group of weak people, and their resistance is insignificant. The pattern of the world war will not be changed by them." Biers said his long-standing views.

"No, you are wrong. The blood shed by the Chinese nation has soaked their land. The sacrifices they made are so epic."

"Oh? Really? Maybe we don't know enough, but you, a Chinese, are famous all over the world, our hero, Lin."

"I set myself a goal. I want the world to see how much blood and tears the Chinese nation has shed."

"What?" Biers and Ye Rong didn't quite understand.

ps: Add more rewards for the 123 starting point coins of Xiaoyao Xianjian 2000!
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(End of this chapter)

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