movie world adventurer

Chapter 144 Jagged Wrist

Chapter 144 Jagged Wrist
"Brother Dong, whether I can control the north of the city is my business, not your business. Whether I go to face those subordinates is also my business, not your business." Lin Tian said indifferently Said.

Brother Dong didn't mind, he was happy to see Chengbei lose control.

Lin Tian ordered Liuhu and Shen Xiaotian to drive Song Laowu's Humvee and prepare to go to the suburbs in the north of the city.

Now that he has decided to subdue Song Laowu's influence, Lin Tian can only be patient and solve the problem once and for all.

Su Yu and Su Zhengye were unwilling to follow Lin Tian's arrangement to return to Su Zhengye's house.Instead, they followed Lin Tian and rushed to the northern suburbs of the city.

A Hummer, five black cars of other brands, and the motorcade from Dongjie rushed to the northern suburbs of the city.

The convoy was driving on the asphalt road, and the sallow lights were a little deserted.

After more than 20 minutes, everyone arrived at the suburb where more than 500 men gathered.

All around, overgrown with weeds.

The place looks like an abandoned factory area with some old reinforced concrete slabs on the ground.

The arrival of Lin Tian and others caused considerable turmoil among the more than 500 people.

Many of his subordinates held machetes in their hands.

Liuhu, Su Zhengye, Shen Xiaotian, Su Yu and Lin Tian were soon surrounded by more than 500 people.

The more than 500 people were roughly divided into five camps.It can be seen from the grouping of the crowd.

Among every 100 people, there are two or three leaders.These two or three leaders aroused everyone's emotions.

Lin Tian looked around, disgusted in his heart.He has already decided that after subduing these people, he will prohibit them from killing and killing, and prohibit them from endangering society.

"Brothers, you are Song Laowu's subordinates, and I am Brother Dong from the east of the city. I think you all know each other."

Lin Tian hadn't spoken yet, but Brother Dong spoke first.

"Hi brother!"

"Hi brother!"


Among the crowd, someone nodded to Brother Dong and said hello.Especially the leading gangsters of the Four Tigers and Five Tigers seemed to be too enthusiastic about Brother Dong.

The Five Tigers try to intimidate their men, but to no avail.Everyone's emotions were stirred up.

On the opposite side, on the roof of an abandoned office building, headlights were on.The surrounding light is slightly dim.

"Okay, hello everyone." Brother Dong laughed.

Lin Tian didn't speak, he watched Dong Ge's agitation quietly, so that he could see that those people were loyal, and those people were in Cao Ying and their hearts were in Han.

Brother Dong: "You already know that something has happened to your boss Song Lao Wu."

"Today, the one who came with me is a young man named Lin Tian."

"With the support of your five tiger brothers and Miss Shen Xiaotian, Lin Tian wants to take Song Laowu's place."

"I'm just here today to see if you agree with Lin Tian to take this position, to see if brother Lin Tian has enough qualifications, and to see if he can be like Song Lao Wu, to ensure that you are popular and hot. "

"If anyone of you disagrees, if anyone is more capable than him, I, Dongjie, will uphold justice and support the capable person to take the position."

Having said that, everyone understood what Brother Dong meant.

Lin Tian's reaction was very flat. From the moment all his subordinates gathered to make trouble, he knew that Brother Dong was agitating and playing tricks.

After Brother Dong finished speaking, the three youths under the Five Tigers walked out first, facing Lin Tian, ​​and spoke bluntly.

"Lin Tian? Brother, we haven't seen you before, right? You suddenly appeared and you are going to be our boss. I don't think it's a bit inappropriate?"

Another youth added: "Shen Xiaotian, when Boss Song was here, did he treat you well? We all call you Big Sister. Now that Boss Song is gone, you slept with someone so soon? How do you want us to obey you? "

Hearing this, Shen Xiaotian's face was gloomy.

Among the five tigers, the old five, with a pale face, rushed towards the two subordinates who had spoken just now.

"The two bastards of my grass NM, don't you think your life is too long? Don't take me seriously?"

bang bang
The two of them got kicked by Lao Wu each and stumbled.They raised the machetes in their hands and almost slashed at the fifth child in a rage.However, they still held back after all, not daring to turn against the very senior fifth in front of all their subordinates.

"Old five." Lin Tian called out.

According to the ranking among the six tigers, it is more appropriate to call them the boss, the second...the sixth (Pan Hu).Lin Tian changed his mind.

The fifth child resisted the urge to attack, returned to his subordinates, looked at Lin Tian and apologized.His apology caused dissatisfaction among some of his subordinates.

Lin Tian's eyes swept over everyone's faces: "Whoever thinks he is more qualified to take the position of Song Laowu, stand up, and I will solve them one by one."

The people in the inner circle suddenly fell silent.

The people around the outer circle also slowly became quiet.

Brother Dong smiled and gestured to the two subordinates who had been kicked by the fifth just now.

Holding their knives, the two stood up and confronted Lin Tian again, with a stern look on their faces: "Lin Tian, ​​my buddy, no matter where you came from, if you want to be the boss, you can pass our test Say it again."

As soon as the words were finished, the two rushed to Lin Tian immediately.

Lin Tian's face was cold, he turned sideways and removed the knife from one of them, and directly chopped off his arm.

The shrill screams reached everyone's ears.

The other person who challenged Lin Tian didn't have time to react, retreat and beg for mercy. Lin Tian didn't give him a chance, and directly slashed at his thigh...

The two people on the ground held their knife wounds and kept screaming, bleeding profusely.

"Fifth, send them to the hospital. You have to deal with how to avoid the police's investigation. If you can't save them, you can die." Lin Tian ordered silently.

Lao Wu nodded, called six people, held the wounds of the two on the ground, and quickly carried them away.

"Who else wants to come? If you win against me, you will be the boss in the north of the city. If you lose, you will lose at least one arm and a leg. Depending on my mood, if I hacked to death, I will also be hacked to death."

Among the crowd, only Lin Tian was talking.

The surrounding area is very quiet.

Everyone could hear the screams of the two people leaving, and soon there was the sound of a car starting.

Dong Ge looked at the three of the fourth brother's subordinates again.

The hearts of the three of them trembled a little, and they rushed out.

"Lin Tian, ​​if you fucking kill your brother, I will be the boss in the north of the city, and I will kill you!" one person yelled.

Lin Tian was not relentless.

The three of them were not Lin Tian's opponents at all.

Holding the knife, Lin Tian walked between the three of them a few times, and the three screamed, clutching the knife edge on their legs, and fell to the ground.The person who was called down just now was directly chopped on the back by Lin Tian, ​​and there was no possibility of survival.

"Fourth, you find someone to send them away, you stay and don't leave." Lin Tian ordered.

The fourth child nodded: "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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