movie world adventurer

Chapter 119 Stark

Chapter 119 Stark

Everyone's eyes focused on Lin Tian.

Monroe was scrutinized by more than 50 wealthy people, and she was extremely nervous, she held Lin Tian's arm even harder.

Lin Tian stretched out his right hand and put his palm on Monroe's right hand on his arm, as an encouragement to her.

"Hi everyone, I'm Lin Tian. I'm very glad that everyone can attend this reception. The reception will officially begin in a while. Before that, please give me some space and don't stare at me. I am not a monkey in a zoo. Right?" Lin Tian joked.

There was laughter in the hall.

"Lin, you are more chic than you imagined." A noble lady toasted Lin Tian.

Lin Tian picked up a glass of red wine and responded to the lady.

Out of politeness, everyone suppressed their curiosity and stopped staring at Lin Tian.

Monroe's identity and her relationship with Lin Tian are of more concern to everyone.It's just that people don't ask too many questions about such things, they just smile knowingly.

On the contrary, Lin Tian was a little ashamed, as if he was an old cow eating young grass. The key point is that Monroe is not an adult, she is obviously a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old.

"Ma'am, can you take care of Monroe for me? I'll go and talk to Mr. Stark."

Lin Tian smiled politely at the other lady beside him.This lady seems to be the wife of Cecil, a Hollywood movie tycoon. Lin Tian noticed that she and Cecil are very close, and they were holding arms before.

"Oh, of course, I am very happy." The lady smiled happily.

Lin Tian smiled and handed Monroe's arm to the lady.Monroe became more nervous and looked at Lin Tian.Lin Tian comforted him a bit, then walked towards Stark in the corner.

Stark, President of the United States, is talking with Stark.

Coming to the president and Stark, Lin Tian naturally diverted their attention.At Lin Tian's request, Stark and Lin Tian entered a small meeting room alone...


"Lin, I know you, you are great. You are a superhero in our American hearts, just like Rogers." Stark held his glass and smiled.

Lin Tian closed the soundproof door of the small meeting room. He looked around the ceiling and surrounding walls of the meeting room, and carefully checked the table, chairs and vases on the table.

Lin Tian was worried that there were monitors and the like in this small conference room.He didn't want his conversation with Stark to be eavesdropped.

Seeing Lin Tian who didn't say a word, just looking around, Stark was a little stunned.

"What are you looking for?" Stark couldn't help asking.

"Monitor." Lin Tian responded calmly.

"Hehe, Lin, you are really too careful. This is the most rigorous and safest five-star hotel in HSD. It is impossible for Hydera and the people from ** to monitor this place." Stark shook his head.

Lin Tian paused: "No, I'm not worried about Hydera and **, I'm worried about Mr. President of the United States. What I'm going to talk to you next, only you know and I know, you can't tell Mr. President. I use S.H.I.E.L.D. As the director, I very seriously remind you that you must not tell anyone about our conversation, including Mr. President."

"You... what are you going to talk about?"

Stark was a little surprised, but he was very calm.

When the president invited Stark to attend this reception, the president emphasized that Lin Tian hoped that Stark must attend.

Stark was puzzled by Lin Tian's special request.

Now it seems that Lin Tian has a special purpose.

The atmosphere in the meeting room became quiet.

Stark stared at Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian just sat down after careful inspection.

"Sit down, Mr. Stark."

Stark sat down quietly, waiting for Lin Tian's explanation.

"Let's not talk about the reception, Mr. Stark, have you heard of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube?"

"Of course I've heard of it." Stark's eyes narrowed slightly.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is currently controlled by Schmidt. Many of Hydera's high-tech weapons are terrifying because they are powered by the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

"I have a proposal. After I get the Rubik's Cube, Stark Industries and S.H.I.E.L.D. jointly develop and utilize the energy of the Rubik's Cube. What do you think, sir?"

Lin Tian's proposal made Stark no longer so calm.The reason is not only because Stark is eager to get the Rubik's Cube, but more importantly, Lin Tian actually has the idea of ​​occupying the Rubik's Cube.

Obviously, Lin Tian does not intend to share the Rubik's Cube with the President of the United States.The deep meaning of this is worthy of Stark's deep thinking.

"Lin, I have four questions." Stark was very calm.

"Please say."

"First, Rogers will represent the United States and go with you to eliminate Schmidt. How do you ensure that you can get the Rubik's Cube?"

"I know Rogers, but Rogers doesn't know me. I know Schmidt and Hydera. If S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to get the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube can only belong to S.H.I.E.L.D.," Lin Tian explained.

Stark was silent for a long time.

"Second, after you get the Rubik's Cube, how do you keep it?"

"SHIELD is a just organization. We do not endanger the world, we maintain world peace and security. We do not have friction with the President of the United States, not because we are not strong enough. On the contrary, in a few years, SHIELD will be the most The most powerful organization, stronger than any country."

Lin Tian said this calmly, but it implied domineering and strong self-confidence.

Stark thought silently again.

"Third, why did you choose Stark Industries?"

"Because I need Stark Industries to complete a project for SHIELD."

"What project?"

"Iron Man project. I think, with the efforts of Mr. and Mr.'s descendants, Stark Industries can develop a powerful robot, and more importantly, you can create a powerful steel armor, so that an ordinary person can use steel Xia claims to be able to maintain world peace."

The idea of ​​developing and manufacturing steel armor has already sprouted in Stark's heart.Stark was shocked by Lin Tian's gaze, Lin Tian was able to find him directly.He also never mentioned his thoughts to anyone.

"Fourth, what are the conditions for cooperating with Hero Lin?"

Stark is very self-aware. Now Lin Tian, ​​today's S.H.I.E.L.D., seems to be getting stronger and stronger. Lin Tian chooses Stark Industries, and Stark Industries must make some sacrifices.

Lin Tian smiled with satisfaction.

"There are three conditions. First, as the helm of Stark Industries, you and your successors must join S.H.I.E.L.D.; second, Stark and S.H.I.E.L.D. jointly set up a steel laboratory to develop projects; the other Three, you have to convince a few of your friends to each buy more than $[-] million in bonds at the next reception."

After the three conditions were stated, Stark put down his wine glass and carefully weighed them.

"Okay." After 1 minute, Stark made a decision.

(End of this chapter)

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