Chapter 129 Bet
"Shocking?" Rogers suddenly didn't quite understand Lin Tian's speculation.

Lin Tian's face was gloomy. He thought for a while in silence, analyzed carefully, and then explained to Rogers.

"Rogers, I know that you once broke into Hydera's base and rescued one of your friends. At that time, did you see Hydera's strategic map?"

"Yes, yes. I saw a map in Hydera's base. The map shows that Schmidt wants to bomb London, New York, HSD and other major cities. This is a key step for them to rule the world. ’ Rogers responded.

Lin Tian remembers that in the plot of "Captain America 1", Rogers' good brother became a prisoner of Hydera.

In order to rescue his brother, Rogers gave up his daily singing performance and selling war bonds, broke into Hydera's base alone, and rescued many people, including his brother.

It was also that "extraordinary" action that made Rogers famous and became the well-known Captain America.

"Then tell me, will Hydera follow its tactics and let the Normandy landings become a trap that attracts and consumes the Allied and German forces? Is Hydera at this time preparing for their bombing work?"

"Currently, the air defense fleet in the direction of London is almost completely devoted to the Normandy landing operations. Part of the US forces are also devoted to this crucial battle."

"If Schmidt drives his fighter planes to attack London, New York, HSD and other cities at this time, it will be unknown. There will not even be a few fighter planes taking off in the direction of London."

Lin Tian's analysis made Rogers stunned for a moment, and then shuddered.

Rogers thought along Lin Tian's line of thought: "At this point in the landing campaign, Hydera still hasn't appeared. If Hydera really reached a consensus front with the Japanese German army, they will definitely appear on the battlefield."

"But now, Schmidt just didn't show up. Lin, so the situation you analyzed is possible. I must contact the Allied Command as soon as possible!"

Having said that, Rogers finally understood what Lin Tian meant by slamming east and west.

Schmidt may have fooled Japan and Germany.

Although Hydera verbally claimed that it would establish a base in Normandy to help Japan and Germany jointly defend the possible landing operations of the Allied forces, but so far, the Allied forces (including Rogers and Lin Tian) have not seen the shadow of the Hydera base.

Schmidt brought about the landings (earlier) to bomb the world at a time when the Allies and the Germans were at their wit's end. …



Rogers and Lin Tian, ​​who were waiting in this open space in advance, quickly entered the transport plane.

The transport plane rubbed against the treetops and took off with difficulty, almost fell headlong into the woods, and was almost surrounded by German soldiers and shot down by artillery.

The German plane intercepted urgently, and the Allied forces took Rogers and Lin Tian out of the battlefield at the cost of losing 10 fighter planes and flew to London, England.

Rogers and Lin Tian stayed in London, England for less than half an hour. The United States prepared Lin Tian with body armor, a heavy submachine gun powered by the energy of the Rubik's Cube, and a sound-absorbing steel shield.

When Eisenhower took out the sound-absorbing steel shield, Rogers was stunned, and Lin Tian's heart jumped.

"Isn't there only one piece of sound-absorbing steel? Isn't it unique on the earth? Rogers has it, why can you still take out one?" This is Lin Tian's question, and it is also Rogers' question.

"This question, after you and Rogers return victoriously, you can ask those people in the United States." Eisenhower also had the same question, and everyone felt fooled.

Lin Tian slandered endlessly. His feelings started from "Captain America 1". The so-called "the only piece of sound-absorbing steel on earth" is not the only one.

Earlier, Rogers reported Lin Tian's guess to the Allied Command.

Allied Command was also taken aback.Originally, Rogers and the Allied Command planned to launch a general attack on Schmidt's headquarters in the Alps after the Normandy landing.

At present, it seems that for the sake of insurance, the Allied forces cannot wait any longer.

The purpose of the Allied Forces to take Lin Tian and Rogers out of the battlefield at any cost is to let Rogers and Lin Tian join forces to immediately attack Hydera's headquarters in the Alps and immediately destroy Schmidt's attempt to bomb the world.

"Rogers, how about we make a bet?" Lin Tian was relatively relaxed. With the sound-absorbing steel shield, he was confident.

Compared with the bare-handed Rogers, Lin Tian prefers his domineering appearance: wearing body armor (alloy soft armor), holding a sound-absorbing steel shield in his left hand, and holding a heavy cannon weighing more than 50 kilograms in his right hand (based on the energy function of the Rubik's Cube) , emitting blue rays).

"What bet?" Rogers asked casually, not taking it seriously.

"If I can kill Schmidt this time, and I can save your life, you will join S.H.I.E.L.D."

Lin Tian's words made Rogers slightly taken aback, and then smiled.

Rogers is humble and upright, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have confidence and pride.

In Rogers' view, Lin Tian is no better than him.

What Lin Tian said made Rogers feel dissatisfied.

"Lin, will you save my life?"

"Yes, I will save your life, and I will kill Schmidt with my own hands. This is my mission. I don't want Agent Carter to wait for you in silence for the rest of my life and die alone. Do you bet or not? ?”

"Hehe, you are so interesting. Bet, why not bet? Do you think I will lose to you?"

"We'll wait and see." Lin Tian chuckled.

Rogers and Lin Tian left the Allied Command and went to a military airport.

The airport hangs high winds.

A few minutes later, the plane carrying Lin Tian and Rogers buzzed off and flew towards the Alps.


Continental Europe, inside the German Führer's command post, the head of state hunched his back and angrily scolded the senior officials in the narrow conference room.

Everyone bowed their heads to bear the scolding of the head of state, and the right hand of the head of state was always shaking.After scolding, he asked a general: "What's the matter with Schmidt? What about the common defense he said, why didn't I see it?"

"Reporting to the Führer, Schmidt claimed that things are busy and he can't get away at the moment."

"Nonsense! Is he planning to bomb London?!" the head of state cursed, out of breath.His right hand shook even more violently.


In the Alps, in a huge underground base, Schmidt stood in front of the uniform Hydera soldiers, impassioned.

(End of this chapter)

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