Fighting the strongest martial spirit

Chapter 2 Twin Martial Souls

Chapter 2 Twin Martial Souls (Please collect and recommend!)

But even so, it was amazing enough, one must know that he is only a fighting spirit now, but the ability of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda can continuously transform with the improvement of cultivation.

After he is promoted to Douwang or even Douhuang, one can imagine how amazing it will be!

The Misty Cloud Sect was very generous in dealing with such an existence with unlimited potential, and they were not stingy in the slightest in terms of resources for cultivation.

Even in order to avoid any accidents for him, several guards were specially sent for him.

You must know that there are many people who are greedy for Mo Feng, and they all want to take it as their own.

After all, this kind of ability that can greatly increase the combat effectiveness has a great effect on both individuals and sect forces.

And for this kind of job like a guard, many strong people are unwilling to take it.

But when it came to Mo Feng, those fighting spirits were extremely happy, and some even recommended themselves.

The reason is also very simple.

Mo Feng, who summoned the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, is equivalent to an enhanced version of buff, and it is still the kind that can move freely.

Anyone who embarks on the path of cultivation, who doesn't desire to have great power?
And as long as Mo Feng's assistance can be obtained, the combat power can be greatly improved immediately, even if it is only temporarily, it will make people's hearts move.

At the same time, he has also become a celebrity in the entire Misty Cloud Sect. Although he is only at the level of Dou Ling, his popularity is almost catching up to that of Pill King Furuhe.

Although taking drugs is also very cool, there is no such thing as a sudden increase in strength, and it is the kind that has no side effects at all.

At this moment, a burst of hearty laughter came from outside the door, and then a tall man walked in from outside the door.

This person looks like an uncle in his 40s, wearing a white robe.

After entering the door, he found a place to sit down very familiarly.

Then he looked at the former and said: "Brother Mo Feng, you really know how to enjoy it, we elders are all busy, only you don't have to worry about anything.

As long as you help out occasionally, and even if there is something to do, there will be a large group of people to protect it. This treatment is not much better than that of Elder Furukawa. "

Mo Feng glanced at the other party, and said, "Elder Yun Kun, aren't you very busy? Why do you have time to come to me every day?"

Yun Kun is also the elder of the Misty Cloud Sect, and his strength is quite strong, reaching the peak of Dou Ling.

In the entire Yunlan sect, there are not many people who can beat him.

With the help of Mo Feng, he was the one who had tied with the elder of Yunlanzong before.

But since that time, Yun Kun came to his side whenever he had nothing to do, and it was close.

Yun Kun heard the words and replied: "Brother Mo Feng, with your help, I actually drew a tie with the Douwang strongman, it is really a smug face.

You can reach this level at such an age, and your future is sure to be limitless, and you will definitely let the Misty Cloud Sect..."

Hearing these words, Mo Feng interrupted: "That's enough, that's enough, a person who was quite serious at first has become good at flattering.

Just talk about anything. "

Yun Kun smiled: "Haha, I still know me well, so I'll just say it straight.

Half a month later, there was one thing that required me to lead the team to do it.

Although I should be able to solve it with the strength of my Nine Star Dou Ling, but after much deliberation, it is safer to call my brother.I don’t know if brother Mo Feng has time to go with him..."

When Mo Feng heard the words, he also knew the purpose of the other party's visit.

Then he said: "Let's forget it, I don't want to go out these days."

Hearing this, Yun Kun quickly said: "Brother, just take it as a favor for me, if the task can be successfully completed, half of the meritorious service will be given to you.

You know, the meritorious value of this mission is a full [-]! "

Mo Feng's expression moved slightly. Merit points are very important things in Yunlanzong, and they can be exchanged for various precious things.

Although he does not lack ordinary cultivation resources, it is not so easy to get the real good things, and he must have enough merit points.

And now I just need a high-level exercise to improve my strength and practice speed.

He had taken a fancy to a volume of exercises called Cang Lan Jue half a year ago, but he was still short of some merit points, so he couldn't exchange it.

And if you can get [-] merit points, you can just exchange them for the Cang Lan Jue.

After thinking about it, Mo Feng replied: "Okay, but I have something to say first. I will not do anything in this mission, but will only assist you."

Hearing this, Yun Kun said with a smile: "Don't worry, brother, you don't need to do it yourself. Apart from me, there is a [-]-star fighting spirit and several big fighters performing this mission.

As long as we have your support, even if we meet the King of Fighters, we will have the power to fight! "

Mo Feng nodded. This kind of lineup is considered very strong. As long as you are not too unlucky and encounter some scary guys, there should be no problem.

And even if something really happened, he would not let others slaughter him, and he had no power to resist.

You know, Mo Feng is not as weak as he appears on the surface.

Although the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda has no attack function, but he only has such a support.

Even if his little Chui Chui has not equipped with a soul ring, it can still smash the dog's head of a strong person of the same level.

This point is the conclusion drawn by the beloved Sect Master Yun himself.

That's right, he is a twin martial soul, possessing both the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda and the Clear Sky Hammer.

Taking into account the strongest fighter and the strongest nurse.

Not only the attack power is over the top, but also the amount of milk is extraordinarily sufficient, whether it is laning or supporting, there is no problem.

It's just that Mo Feng seldom reveals the Clear Sky Hammer, Yun Yun is the only one in Misty Cloud Sect who knows that he has such a hammer.

The reason for this is also to keep a back hand for myself.

After all, there are not a few people who play his idea. If all the cards are figured out, he will fall into a very passive situation.

Instead of this, it is better to keep a hand, and give it to the other party suddenly at a critical moment, maybe there will be unexpected gains.

And the current Clear Sky Hammer doesn't have a spirit ring yet, its attack power is limited, so it can only be temporarily hidden.

He clearly remembered that the twin spirits had a huge time, so it would be a waste to configure the spirit ring too early.

So Mo Feng decided that the spirit ring blessed by his Clear Sky Hammer should at least reach the sixth level.

Only in this way can its potential be further improved.

Of course, he also thought about making all the spirit rings of the Clear Sky Hammer into ninth rank.

But the key point is that the ninth-level spirit ring can only appear after killing the ninth-level monster. If you don't have enough strength, what kind of ninth-level monster can you use to be tough?

Could it be possible to smash the opponent to death with the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower?

(Today there will be two updates in this book, and one chapter will be updated in Qin Shi's book. Please support us a lot!)
(End of this chapter)

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