movie world adventurer

Chapter 133 Escape

Chapter 133 Escape
Lin Tian, ​​Rogers and others took a glance and found that the crew members on the plane were pushing the bomb at the cabin door.

When the plane disappeared from the eyes of Lin Tian and others and appeared above the base, several bombs fell in the air and hit the snow mountain where the base was located.


Explosions continued, and the sound shook the sky.

A section of the snow mountain was blasted off, and white rocks and soil began to roll down.

The mountain was shaking.

The Allied soldiers at the foot of the mountain looked stunned, not knowing why.However, they knew how to dodge quickly and escape from this snow mountain.

In the mountain, inside the hangar, Lin Tian felt the vibration of the mountain, and saw a hole blown out above his head, he was completely stunned.

Two seconds later, Lin Tian suddenly realized something, and yelled: "Crap, you fucking America and Britain want to blow up me and sacrifice me?!"

After swearing, Lin Tian felt that he was being played, like a big fool, still desperately defending the cities of the United States and Britain.

Rogers was completely stunned, he couldn't understand what was going on.

After hearing Lin Tian's scolding, Wolverine quickly guessed what the Allied Command was thinking.He immediately gave up the block on Schmidt.

Everyone knows that after a few seconds of delay, the bombs falling in the sky can detonate the super bombs among the five planes.

When the super bomb exploded, if Lin Tian and others were still in this mountain, they would be buried in the Alps...

"Rogers, what are you going to do? I don't care, let's run first!" Lin Tian roared, and like Wolverine, he gave up blocking Schmidt.

Rogers reacted, thinking of Carter, he also has the instinct to survive.

All of a sudden, Schmidt, Lin Tian, ​​Wolverine, and Rogers rushed towards the outermost fighter.

The outermost fighter plane is Schmidt's car.

Lin Tian, ​​Wolverine, Rogers, and Schmidt all understood that time was running out, and it was impossible for all five Hydra fighters to rush out.

This also means that there must be a super bomb explosion.It also means that the Alps may be razed to the ground.

Relying on human speed, it is impossible to escape the Alps in a short time.

Only by taking Schmidt's fighter plane, fleeing to the air, and flying out of this area quickly, is it possible to survive.

All Hydera's soldiers fell into a short period of sluggishness.Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wolverine Logan used his speed to the extreme and has already broken into Schmidt's fighter plane.

Logan yelled at Rogers: "Rodgers, come on!"

Schmidt rushed into the fighter plane and turned the thrust of the engine to the maximum.Wolverine didn't stop.

The fighter, like a black ray, rushed directly into the mid-air beyond the exit.

Lin Tian threw the sound-absorbing steel to Wolverine, and he grabbed the fighter plane's landing gear.

The moment the fighter plane rushed into the air, Rogers jumped up, Lin Tian made his best efforts, and grabbed Rogers' palm...

"Fuck, Rogers, you're so heavy!"

In the air, Lin Tian bared his teeth.The speed of the fighter plane is extremely fast, and Lin Tian wonders if it is close to the speed of sound.

At such a fast speed, Lin Tian's right hand can firmly grasp the landing gear, and there is a Rogers hanging on his left hand. It has to be said that the desire to survive is terrifying.

The speed of the plane was so fast that Rogers could hardly keep his eyes open.The strong tension also made him unable to make any movements. He was afraid that if he exerted force suddenly, he would pull Lin Tian down together.


Obliquely below, a violent explosion occurred on a snow mountain.

The explosion was like a nuclear bomb, crushing all the snow mountains within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles.

The other four ghost fighters failed to rush out of the base.One of the super bombs was detonated directly.

Lin Tianyao glanced at it, unable to estimate how powerful the explosion was.At least, the entire boundless Alps should be gone.

The entire Eurasian continent was shaken, and the continent may have shifted.

In the sea, there was a huge wave.

The landing gear of the Schmidt fighter plane was slowly retracted. Before Schmidt had no time to take care of them, Wolverine quickly grabbed Lin Tian and pulled Lin Tian and Rogers into the fighter plane.

The energy fluctuations in the air caused the fighter plane to drift and shake for a while, and the fluctuation pushed the fighter plane beyond the speed of sound, advancing a lot in an instant.

Lin Tian panted heavily in the cabin, grabbed the shield on the side, and smiled straight at Rogers.

"Hey, Rogers, I saved your life, you lost the bet!"

Rogers was stunned and came back to his senses a little.His complexion was a little pale and decadent, obviously the Allied bombing of them touched him.

Rogers, Lin Tian, ​​and Wolverine escaped, and the thousand Allied soldiers who accompanied them were reduced to ashes forever.

"How did I lose?" The absent-minded Rogers asked casually, even he didn't know what he asked.

"Damn, do you want to admit it? If I hadn't pulled out my arm by half a centimeter abruptly and grabbed you just now, you would have been turned into ashes, you know? No matter how strong your resilience is, it's useless!"

Lin Tian stared wide-eyed and shouted a few words.His irritability has not yet been vented.The changes just now were too great, and it was difficult to digest for a while.

"Oh, yes, you saved my life, thank you, Lin." Rogers continued to be absent-minded.

Lin Tian was speechless, wishing he could slap him across the face: "Just admit it, you'll be a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. from now on! Your president's heart is too dark, Nima, don't do anything with him in the future, follow me. "

"Oh." Rogers continued to "oh".

Lin Tian rolled his eyes.He stood up, and Schmidt was still a huge threat in the cockpit of the plane.

Although Lin Tian felt aggrieved just now, after calming down, he also couldn't accept Schmidt's bombing of the world, even if the bombing was Europe and the United States.

Thinking of the beautiful and kind Monroe, Lin Tian felt a little better.There are also many kind people in the United States and the United Kingdom.They shouldn't be bombed.

"Get up, work! Let's kill Schmidt first!" Lin Tian yelled.

Rogers and Wolverine stood up slowly, and the three came to Schmidt's cockpit.

Less than 2 minutes have passed since the base was bombed by the Allied forces.

Schmidt, in the cockpit, stabilized the plane, which was heading to London.

Schmidt wanted to blow up the Allied Supreme Command and let the Allies bear his wrath first.

When seeing Lin Tian, ​​Rogers and Logan, Schmidt's red skull face collapsed, and he also hated Lin Tian and the three of them.

"Schmidt, when things have come to this point, you still want to bomb the world?" Lin Tian's smile was almost sad, he was angry and couldn't bear it.

"Lin, you bastard! I tell you, I will not only blow up London, but I will also blow up Normandy. I will let the 300 million people who landed and fight with the Allied forces be buried with me for my loss!"

(End of this chapter)

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