movie world adventurer

Chapter 157 Tough Guy Lin Tian

Chapter 157 Tough Guy Lin Tian
"No! Lin!" Alice yelled and rushed in front of Lin Tian. The pistol was thrown aside, and she quickly supported Lin Tian who was about to fall to the ground.

Lin Tian clutched his chest, leaning against Alice's chest, feeling the other's ups and downs' chest and the anxiety on his face, and said in his heart: "In the end, brother, I won!"

Of course, it was mainly the rising progress bar that reassured him.

"Lin, I was wrong, I believe in you, don't die, don't." Alice was really panicked now.

She didn't think about why things would develop like this, why she would shoot herself.
"Cough, cough, Alice, you finally believe me." Lin Tian stroked Alice's beautiful face, coughed up blood, and vomited blood. The scene was as miserable as it could be.

"Lin, it's all my fault! I will never doubt you again, I believe in you! You must hold on! I will take you to the infirmary right now!"

Seeing that Lin Tian could still hold on, Alice quickly wiped away the tears on her face, and was about to walk out with Lin Tian on her back.

"Ahem, actually, Alice, if you walk slowly, I...I can still be saved!" Lin Tian was hugged by Alice, because Lin Tian couldn't bear it because he walked so fast.

"Oh, Lin, you must hold on!" Alice, like a little girl who did something wrong, nodded hurriedly when she heard Lin Tian's words.

This shot was made by Lin Tian. Naturally, he couldn't let the bullet hit his heart directly. In that case, it would not be a trick, but a real death.

This bullet hit Lin Tian's left lung, and the blood blocked the air holes, making Lin Tian unable to breathe, which caused him to cough up blood continuously, and this small injury was actually insignificant, but Acting has to be done, and besides, the more anxious Alice is, the more worried she is about herself. In this way, her sympathy level will increase steadily!
The White House City Medical Room is the only remaining medical office in the entire White House City. Surrounded by Alice, Lin Tian was quickly sent here and the bullet was taken out.

"Huh, this bullet is really dangerous. It brushes past the edge of the heart, and if it misses again, this little brother may not be able to make it here!"

The doctor looked at Lin Tian who was bandaged in admiration. Lin Tian did not take anesthesia the whole time, saying that he was afraid of affecting his reaction nerves. This kind of tough guy temperament made all the medical staff present admire and give thumbs up.

And during the whole operation, Lin Tian didn't cry out at all. This kind of spirit is very rare even in the army. Even the doctor himself is very nervous and goes all out for the operation. This guy is still fighting with Alice. talk and laugh.

What's even more surprising is that it was actually Lin Tian, ​​the wounded man who comforted Alice!
And a group of doctors also saw for the first time that Alice, who was hailed as the savior and always had a strong face, would burst into tears?

It seems that this handsome guy's injury was actually caused by Alice's accidental injury?
This is really a mess.

After the operation, when Alice accompanied Lin Tian into the ward, all the wounded comrades looked sideways at him.

"Who is this guy?"

"That's right, where did the guy come from, and Miss Alice cares so much? It's really enviable!"

"Doesn't it look very strong? Doesn't Miss Alice like this kind of fresh meat?"

Everyone whispered to each other and talked a lot, and the little nurse next to him heard it and was immediately dissatisfied.

This tough guy shocked everyone, and even the doctor who performed the surgery looked at him with admiration, okay, in your eyes, he turned into a little fresh meat?
Especially the guy lying here because of hemorrhoids, are you qualified?
Now the doctors and nurses in the entire medical room have become Lin Tian's die-hard fans. Naturally, they can't turn a blind eye when they hear others mocking their idols so much.

"Bah! Jackton, if you can do the operation without anesthesia, without shouting out the pain and sweating, then you can continue to discuss Mr. Lin casually!"

The little nurse looked at the guy lying here because of hemorrhoids with contempt.

Jacktown blushed immediately, his patient had become the laughing stock of the entire White House City, and his face blushed immediately after being squeezed out by the little nurse.

"Hey, I didn't use anesthesia for the operation!" Jacktown stopped talking, but there was another person.

The little nurse glanced at it. This time, the person who spoke was a burly man with muscles all over his body, but he was also a tough guy. Even if he was bitten by a zombie on his arm, he cut off his entire arm immediately, which is considered a tough guy.

It's a pity that even so, it's not on the same level as Mr. Lin.

This guy is indeed courageous and has capital, but unfortunately, he found the wrong counterpart for comparison.

"Ausu, you are indeed very strong!" The little nurse nodded irresistibly, making the other party proud, "But, do you know where Mr. Lin's injury is?"

"Huh! Seeing how tight his chest is, could it be his lungs?" Osu glanced at Lin Tian, ​​who was joking with Alice, and replied casually.

Anyway, it can't be the heart!Otherwise, he would have died long ago!

"That's right, it's indeed the lungs. It's only five millimeters away from the heart. It's not a big deal, right? Osu?" The little nurse curled her lips.

"Fat, it's only five millimeters five millimeters?" Osu's original face changed instantly, and a stream of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

Five millimeters, if I were myself, I would be dead now!

However, this is nothing, it can only be fate!
Yes, it's just fate!

Seemingly seeing through Aosu's thoughts, the little nurse added mockingly: "And there is no anesthesia during the operation, no shouting, and you can discuss things with others about what to eat at night and where the scenery is more beautiful. If you You can also do this, and you can also discuss others!"

Everyone's face changed drastically, and they all gasped, looking at Lin Tian, ​​who was talking and laughing freely, and they were all shocked. They didn't expect this guy who is still talking and laughing, to have experienced so much pain before!
Most importantly, there was no reaction at all!
The will of this guy!

Absolutely scarier than the hardest steel!
Thinking of this, everyone felt guilty for their jealous mentality just now.

Only such a hero can be worthy of Miss Alice!
And Lin Tian, ​​who was comforting Alice, suddenly received two messages that had never appeared before.

"Ding! You discovered Wesker's mutiny and triggered a hidden mission: Hidden Mission Phase [-]: Investigate the cause of Wesker's mutiny and help Alice destroy Wesker's mutiny."

(End of this chapter)

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