Fighting the strongest martial spirit

Chapter 103 Different Fire Seals Space

Chapter 103 Different Fire Seals Space
Mo Feng's expression changed when he heard the words, and he said, "The Great Elder must be looking for something important, why didn't he tell me just now?"

Ziyan said with some embarrassment: "Didn't I forget it? I only remembered when I was full."


Mo Feng shook his head helplessly. For foodies, enjoying food is the first priority.

After exhorting the other party, he got up and left to look for Su Qian.

But just as he flew into the air, he saw a figure stepping into the air, it was Su Qian.

Mo Feng stepped forward to say hello: "Elder Elder, I was just about to find you, but I didn't expect you to come here first."

Su Qian looked at the former, with a look of surprise in his eyes: "Have you broken through to the Nine Star Fighting King?"

Mo Feng smiled: "It's just a fluke."

Su Qian felt emotionally: "The old man has never seen such a monstrously talented person, your future achievements will definitely be limitless!"

Mo Feng replied: "The Great Elder has praised the prize. By the way, you asked Zi Yan to pass on the message before, why?"

Hearing this, Su Qian also remembered the business, and said, "This is why I came here this time, and I need your help with something."

"The Great Elder said it's okay, I will definitely do my best."

Mo Feng said.

Su Qian nodded slightly, and said straight to the point: "Something happened to the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower."

"Is Falling Heart Flame uneasy again?"

Mo Feng asked a question.

Su Qiandao: "That's right, Fallen Heart Flame has been attacking the seal recently, trying to break the seal, causing quite a stir. So we can only temporarily close the Sky Burning Qi Refining Tower."

Mo Feng knew clearly when he heard this, it seemed that the problem this time was a bit troublesome, otherwise he wouldn't have shut down all the Qi Refining Towers.

Su Qian continued: "You have subdued the strange fire, do you know how to deal with such a problem?"

Mo Feng replied: "I can try it, but I don't have much confidence in taming it."

Su Qiandao: "As long as I can temporarily suppress the Falling Heart Flame and get better, I will leave the rest to me."

"I try my best."

Mo Feng gave a rather conservative answer.

A moment later, the two appeared in an extremely hot space.

This place is filled with invisible flames, and there are patches of magma lakes.This place obviously does not belong to any floor of the gas refining tower, but is at the bottom of the tower.

Entering it, Mo Feng felt a lot of heart fire attacking his body, and his heart began to be hot, as if it was about to ignite spontaneously.

The temperature here is more terrifying than any other layer of the Qi Refining Tower, even the Dou Wang will be affected if he stays here for a long time.

However, Mo Feng was an exception. As soon as the heart fire appeared, the Yanshen Art in his body would automatically operate to remove all negative influences.

Looking up, he saw a huge black vortex in the center of the space, cracks had appeared on the vortex, and around it were six old men who were working hard to maintain the stability of the vortex.

The strength of these people is not weak, and one of the five fighting kings is the fighting emperor.

Although such a lineup is already very strong, several people still showed some difficulty.

Seeing this, Su Qian raised her finger and pointed forward.

An incomparably thin Dou Qi erupted, directly stabilizing the trembling vortex.

"The elders have worked hard, let's take a rest first."

The six elders breathed a sigh of relief, withdrew their palms and said, "Thank you, Great Elder."

Su Qian said: "This is the sealed space, and the Falling Heart Flame is sealed in the vortex."

Hearing this, Mo Feng came to the top of the vortex in a flash, and looked down.

The vortex like a black hole is full of horror and mystery, like a bottomless abyss, as if it can swallow everything.

Mo Feng knew that this was a vortex on the surface, but in fact it was a separate space, used to suppress the Falling Heart Flame.

To achieve this, at least Dou Zun-level cultivation is required, and it must be the dean's handwriting.

Originally, it was difficult to destroy the seal with the power of the Falling Heart Flame, but even the most powerful seal would weaken with the passage of time.

After tens of millions of impacts from different fires, the seal at this time has already lost its power.

If it weren't for the continuous repairs by many strong men, I am afraid that the Fallen Heart Flame would have rushed out long ago.

But judging from the current situation, even so, the seal won't last long.

Through the space interlayer, Mo Feng has already seen the Falling Heart Flame trapped in it, which is constantly hitting the seal, and every hit will consume a little bit of the seal's power.

Using grudge to repair is only a temporary solution, not a permanent cure.

To be honest, it may not be a bad thing for him that the strange fire can break out, but Su Qian can't just do nothing if he invites him to come here.

And he also wanted to get in touch with the Yuluo Xinyan at close range.

I saw him raise his right hand, and a ball of flame burst out, rushing downward, and gradually lingering on the black vortex.

A quarter of an hour later, the originally pitch-black vortex was now intertwined with crimson blue flames.

After the vortex absorbed the flames, some strange changes seemed to have taken place. Apart from being more stable, it also had a fiery aura.

This kind of blazing heat is completely different from the Falling Heart Flame, and there is even a mutually exclusive effect, even the heart fire in the entire sealed space is suppressed...

 Seeking recommendations!


(End of this chapter)

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