movie world adventurer

Chapter 114 S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Great Victory

Chapter 114 S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Great Victory

"You are welcome to join!" Lin Tian responded.

Professor Snake, Jenny, Ye Rong and Bills joined in first, which gave a good start to more than 300 Allied soldiers.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and then focused on Lin Tian.

After tens of seconds, someone asked Lin Tian: "Lin, do you get paid for hanging out with you?"

Lin Tian was stunned, but immediately replied: "Yes, high salary!"

"Lin, if we die in battle, will our family members get a high consolation money?"


"Lin, my wife, died under the police gun and was insulted before she died. Can you avenge me?"

"As I said, our S.H.I.E.L.D. is incompatible with **. Either you die, or I die!"


Hearing Lin Tian's assurance, some people suddenly shouted with joy.




Among the more than 300 soldiers, nearly 100 screamed.

The sound of shouts shook the entire forest, and the fiery atmosphere seemed to melt the surrounding ice and snow.Everyone's faces were flushed and their emotions were high.

Rogers, Captain America, has his own commando team.But he never thought of setting up any organization, what Lin Tian did today also surprised him.

Among the soldiers, more than 200 people were relatively silent.Lin Tian naturally understood that these people were looking forward to returning home day and night, and did not want to stay longer on the battlefield.

"Very good, Professor Snake, Jenny, please find a pen and paper, and record the information of these initial members. I will find a suitable base for S.H.I.E.L.D. as soon as possible." Lin Tian emphasized.

Lin Tian himself became the first director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

After briefly dealing with the S.H.I.E.L.D. affairs, a team of more than 300 Allied soldiers began to march towards the east of Norway.

First of all, Lin Tian and Rogers need to hand over more than 200 Allied soldiers to the Allied forces.

As for the more than 100 Allied soldiers who voluntarily joined S.H.I.E.L.D., the relevant procedures will be handled by the Allied Command.Lin Tian exchanged some suggestions about the Normandy landing in exchange for the peace of mind of the Allied Command.


In May 1944, there was more than a month before the Normandy landings.The S.H.I.E.L.D. commando team led by Lin Tian entered a small town on the coast of northwest France.

In this small town, more than 2000 German ground troops are stationed, and the military position is very important.

The one hundred and five members of the S.H.I.E.L.D. commando team entered this town not to attack German troops.Their goal is Hydera's underground base hidden in this small town!
"Ye Rong, Biers, you lead 50 people from Team A to attack from the skylight of the underground base. Jenny, you follow Ye Rong and Biers." Lin Tian issued an order.

"Understood." Ye Rong, Bills and Jenny nodded together.

With the help of Professor Snake, Ye Rong installed a special prosthesis.This prosthesis, on the contrary, allowed Ye Rong to gain stronger strength and better abilities.

"I lead Team B to attack from the gate of the underground base. Remember, surrender does not kill, and prisoners are treated preferentially."


After the order was given, Team A led by Ye Rong and Bills, and Team B led by Lin Tian immediately attacked the underground base 50 meters away.

The blue light interweaved in the cold air, the battle started, and Lin Tian only had less than half an hour.

The German army 1000 meters away may come to support Hydera at any time.

In the past month, the S.H.I.E.L.D. commandos led by Lin Tian have destroyed eight secret bases in Hydera.Many secret bases are unknown to the Allied and German forces.

The performance of S.H.I.E.L.D. inspired people all over the world.The New York Times, HSD Post, and newspapers around the world rushed to report on Lin Tian's deeds.

Lin Tian, ​​a hero from China, occupied the headlines of major newspapers.

Soon Lin Tian overshadowed Rogers' limelight.

The anti-aggression war of the Chinese nation on the eastern battlefield has begun to attract the attention of the world.

In 1944, the HSD Post commented and reported: On the other side of the Pacific Ocean, there is a great nation that resists the aggression of RB imperialism.Their contribution to world peace is as great and indelible as the contribution made by the hero Lin Tian.


The muzzles of more than a dozen S.H.I.E.L.D. commandos aimed at the gate of the underground base and fired at the same time.

The energy of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube bombarded the gate, and the gate shattered and collapsed.

In the face of the aggressive S.H.I.E.L.D. assault squad, especially the assault squad led by Lin Tian himself, Hydera's soldiers had no ability to resist, let alone the confidence to resist.

Team B led by Lin Tian broke into the underground base with lightning speed.

"Surrender without killing! Treat prisoners preferentially!"

While attacking, every member of the S.H.I.E.L.D. commando would shout such slogans.This is Lin Tian's purpose.In the past month, three Hydera engineers have surrendered to S.H.I.E.L.D.

However, very few Hydera soldiers or officers surrendered to Lin Tian.

One by one Hydera soldiers disappeared into the air.

In less than 10 minutes, Lin Tian broke into the hall of the underground base.

Hydera's base is much the same.

With Lin Tian's order, the weapons that could be moved, the experimental equipment and research materials that could be taken away were all quickly taken away by the commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D.

After the scraping was completed, Lin Tian detonated the bomb placed inside the base.

The base was quickly engulfed by raging fire...


On the other side of the Atlantic, the White House in the United States.

"What? Lin's S.H.I.E.L.D. once again destroyed a Hydra base?"

"Yes, Mr. President, the mainstream media all over the world received the notification from SHIELD's public relations department immediately. The major media are scrambling to report, and Lin is being praised again."

"So, Lin, this guy stole our Rogers' limelight again, and got a lot of Hydera's research results?"

"Well, I suppose so, Mr. President."

In the snow-capped and windy Alps, Schmidt roared.His red skull face looked particularly terrifying.

"Trash! Who can tell me who leaked the location of that base? Has there been a traitor inside Hydera? Why does Lin always know the location of my bases? Some bases cannot be known by the Allies!"

Schmidt's men, including several engineers, were all trembling and afraid to reply.If they are not careful, they may die under Schmidt's hands.

In northwestern France, the German army began to gather frantically, trying to contain the S.H.I.E.L.D. commandos who were about to retreat.

However, the roar of the fleet suddenly came from the sky.

The dense bombs fell, which caught the German army by surprise.

Lin Tian's assault team successfully withdrew from the battlefield and sneaked into a forest.

"Rogers, what's going on with you? Have you reached the vicinity of the base?"

S.H.I.E.L.D. has long opened up a secret hideout in the jungle in northwestern France.After entering the hiding place, Lin Tian began to contact Rogers.

Rogers responded by telegram: "Thank you for the information, I am close to this base. After this raid is completed, are you going to the United States?"

"Yes, I need to meet with the high-level Allied Forces, and I also need to show up in public."

 This is yesterday's second update posted 2 minutes later.
(End of this chapter)

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