Chapter 136
Yeshan-kun, Okada-kun, every RB soldier in the bar roared excitedly.

Killing people seems to be a very exciting thing for these soldiers, especially the massacre of Chinese people.

Lin Tian's face was ashen.

Under everyone's encouragement, Kimura's emotions were mobilized, he was extremely excited, howled, raised the shining bushido, and slashed at Lin Tian.

"court death!"

Lin Tian laughed angrily.Instead of retreating, he stepped forward and came to Mu Cun.

The distance between the two was instantly shortened to less than five centimeters.

With Lin Tian's left hand, he grasped both of Mu Cun's wrists.The huge force in the palm, like steel pliers, made Kimura feel a severe pain of shattering his wrist.


Kimura, whose eyes were red because of the pain, yelled, and he kicked Lin Tian's legs.

However, Lin Tian's speed is far faster than that of Mu Cun!

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Tian's left leg was slightly bent, and then he jumped up, and his body was ejected forward; his right leg was lifted up, and his knee was nailed to Kimura's abdomen.

Kimura's body bent into an arc, and with a bang, it hit the wall behind him!
A painful muffled hum came into his ears at the same time.

Kimura's face turned pale, and then turned blue, like a dead face.

At the door of the bar, the girl who was held in Kimura's arms just now screamed.

The girl backed away again and again, trying to leave the bar.Accidentally, she tripped over the threshold with her heel and fell to the ground...

"Hero Lin, I beg you to let Kimura-kun go. Kimura-kun is the hero of the country. He performed well on the battlefield and is a key protection object of the country. If you kill him, you will cause a lot of trouble." The girl on the ground begging.

The girl trembled and wanted to get up.

Lin Tian looked at the girl, but the anger in his heart became more intense.

"Is he your hero? He has outstanding military exploits? He should be killed even more! Your military exploits are all piled up with the corpses of countless innocent Chinese children! Get out!"

After saying such a sentence, Lin Tian stopped showing mercy.

The samurai sword in Kimura's hand was unloaded by Lin Tian, ​​and it was thrown on the ground with a bang.

Lin Tian turned his body in the opposite direction, and hit Kimura's neck with a kick...

Kimura's body flew out and landed on a wooden table.

The wine bottles, wine glasses, melon seeds and other things on the table fell to the ground.

The woman on the table screamed, hugged her head and scattered to the side. Several soldiers scrambled and scrambled to avoid Kimura's body without being hit.

Due to the heavy strength of Lin Tian's kick, Kimura's body began to twitch. His neck was not broken, but he suffered a huge trauma...

"Ah—China Pig, go to hell!"

Suddenly, a sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked RB soldier grabbed the samurai sword on the ground, howled and stabbed Lin Tian.

Lin Tian's face turned cold.

How can the speed of RB soldiers be compared with Lin Tian?

At the same time when he sensed that a samurai sword was being stabbed, Lin Tian's body shifted slightly. His right hand grabbed the soldier's wrist and forcefully forced the blade to turn around and stab directly into the soldier's stomach...

The sound of flesh and blood tearing apart completely plunged the bar into dead silence.

Three seconds later, a group of women came to their senses and rushed out of the bar crying, "Dead! Dead!"

"It's really dead... The Chinese killed His Majesty's soldiers... Damn the Chinese pig, how can you kill him?! How do you want me to open a shop in the future?"

The white-faced and red-lipped woman who had pulled Lin Tian into the shop before rushed forward, biting, twisting, and pinching Lin Tian's arm like crazy.

Lin Tian felt disgusted in his heart, and slapped the woman away.

The soldiers in the shop came to their senses and surrounded Lin Tian one after another.

Several soldiers ran out, seemingly looking for the army.

Lin Tian sneered: "Are you trying to besiege me?"

Ye Shan responded: "China pig, you have two tricks! However, in our country, there are countless heroic fighters who are protected by His Majesty the Emperor. You cruel person, dare to kill Kimura-kun and our comrades in arms. You will do it for you Crimes will pay the price!"

"Am I cruel? Is my behavior evil? Haha..." Lin Tian smiled bitterly.

The soldier who attacked Lin Tian just now was completely dead, and the samurai sword was still stuck in his body.

After Kimura-kun twitched on the ground for a while, there was no other movement.It can be seen from his dead face that Lin Tian's leg should have broken the central nervous system in his neck.He doesn't have more than a few seconds to live.

"Dirty, disgusting, stupid and brutal China pig, we will bring you to justice and let you stand trial!" Okada-kun gritted his teeth and added that he had already sobered up.

Just when Mr. Okada was about to continue yelling, Lin Tian had already punched him in the chest, and his chest collapsed from the beating, and he fell to the ground.

Lin Tian looked around, there were only a dozen soldiers left in the bar.Others have fled here.

Pedestrians on Yinghua Avenue fell into commotion, and the door of the shop was surrounded.

The three soldiers put their hands on the pistols, trying to sneak attack Lin Tian.

Lin Tian was extremely fast, tore off the shield behind him, and threw the shield directly. The huge strength and the specially modified shield with extremely sharp edges cut off one arm of one of the soldiers, and then he kicked at a faster speed. He kicked the heads of the other two short soldiers at a very high speed, and kicked them directly outside the shop, foaming at the mouth and dying in a short while.

The screams filled the entire bar, and this scene scared the rest of the soldiers from attacking Lin Tian again

Pedestrians outside the shop cursed, pointing at Lin Tian's back and yelling "Zina pig".

"China pig, cruel China pig! He actually chopped off the arm of a soldier! He should be hacked into pieces!"

"Yes, cut to pieces!"

"The RB soldiers are the greatest soldiers in the world. Without our soldiers, who will rescue the Chinese people? Who will give the Chinese people a happy life? The Chinese people treat our soldiers like this, the Chinese people really have no conscience!"

"The Chinese people are the most filthy, ignorant and cruel people in the whole world! They are not worthy of being human!"

"His Majesty the Emperor will destroy the Chinese pigs for us!"

"Kill all the China pigs!"


There was a lot of noise outside the shop.

In the midst of these abuses, Lin Tian's anger was even more difficult to calm down.

"Whoever dares to say another word will be their fate!"

Hearing Lin Tian's words, those passers-by immediately didn't dare to insult Lin Tian anymore, and Lin Tian took a bench over.He took a deep breath and sat down slowly.He held the sound-absorbing steel shield in his hand.

On the Cherry Blossom Avenue, a column of soldiers rushed quickly and surrounded the shop.

Under the escort of a dozen soldiers, two non-commissioned officers broke into the shop and appeared in front of Lin Tian.

The muzzle of the black hole was aimed at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian and the two non-commissioned officers looked at each other, and he wanted to see how these RB soldiers would deal with him.

"People from China, you killed these RB soldiers and disabled one RB soldier. You have committed a heinous crime. Come with us now." A non-commissioned officer looked at Lin Tian silently, with disgust and disdain in his eyes .

"The few people I killed, on the land of China, killed dozens or hundreds of Chinese people, and insulted how many Chinese women and even Chinese girls. Isn't the crime they committed a heinous crime? "Lin Tian asked back in this way. Lin Tian was not afraid of their guns at all, but he had killed all the soldiers here long ago not to better implement the next plan. How could he only kill these few people? His purpose was just to lure Come to the emperor.

ps: The third update today is going to be on the shelves tomorrow. There is still no recommendation. This is a comforting release, right?But I'll keep going
I hope everyone can subscribe more tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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