movie world adventurer

Chapter 138 Finding Someone

Chapter 138 Finding Someone
Want to trouble Su Yu again?
Seeing these words on the text message, Lin Tian's eyelids twitched, and the anger in his heart surged up.I have just returned to the real world, okay?Can't you let yourself calm down for a while?The main thing that makes Lin Tian angry is that Song Ji dared to come to find trouble. It seems that this kind of scum is hopeless.

The call was from the third child, Su Zhengye.

"Dead rabbit, what's going on? Just as my front foot left, something happened to my back foot?" Lin Tian answered the phone.

In the world of "Captain America 1", Lin Tian stayed for more than two months, so in fact, more than two hours have passed in the real world.It's still late at night.

"Brother, you finally answered the phone!" Su Zhengye growled on the phone, "An hour ago, Su Yu called me to ask for you, but your phone couldn't get through! She said that Song Ji led someone to find her place , to clean her up!"

"Just a few days after being taught a lesson, you want to take revenge on someone? You want to die!" Lin Tian was furious. It seems that Su Yu's distress this time is because he dealt with Song Ji last time. Song Ji probably thought it was Su Yu. Those who participated, partly because of his own reasons, he had to help her.

Without further ado, Lin Tian who hung up the phone immediately made an appointment with Su Zhengye.Now that he has graduated, Su Zhengye also drives a sports car. Su Zhengye's sports car is fast enough. Only the speed of his sports car can relieve Lin Tian's current anxious mood.

A red Ferrari 458 was speeding fast on the main road of City H, seriously speeding.

Su Zhengye in the passenger seat fastened his seat belt, curled up in the parking space and howled wildly.

"Brother Tian! Do you want to work so hard?"

"Is that girl Su Yu your wife? Damn, slow down!"

"Isn't this a racing car?"

"Why did you go early? Shit, slow down, turn ahead, shit!"

The wheels of the Ferrari wear long marks on the tarmac.

When Lin Tianbiao was driving, he always turned at full speed.

It was night now, and although there were not many vehicles on the main road of City H, the Ferrari, which looked like a red phantom, still scared many vehicles out of control and crashed into utility poles.

Many drivers rushed out of the car, chasing Su Zhengye's Ferrari and yelling...


Su language rental house, in the northern suburbs of City H, the accommodation conditions do not seem to be very ideal.

When Lin Tian and Su Zhengye rushed to Su Yu's rental building, many onlookers were wearing pajamas and slippers, discussing about Song Ji and Song Laowu.

On the phone before, Su Yu had already told Su Zhengye the floor and room number where she lived.

"3rd floor 3-1!"

Su Zhengye hadn't recovered from the shock of the racing car, he said to Lin Tian with a pale face.

Lin Tian patted Su Zhengye on the shoulder and left him downstairs.

Taking three steps and making two steps, Lin Tian quickly rushed to 3-3 on the third floor of the rental building.

However, when Lin Tian rushed to the door, only a few police officers were pulling the yellow lines and investigating the situation in the house.

"Hello, may I ask, what's the situation now?" Lin Tian asked hurriedly.

Police: "Are you a relative of the tenant?"


"Then don't ask, go home and sleep, we have the police."

"Then I'm her boyfriend, right?" Lin Tian could only find a pretense like this, "What's going on with Su Yu now? Where's Song Ji?"

"Are you really her boyfriend?"

"Yes! Brother, don't talk nonsense, speak quickly!"

"Then you should cooperate with our investigation first, your girlfriend has been kidnapped."

"..." Lin Tian stopped.

The situation is urgent, and no one knows whether Song Ji, who is out for revenge, will cause irreparable harm to Su Yu.

"Forget it, I'll find someone myself!"

Lin Tian threw down a word, turned and left directly

At the bottom of the rental building, Lin Tian dragged Su Zhengye, who was out of breath, and quickly jumped into the Ferrari that had never been turned off.

The onlookers watched the Ferrari roar away, and could only slander the arrogance and arrogance of the rich.


"Hey, Pan Hu, where is Song Laowu's lair in the north of the city?"

The Ferrari was racing wildly, and Lin Tian, ​​who was controlling the steering wheel with one hand in the car, had a frightening face and yelled at Pan Hu on the other end of the phone.

Su Zhengye was ready to die. It was the first time he saw someone racing a car, and he dared to free up a hand to make a phone call so arrogantly; it was also the first time he sat in such a car.

"Brother Tian, ​​you have changed... My mother, when did you become so awesome? I will never ride in your car again, can you let me out of the car? I will walk back by myself... ..."

"Dead rabbit, shut up!" Lin Tian replied, continuing to talk to Pan Hu.

"Brother...Brother, are you serious? Why do you want Song Laowu's lair? I told you, they will hack me to death, I don't want to die..." Pan Hu begged.

Lin Tian's face turned cold: "Pan Hu, I'll make it clear to you that Song Ji, the son of Song Lao Wu, has arrested my friend. From now on, if there is me or him, I will kill him tonight, don't you dare to kill him?" Say, I will kill you when I turn around! Do you want to say it?!"

"Say, I said... Big brother, ancestor...Is it okay if I say it? But you have to promise, you can't say that I said it!"


"Okay, brother, Song Laowu's villa is at No. 327 Tianyang Avenue in the north of the city. I don't guarantee that he is in the villa. What if he goes out to take a shower? Brother, you know..."

"Within 10 minutes, hurry to No. 327, Tianyang Avenue in the north of the city. If Song Lao Wu is not at home, you can lead me the way and look for him from one place to another! Find him tonight!"

Lin Tian hung up the mobile phone in his hand and threw it on the seat.

With both hands on the steering wheel, Lin Tian slammed on the accelerator, and fully started the last bit of horsepower!

There is a 120-degree bend ahead, and under the full speed drift of Ferrari, go directly to it.

Su Zhengye rolled his eyes and passed out...


Three minutes later, Ferrari appeared at the gate of villa No. 3 on Tianyang Avenue in the north of the city.

The car stopped with a whimper, Lin Tian left Su Zhengye in the car, and rushed towards the gate of the villa.

The gorgeous golden anti-theft gate was dented by Lin Tian's kick.

Lin Tian didn't give up, didn't shout, just kicked the gate of the villa frantically.

Seeing that the lock cylinder of the gate was about to be broken by Lin Tian, ​​four or five men quickly rushed out of the room in the two villas next door.

"Grass, boy, are you fucking looking for death? Do you know whose villa this is?" A man on the left roared, grabbed a brick in the flower bed, and slapped Lin Tian on the head.

Lin Tian glanced away with a ferocious look, and the man's charging steps stopped immediately.

"Get out!" Lin Tian roared angrily.

"System, give me the sound-absorbing steel shield!" Lin Tian said in a deep voice in his mind.

In the space in front of him, a shield appeared out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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