Chapter 125 Finale (3)

Mo Feng, Zi Yan and others went to Dragon Emperor Island together, not only came into contact with the real Taixu ancient dragon clan, but also met an elder of the dragon clan named Zhuli.

Taixu Gulong is the overlord of the World of Warcraft, and Dragon Emperor Zhukun is a superpower who has reached the peak level of Dou Sheng. His strength may be stronger than the soul clan's Hun Tiandi and the ancient patriarch Gu Yuan.

However, after his disappearance, the original ancient dragon clan split into four parts, and the three fighting saints led their subordinates to stand on their own, known as the three dragon kings, and the strength of the dragon clan dropped drastically.

But even so, the split Dragon Clan can still sit at the top of the World of Warcraft, and any one of the four major Dragon Islands alone has power no less than that of the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan!

Zhuli has the cultivation level of a fighting saint and is responsible for dispatching affairs on Long Island. When he saw Mo Feng, he just smiled and praised him, but when he saw the chubby panda, he was surprised. color.

Then it tells a piece of unknown ancient history.

The owners of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan have a longer lifespan than other races, so they have the most complete preservation of many inheritances.

In ancient times, there were three fighting emperors at the same time, namely Huangdi Xuanyuan, Yandi Shennong and Demon Emperor Chiyou. The three major forces stood on the mainland.

But the Devil Emperor had great ambitions and wanted to unify the entire continent, so he launched a huge war.

Under such a threat, Huangdi and Yandi joined forces to fight against the enemy, but Chi You's strength surpassed that of ordinary Doudi, even Xuanyuan and Shennong could not take advantage of it.

Later, Huangdi used benefits to lure him, instigated Chi You's mount Swallowing Beast, and let it cheat Chi You at a critical moment, while Xuanyuan and Shennong took this opportunity to defeat Chi You.

Chi You was resentful in his heart, and before he died, he planted a blood seal on the swallowing beast, which greatly shortened the lifespan of this race.

It is not a problem for the original swallowing beast to live for hundreds of years, but now it can only survive for a few decades even if it has grown to the level of a fighting saint.

If one wants to break through this seal, unless there is a Heaven Swallowing Beast who can advance to the Emperor Realm, then the curse in the bloodline will dissipate automatically.

Although the Swallowing Beast possesses extremely powerful cultivation talents, it is almost impossible to be promoted to Emperor Dou within decades. As time goes by, the number of the entire race becomes rarer, and it is basically extinct after thousands of years. up.

This is also the reason why Zhuli was so surprised after seeing Yun Duo, he didn't expect that there are still swallowing beasts in the world.

And Mo Feng was equally astonished, he never expected that the legends on the earth actually existed in this world, and it was a real thing that happened.

Afterwards, Zhuli said another thing, it turned out that the Taixu ancient dragon clan was the descendant of Yinglong, and Yinglong was the number one general under the Yellow Emperor's command, and he was a deadly enemy with Chiyou's Sky Swallowing Beast, I don't know how many times they fought.

It is precisely because of this that Zi Yan and Yun Duo disliked each other when they met for the first time. This is the influence that exists in the blood.

After knowing this, Mo Feng was not only surprised, but also worried about Yun Duo.

With Chi You's blood seal, its lifespan may be shorter than that of ordinary humans. Although it is underage now, it should be urged to practice more.

Mo Feng stayed on Longhuang Island for half a month, and then went back.

But on the way back, he was attacked by the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan.

Helping Ziyan grab the Dragon Emperor Origin Fruit before also offended this race, so he guarded his only way and wanted to kill him.

However, the other party also knew Mo Feng's strength, and in order not to think that he had specially dispatched a semi-holy-level powerhouse.

Although Mo Feng has the ability to leapfrog fights, he is far from being a semi-saint opponent.

At the critical moment, he crushed a dragon scale presented by Zhuli.

This is a gift from Taixu Gulong to express his gratitude. Once the scales are crushed, the strong dragons can travel through the void and come directly to his side.

This time it was a high-level half-sage who came, and within a few moves, beat the first-level half-sage of the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan to death.

In the end, Mo Feng made up the knife and completely solved it.

After killing such a powerful monster, a soul ring and a soul bone exploded.

After the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda absorbed the soul ring, it also had an extra soul skill.

The eighth soul skill is called "Breaking Ji", which can break through the limits of body, soul power, and battle qi, and push his combat power to a higher level.

It turned out that after using various hole cards, Mo Feng was able to barely fight against the Seven Star Dou Zun, but now with the superimposed effect of breaking the pole, even the Nine Star Dou Zun can be tough!
In addition, the spirit bone is also extremely extraordinary, it is the most rare external spirit bone.

After merging the soul bone, Mo Feng can stretch out a pair of extremely gorgeous wings behind him. In this state, not only the speed has been greatly increased, but it can also be used to resist powerful attacks.

(To be continued...)
(End of this chapter)

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