movie world adventurer

Chapter 147 The Last Castle of Mankind

Chapter 147 The Last Castle of Mankind
A man can never reason with a woman.Now Lin Tian deeply understands the meaning of this sentence.

Lin Tian watched Su Yu run a certain distance, he was in a daze.After more than ten seconds, he had to keep up with Su Yu, and the two of them ran around the tree-lined villa area twice...

In the following days, Lin Tian was decadent.

He completely dealt with Song Laowu's affairs, and Song Laowu's people fully recognized Lin Tian.

Lin Tian enjoyed Song Laowu's five-star hotel, high-end entertainment clubs and a high-end hotel.He even took his "secretary" Su Yu to visit all the tourist attractions available in H City.

On the 12th day when Lin Tian returned to the city, Su Yu coerced Lin Tian and moved her home to Lin Tian's villa.Fortunately, Su Yu didn't ask to sleep in the same room with Lin Tian, ​​which made Lin Tian very nervous.

The only thing Lin Tian didn't solve was the matter about Pan Hu's transfer of territory.This matter will be handled by the six tigers and Shen Xiaotian together.

Eat, drink, have fun and sleep!
After Lin Tian spent more than a month in the city, he locked the door of the villa one night and entered the system space.

After the last "Captain America 1" mission, Lin Tian earned 26000 points, plus his remaining 1400 points before, which is 27400 points.It cost 25000 points to buy the sound-absorbing steel shield.

Now, Lin Tian only has 1400 points left.

The familiar voice of the system rang in Lin Tian's ear.

"The current level of the system is an intermediate system. Please choose to enter the previous world or enter the new world."

"Enter the former world?" Lin Tian muttered inwardly, pondering.

From the bottom of his heart, Lin Tian certainly hopes to return to the world of "Kung Fu" and meet his godfather, godmother, chartered husband and wife, but Lin Tian thinks that now is not the time.

If you want to enter the former world, you must challenge the strongest in those worlds.Regardless of whether the challenge can be successful, the most important thing is that Lin Tian is eager to gain stronger strength.

"System, tell me, if you enter a new world, what is the next world?" Lin Tian asked, hoping to compare it for reference.

"The system and the upgrade to the intermediate system can currently answer the question of the master. The next world is the intermediate world, "Resident Evil 5."

Lin Tian: "Resident Evil 5?"

"Resident Evil 5 is filled with T virus. Once the master enters this world, he will be infected by T virus. However, the master himself has super serum, and the T virus cannot harm the master. Instead, it will greatly increase the master's strength. Speed, strength, endurance, and agility surpass the world's protagonist Alice. More importantly, with the help of the T virus, the owner's body will be further transformed, and he can quickly practice "Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu."

"And this benefit?"

Hearing that "Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu" could be practiced quickly, Lin Tian's heart beat wildly faster.

The power of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu is extraordinary. If you practice it to the seventh level, you will have the power of seven dragons and seven elephants; if you practice it to the tenth level, you will have the power of ten dragons and ten elephants.

The awesome Jinlun Fawang in "The Legend of Condor Heroes" has also practiced the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu of a total of thirteen levels to the tenth level.This is also due to the extraordinary talent of Jinlun Fawang.

"It is true that the master can quickly practice the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu." The system gave an affirmative answer.

"Okay, then go to the world of "Resident Evil 5" and meet Alice, King Allen, and Wesco for a while." Lin Tian made a decision.

System: "Confirm the world, "Resident Evil 5". May I ask the master if you want to bring the sound-absorbing steel shield into the world."

"Can you bring it in?" This continued to exceed Lin Tian's expectations.


"Of course I will."


"Confirm to bring in the sound-absorbing steel shield."

"Enter the world of "Resident Evil 5", the main task is to lead the last humans, protect the last castle of humans, and open up at least one city as a base for human reproduction."

"Submission one, destroy the Queen of Hearts."

"Sub-task [-], gain the favor of the movie heroine Alice."


After listening to the introduction of the system's missions, Lin Tian carefully remembered them.His head was dizzy, and soon, when he opened his eyes, he had appeared in the world of "Resident Evil 5".


In the ear, the rapid sound of machine guns firing into the air rang.

The world was dark and noisy.

There are mutated biochemical birds in the sky, crazily attacking the last position of mankind: the place where the White House is.

Lin Tian found himself in the corner of the square, surrounded by soldiers carrying bullet boxes, rushing towards each machine gunner quickly.

The biochemical birds in the sky are each brownish-red, hairless and hoarse.


Lin Tian took a deep breath of the turbid air in this world. He was wearing the uniform of an American soldier and held his sound-absorbing steel shield in his left hand.

Putting down the shield, Lin Tian pulled out a military dagger, and he scratched lightly on his palm.Wounds on the palms heal quickly.

"Self-healing ability is available in this world." Lin Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, the first thing Lin Tian has to do is to be infected by the T virus, that is, to be bitten by the living dead outside.

"I hope the system doesn't make mistakes, and don't make me a living dead." Lin Tian was imagining.


A tank on the square successfully hit a biochemical monster on the city wall.

The whole world is full of flames.

Without saying a word, Lin Tian got up and ran wildly.

"Hey, who is this guy? It's so fast!" A soldier exclaimed as a gust of artificial breeze blew past.

Lin Tian rushed directly to the city wall. As far as his eyes could see, a group of living dead stepped on the corpses piled up by the living dead and were about to rush to the city wall.

Lin Tian directly swung his shield and slapped the leading living dead away.

The living dead roared.

The soldiers beside him were a little stunned. Lin Tian's strength was as brutal as Alice's.

bang bang bang

Lin Tian has killed more than a dozen living dead.

Everyone paid close attention to Lin Tian's behavior.

"Accidentally", Lin Tian's arm was scratched by a living dead man.

A soldier beside him changed his face and immediately moved away from Lin Tian.

"Brother, I'm sorry. I don't think you want to become a living dead yourself?" The soldier raised his gun and pointed at Lin Tian.

Seeing that this buddy was about to shoot himself in the head, Lin Tian reacted immediately and blocked the muzzle with his shield.

"I rely on buddy, do you need to be so active? I won't turn into a living dead to bite you, okay?" Lin Tian screamed.

(End of this chapter)

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