movie world adventurer

Chapter 149 Execution of tasks

Chapter 149 Execution of tasks
The sound of gunfire lingers in my ears.

Lin Tian looked at these people, these people really treated themselves as dead.

Lin Tian was not even equipped with the two necessary submachine guns.

As for things like daggers and magazines, don't even think about it.

Lin Tian slandered endlessly, these people thought they were irrelevant, that they didn't exist anymore.So, he ran to a soldier who had just died, picked up a submachine gun, scraped off two magazines, and then returned to Alice's team.

Everyone looked at Lin Tian twice, and no one commented a word...

The roar of the helicopter came from mid-air.

The soldier at the door of the cabin waved to Alice, and Alice nodded.

The helicopter landed quickly, and Lin Tian's 8 people entered in a file, and slowly lifted off with the helicopter.

The commando's destination was Frank Street, 1000 meters away.

The distance of 1000 meters is close at hand for a helicopter.

In less than 10 minutes, Lin Tian and others landed on the roof of a building in Frank Street.

Lin Tian carefully observed the architectural situation of this block.The width of the main street is about 50 meters wide, and it is a very wide street.

On both sides of the main street, there are densely packed high-rise buildings.

Most of the gaps between the buildings are piled with gravel.The rubble is piled high, and their function is similar to that of a city wall.

"This is to connect the buildings on both sides of the street to form a closed castle." Lin Tian saw the plan of the White House City at a glance.

There are several other helicopters parked on the roofs of other buildings.

On the main street, there were dense crowds of undead running and walking, occupying the entire block.

The length of the block is about 1000 meters, which is enough for a small castle.

Alice's voice sounded in the team, and she explained the mission.

"We have six missions."

"First, follow the helicopter pilot, protect the safety of the helicopter, and prevent the biochemical birds in the sky from attacking the helicopter."

"Second, the gaps between the buildings are sealed, and then the entrances and exits at both ends of the street are closed."

"Third, eliminate all the living dead on Main Street."

"Fourth, after the living dead are cleared, we must build defenses."

"Sixth, look for food and non-toxic drinking water around four weeks, and wait for the follow-up team to come and take over here."

After the task was explained, Alice's eyes swept over everyone's faces.She asked everyone if they had any questions, and Lin Tian asked without hesitation.

"Alice, will there be biochemical monsters appearing here? For example, oversized living dead, oversized beasts, or those undead Lopraggos who have been injected with Lopraggos parasites..."

Alice was silent for a while, looking at Lin Tian: "There may be biochemical monsters appearing. The Queen of Hearts is eager to destroy us, and she may drive some monsters to come to us."

"Near the White House City, has it ever appeared?" Lin Tian asked.

Alice: "It has appeared."

Except for Lin Tian who has problems, the other six men don't have any problems.

After the task explanation was completed, the members of the assault team were divided into 7 groups. Except for Alice and Lin Tian who were in a group of two, everyone else was in a group of one person.

Each group follows a helicopter and protects a helicopter.

These helicopters, parked directly on the roof of Frank Avenue, will not return to White House City.Supplies in White House City were extremely tight, and even the fuel for the helicopter was snatched by the previous batch of commandos from the occupied area of ​​the living dead.

"Lin, if you can't do it yourself, I can help you. If you continue to live, in a few minutes, you should become a living dead." Alice and Lin Tian appeared on the roof of a tall building, she The footsteps paused slightly, reminding Lin Tian with a solemn expression.

Lin Tian's face twitched, and he looked at the strong and a little too much Alice, and responded in a deep voice: "Alice, you can combine with the T-virus, believe it or not, I can also combine with the T-virus? I won't die."

"Really? I wish you good luck." Alice obviously didn't believe it, and she even started to look down on Lin Tian.

In Alice's view, Lin Tian would rather become a living dead than commit suicide, which is a manifestation of greed for life and fear of death.

Lin Tian shook his head, smiled wryly, and did not respond.Obviously explanations are useless.

The sound of the air vibrating, and the sound of the helicopter rotor spinning, rang in Lin Tian's ears.

Lin Tian and Alice got into a helicopter together.

Around Frank Street, there are many collapsed buildings.

What Lin Tian and Alice have to do is to transfer the reinforced concrete fragments produced by the broken buildings to Frank Street by helicopter to block the gaps between the buildings and the entrances and exits at both ends of the street.

However, what Lin Tian and Alice didn't expect was that their helicopter had just entered a building in the east of Frank Street, and three huge flying birds like buffaloes suddenly took off from the street and rushed towards the helicopter.

"Mutated bird, mutated bird!" The pilot yelled, and hurriedly controlled the helicopter to flip and escape.

Bang bang gunshots sounded.

Alice shot quickly at two of them, and Lin Tian shot at the other at the same time.

Three huge mutant birds with sharp fangs and no beaks.Lin Tian was frightened, he had never seen such an animal.

The bullets did little damage to the three giant birds.

Seeing the giant bird pounce, the pilot was so frightened that he was sweating profusely.No one thought that there would be such three beasts living near Frank Street.

A rocket, fired from a helicopter, directly hit a mutated flying bird, blowing it up.

"This is the last rocket!" the pilot yelled.

The whistling cold wind passed through the cabin.

The death of one giant bird made the other two giant birds even crazier.

Two seconds passed, and the giant bird swooped in.

With a frenzied face, Lin Tian jumped out of the cabin and landed on the back of a giant bird with a bang!


Alice was shocked, she didn't expect Lin Tian to make such a crazy move.

Lin Tian waved the shield in his hand, and directly slashed at the head of the giant bird with the shield.

A shrill neigh spread.

The giant bird under Lin Tian spurted out blood, it struggled frantically, carried Lin Tian with it, and fell quickly!
In the cabin, Alice jumped out like Lin Tian, ​​grabbed the claws of the oncoming giant bird, and quickly shot it in the abdomen.

The helicopter pilot was so frightened that he immediately turned the helicopter over and avoided.Under his gaze, Lin Tian fell to the ground with the giant bird, and Alice also fell.

On the ground, the tide of attracted living dead had a clear goal and fell into a state of madness.

With a bang, Lin Tian kicked away the giant bird whose head had been cut off by him, and ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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