Fighting the strongest martial spirit

Chapter 22 The Accompanying Treasure of King Shen

Chapter 22 The Accompanying Treasure of King Shen

With his current strength, coupled with the improvement of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, there is no one under Dou Wang at all.

And the former Dou Wang of the Jia Ma Empire can count on his fingers, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to bump into the muzzle of the gun, he will be fine.

Looking at the girl in front of him, he asked, "Where did you get this medicinal herb?"

"I dug it myself, what's wrong?"

The former said something.

Mo Feng asked: "Where did you dig, can you take me there?"

"It's very dangerous there, you'd better not go there, if it wasn't for this blood ginseng, my brother wouldn't be what he is now..."

Having said that, her expression also dimmed.

"It's okay, I can protect myself, as long as you can take me to that place, I can give you a certain reward."

Mo Feng continued.

There is a reason why he cares so much about this issue.

The blood jade ginseng king is not only a rare medicinal material, but also has a characteristic.That is, wherever King Shen grew up, there are nine out of ten treasures that will accompany him.

Although I don't know what the accompanying treasure is, it is definitely more precious than the former.

The girl heard the words and said: "It's not that I didn't tell you, but I don't know the exact location, because my brother picked this medicine himself, and now he is seriously injured, so he can't take you there. .”

Mo Feng frowned slightly, he finally came across a treasure, but he couldn't just give up so easily.

Then he said: "Where is your brother, take me there. Maybe I can help your brother's injury."

The girl's eyes lit up: "Could it be that you are a pharmacist?"

The former shook his head slightly: "I'm not, and I'm not absolutely sure, but it's okay to try."

The girl looked a little disappointed, but after thinking about it, she agreed.

It's better to have hope than nothing, and through the previous things, she doesn't feel like the other party is a bad person.

Furthermore, with the current situation of their brother and sister, there is nothing good to plot.

"Okay, I'll take you there."

As she spoke, the girl walked to the front and led the way.

But at this moment, a group of soldiers in armor rushed over, as if they had noticed the movement here.

A guard captain looked at the fainted men, then looked at Mo Feng and the two, and asked, "What's going on?"

Mo Feng looked normal, and replied: "These guys in Baoyaozhai wanted to plot something wrong, and then I beat them to the ground."

At this time, he was ready to fight in his heart.

But what he didn't expect was that the captain of the guard nodded: "I know, since this is the case, these guys are indeed doing it for themselves. It's nothing, you can go."

As he spoke, he took the group of soldiers and left here.

Seeing that these people are so reasonable, Mo Feng couldn't help being slightly taken aback, then looked at the girl beside him and said, "Didn't you say that Baoyaozhai has the support of Yan's family and is very powerful here?

Now that their people were injured by me, why don't these soldiers have the slightest intention to pursue it? "

The girl said: "These soldiers belong directly to the city lord, there is no need to give face to the Yan family. Moreover, the relationship between the city lord and the Yan family's head is not very good, so I don't bother to stand up for these guys."

Hearing these words, Mo Feng also understood.

Because the Yan family's power is strong, it has hindered the city lord's rule of the city to a large extent, and conflicts between the two sides are inevitable.

This situation does not only exist in Yasuo City, but also in many places.

Just like their Yunlan sect was not welcomed by the Jia Ma royal family, even though they were polite on the surface, they were just at odds with each other.

"Let's go quickly, the Yan family should be coming soon."

The girl said anxiously.

Mo Feng nodded and asked, "Then what's your name, and where is your brother now?"

"My name is Xiao Ning, my brother is recuperating in the eastern suburbs."

The former said after hearing the words: "Stretch your hand over here."

"what happened?"

The girl named Xiao Ning asked and extended her hand at the same time.

Seeing this, Mo Feng grabbed her forearm and pulled it onto the unicorn.

"Your speed is too slow, it will be faster if you share a ride with me."

Xiao Ning said with some embarrassment: "This is not very good..."

But before he finished speaking, Mo Feng said again: "Sit still."

Immediately afterwards, the unicorn opened its four hooves and galloped towards the east.


Xiao Ning was not ready yet, she subconsciously hugged her after exclaiming.

But then he realized that this kind of action was not very polite, so he blushed and let go of his arms, and gently grabbed the opponent's clothes with both hands.

But Mo Feng felt that it didn't matter. For him, finding the accompanying treasure of the Blood Jade Ginseng King as soon as possible was the most important thing.

The speed of the unicorn was very fast, comparable to the full speed of a strong fighting spirit, and it arrived at the outskirts of the city in a short while.

The two came down from the unicorn, and then led by Xiao Ning to a wooden house.

The wooden house doesn't look very spacious, but it's fairly clean, and the environment is relatively secluded, with no one disturbing it.

After entering the room, Xiao Ning walked to the bed, and there was a young man lying there, who looked about 20 years old.

"Brother, I brought the son who I thought was very powerful, he might be able to heal your injury!"

After the words fell, the young man opened his eyes and looked at the former weakly, with a smile on his face.

"I'm afraid it's difficult to heal my injury. You'd better not waste money."

Originally, the two brothers and sisters relied on their own hard work and good luck to save some family property, and barely lived a life without worrying about food and clothing.

But in order to injure himself, all savings were spent.

Otherwise, Xiao Ning would not have sold such precious medicinal materials at such a low price before.

Hearing this, the corners of Xiao Ning's eyes turned red slightly: "Brother, don't say that, I will make you better no matter what."

Then he looked at Mo Feng and said, "My lord, come and see my brother. As long as you can heal his injury, I will do whatever you want!"

Mo Feng heard the words and stepped forward, and took a look at the young man.

He could feel that the person in front of him was still somewhat cultivated, roughly in the shape of a five-star Dou Zhe.

It's not very strong, but it's not bad for its age.

However, this person was seriously injured. Without effective treatment, he might not be able to last for too long.

At the same time, the young man was also looking at him.

He coughed the doctor, and said with a serious face: "I can feel that you are not an ordinary person, and you probably don't like that red blood jade ginseng.

Can you tell me what you are here for? "

(Everyone give some recommendation tickets!)

(End of this chapter)

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