Chapter 141

"Lin Tian, ​​I saw someone slash your back, how can you say it's okay? I beg you, don't resist, can you go to the hospital with me?"

Inside the villa, Su Yu looked anxious and worried.She circled around Lin Tian, ​​interfering with Lin Tian's handling of things.

Lin Tian felt dizzy for a while, and couldn't bear Su Yu's stalking.

"Su Yu, I'm really fine, there's no need to go to the hospital."

"I don't believe it! You were not even afraid of death just now, why are you so anxious to eliminate the traces of crime now? Are you afraid that I will be caught by the police? Lin Tian, ​​I'm not afraid, I really am not. You should go to the hospital quickly, don't let anything happen to you It's fine, okay?"

Before the tears on his face dried up, the tears from the corners of Su Yu's eyes overflowed again.

Lin Tian had nothing to do, he hugged Su Yu as a comfort.Su Yu patted Lin Tian's chest, blaming him.However, her face turned pale again, and she was terrified, asking if she hurt Lin Tian and if it affected the knife wound on Lin Tian's back.

The others in the room were speechless. Is this the time to flirt?

"Dead Rabbit, take care of these people in the house for me, don't let them run away." Lin Tian said while stroking Su Yu's head in his arms, looking at Su Zhengye.

Su Zhengye was taken aback, how could he control the situation by himself?

Lin Tian naturally understood Su Zhengye's thoughts, and he did not forget to remind Pan Hu: "Pan Hu, you listen to my third brother. If anyone dares to be disobedient, you can cut it off directly, and I will deal with it later."

"Yes, Brother Tian."

Pan Hu nodded again and again, the current Lin Tian put him under great pressure.He saw inhuman strength from Lin Tian.Lin Tian's shield disappeared for a while, and appeared out of thin air for a while, which explained the problem.

After replying to Lin Tian, ​​Pan Hu's fierce eyes swept over the faces of the other 14 people in the hall: "Brothers, I, Pan Hu, you all know each other. The situation is different now, and you can understand it. Don't worry." I'll talk more. Don't embarrass me, I will really kill you."

The other 14 were silent.

After temporarily suppressing the affairs in the hall, Lin Tian called Su Yu and the woman in purple pajamas to the corridor behind the hall.

"Su Yu, let's go, since you don't believe me, I'll show you."

"Well, this beauty in purple dress, you also follow, I have something to ask you."

Everyone was stunned.

On both sides of the corridor behind the hall, there are two luxurious bedrooms.

Lin Tian pushed open the bedroom door.

The girl in the purple dress behind her was pale. After hesitating for a while, she mustered up the courage to walk into Lin Tian's room.


Inside the room, Lin Tian lifted up his tattered, blood-stained clothes, Su Yu stared at Lin Tian's back, checked carefully, but did not find the horrific wound before.

Lin Tian didn't even have a scar on his back.

Unbelievable Su Yu even called a basin of warm water and carefully wiped the blood on Lin Tian's back.

When Lin Tian's back was clean, Su Yu rubbed his eyes and was completely convinced.

On the back, the well-defined muscles made Su Yu's heart beat slightly faster, and there was something strange in his heart.

The girl in purple pajamas on the side couldn't help but look sideways. Lin Tian's gaze met hers, and she quickly retracted her gaze, with a somewhat dodgy expression.

Lin Tian grinned lightly.

"Su Yu, I said it's fine, do you believe me?"

"Lin Tian, ​​what's going on? I clearly saw that you were cut, why is the wound gone now?" Su Yu's slender hands trembled a little, and the slippery back of his hand accidentally rubbed against Lin Tian's back.

"Have you seen "Captain America 1"?"

"I've seen it." Su Yu nodded with doubts on his face.

The girl in purple on the side also eavesdropped.

"Rodgers in Captain America 1 is my subordinate, I am better than him, haha!"

"Cut, bragging!" Su Yu snorted.

However, when Su Yu thought of Lin Tian's shield, her body trembled suddenly. She found that the shield was basically exactly the same as the captain's, but the edges seemed to be sharpened, just like the blade of a knife.The way she looked at Lin Tian became completely different, with the seeds of fanaticism and worship vaguely.

Lin Tian's attention shifted to the girl in the purple nightgown: "What's your name?"

"Shen Xiaotian."

"What's the relationship with the Song family?"

"Song Laowu's wife died a long time ago. I have been following him for the past few years. I just got a marriage certificate with him yesterday."

Lin Tian guessed a little about Shen Xiaotian's identity.

Lin Tian wanted to find out about Song Laowu's situation through Shen Xiaotian.

"Tell me about Song Lao Wu's situation, and tell me everything you can think of."

"After I tell you, you are not allowed to kill me, and you still want me to be your woman. I have no other specialties, so I can only live by men."

Shen Xiaotian's words changed the atmosphere in the luxurious bedroom all of a sudden.

Su Yu was originally not interested in the communication between the two, but now she is only interested in Lin Tian.When she heard Shen Xiaotian's words, she suddenly looked at Shen Xiaotian, just like looking at a rival in love.

After watching Shen Xiaotian, Su Yu looked back at Lin Tian again, waiting for Lin Tian to respond to Shen Xiaotian.

Lin Tian blushed: "Shen Xiaotian, do you think I will want you? Don't be wishful thinking, you won't kill you. You are familiar with Song Lao Wu's power and are useful, but you also need to be self-aware."

"Hehe..." Shen Xiaotian laughed at herself, with a pale smile, "Okay, I can tell you everything about Song Lao Wu, but you must let me hang out with you, even if I don't sleep in your bed."


Lin Tian agreed after thinking about it, and he could see that the girl only loved Song Laowu's money, and she had no hostility towards him, so she could take advantage of it.

On Tianyang Avenue in the north of the city, Song Laowu has three luxury villas in total, which is the one where Lin Tian lives, and the other two next to each other on the left and right sides.

These three villas are all recorded in Shen Xiaotian's name, which surprised Lin Tian.The reason is that the source of the villa is not clean, even if something happens, Shen Xiaotian can resist it for a while.

Shen Xiaotian never dared to betray Song Laowu.

In addition to the three villas, Song Lao Wu also has a high-end entertainment club, a five-star hotel, and a grand hotel.These three real properties were recorded in Song Laowu's own name.

In Song Laowu's basement, there is 1000 million cash hidden.He was killed by Lin Tian, ​​and from now on, these assets became Shen Xiaotian's property.

Lin Tianming said: The property is still under Shen Xiaotian's name, but from now on, Shen Xiaotian is Lin Tian's subordinate and works for Lin Tian, ​​and all will be transferred to Lin Tian's name after a while.

As for Song Laowu's influence on the Tao, it is mainly controlled by the five men in the hall. The five men are nicknamed the Five Tigers. Each of them should have hundreds of people under their command.

In total, Song Laowu has about 500 subordinates in the north of the city.

Lin Tian thought for a while, and planned to take this group of people under his command.

At this time, Pan Hu suddenly knocked on Lin Tian's door: "Hey, brother Tian... my boss from East Street is here, what should I do?"

(End of this chapter)

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