Fighting the strongest martial spirit

Chapter 10 Sonic Skills and the Haotian Hammer!

Chapter 10 Sonic Skills and the Haotian Hammer!
After the giant rock bear entered the berserk state, its strength was much stronger than before, and its offensive was even more ferocious.

It seemed that he didn't care about his injuries at all, and attacked like crazy.Even Yun Kun, who possessed the strength of the Dou Wang, couldn't suppress him.

In just over a dozen years of effort, the four great fighters have already been defeated, leaving only two people still fighting against them.

However, the giant rock bear was not feeling well either. After receiving repeated blows from fighting skills, his body was also covered in bruises.

Especially on the chest area, there was a long wound, which looked hideous and terrifying.

But even so, it was still fighting desperately, as if it would not give up until it tore the two people in front of it apart.

Faced with this situation, Yun Kun no longer held back, and attacked the opponent's weaknesses with all his strength.

He knew that although the violent time of the violent bear was limited, he couldn't afford it any longer.

In this way, the two fell into a more intense battle.

But generally speaking, the two of Yun and Kun had the upper hand, after all, Violent Bear had consumed a lot in the previous battle.

The two quickly approached the former, intending to join forces to use close-range killing skills to completely defeat him.

But at this moment, unexpectedly, an accident happened suddenly.

I saw that when the two got close to the former, the violent bear's chest bulged, and a powerful force quickly gathered.

Accompanied by an extremely penetrating roar, sound waves burst out suddenly.

Seeing this, Yun Kun turned pale with shock: "Oops!"

He didn't expect that the other party would still use sonic skills, and they had hidden them until now.

Just when he was about to dodge, there was a sharp pain in his head, as if he had been hit hard, and then his brain went blank, and his body fell to the ground.

At the same time, another Dou Ling next to him also encountered the same situation and was directly hit.

As for the other four people, who were seriously injured, they also passed out at this moment.

At this point, all six people involved in the battle were brought down.

At this time, the giant rock bear's condition was also not good. Although the attack just now was powerful, it also consumed a lot of energy, so it couldn't be used a second time in a short time.

Coupled with the numerous scars, the combat effectiveness of the whole body has also been greatly reduced.

Violent Bear looked at the few people lying on the ground, a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

His sonic skill can only stun people within a certain range, and it doesn't have much lethality.

It takes a moment at most to wake up.

At that time, I am afraid that I will be the one who will be unlucky.

Thinking of this, he raised his sharp claws, intending to kill several people.

But at this moment, there was a voice: "Big man, don't forget that there is another person here."

Hearing this, Giant Rock Bear looked over and saw a young man standing hundreds of meters away.

It remembered that this person and the others were also in the same group, but they hadn't done anything during the battle, so they subconsciously ignored it.

But since the other party reminded him, it would be good to kill him by himself.

Thinking of this, the giant bear immediately rushed towards the opponent.

Seeing this, Mo Feng was not frightened, but eager to try.

Now that everyone else has been stunned, I don't have to hide anymore, I can let the second spirit come out to breathe.

With a thought, I raised my arm,
I saw a group of dazzling rays of light expand, and then quickly solidified, turning into a black sledgehammer.

This hammer is made of a strange metal, it is quite heavy, and there are some mysterious textures on it.

Not many people know about this hammer in the Douqi Continent, but it is very famous in another world.

It is the so-called strongest weapon martial soul, the Clear Sky Hammer!
As soon as Mo Feng grasped the handle of the Haotian Hammer, he felt the powerful pressure of the hammer on the air, and his heart was filled with passion!
As a man, compared to the auxiliary type of Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, he is naturally more interested in the incomparably powerful Clear Sky Hammer.

It's just that it is hidden on weekdays, and today it is exciting to be able to test the power of this strongest weapon, the Martial Soul, in actual combat.

But this time the opponent is relatively strong, the Clear Sky Hammer without spirit rings alone may not be his opponent, so now the strength gap between the two sides needs to be narrowed.

Thinking of this, the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda on his left hand once again burst into light, and several streams of light sank into his body.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Feng's power began to expand rapidly, directly rising from the six-star fighting spirit to the half-step fighting king realm, surpassing the nine-star fighting spirit.

Although there is still a thin barrier from the real fighting king, but it is also infinitely close to that level.

Feeling the powerful force gushing out of his body, the fighting spirit in his eyes became more intense, and he couldn't wait to try his skills.

At this time, the giant rock bear had already rushed to the front, raised the huge bear paw, and slapped it down fiercely.

Seeing this, Mo Feng did not evade in the slightest, and directly swung the heavy Haotian Hammer, colliding with the opponent suddenly...

(For recommendation, for collection!)
(End of this chapter)

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