Chapter 72
After training Medusa, Mo Feng also stopped, and he didn't do too much. It would be bad if he pushed Medusa into a hurry.

Looking at the scars on the opponent's body, Mo Feng, as a leader, once again carried forward humanitarian care.

The Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda emerged, shining with brilliant human brilliance.

"The Nine Treasures are famous, and the third one says: Heal!"

After the words fell, an emerald green light shot out and sank into the opponent's body.

Immediately afterwards, the wound on Medusa began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was no longer as miserable as before.

Medusa was also slightly surprised to feel the recovery of the injury in her body. This kind of healing method is more effective than those high-level healing medicines.

Standing up, he looked at each other.At this time, she couldn't help but feel curious about the person in front of her. Although this guy is very annoying, he also has extraordinary means.

At this time, Mo Feng said: "For the next three years, you will follow me and obey orders, do you understand?"


Medusa gave him a blank look when she heard the words, and turned her head away.

Seeing this, Mo Feng also knew that the other party's arrogant temper would not change for a while.But it doesn't matter, it's been a long time, and there will be opportunities to continue training in the future.

The most urgent task now is to deal with the strange fire that has just been acquired.

"follow me."

After saying a word, the fighting spirit wings on his back stretched out and flew into the air.

Although Medusa really didn't want to see the former again, she still had to comply with some of his requirements.

The gorgeous wings of fighting spirit spread out, and then the body turned into a streamer and followed.

After a stick of incense, the two fell from the sky and came to a cave.

Mo Feng said: "Medusa, you stay guard at the entrance of the cave, don't come in without my order."

After saying a few words, he walked into the cave with the panda Yun Duo.

Medusa also ignored the other party, just found a place to sit down, and meditated quietly to recover from her injuries.

After entering the cave, Mo Feng put Yun Duo down and said, "Little guy, you stay here and don't let important people disturb me. When you get rid of the strange fire, I will reward you with ten buckets of milk."

Hearing about the pot of milk, Yun Duo instantly became interested, raised his paw in a very humane way and made an OK gesture, and then went to perform the task with his short legs.

Seeing this, Mo Feng smiled lightly. Although Medusa had signed a contract with him, she was still not of the same heart with him, so naturally she couldn't fully believe it.

Although Yun Duo is a bit naughty, he is still very reliable when using it.

With the protection of two Dou Huang powerhouses, he can refine the strange fire with peace of mind.

With this in mind, he raised his foot and walked deep into the cave, and came to a rather hidden location.

Sitting cross-legged on a flat ground, he put the lotus platform in front of him, looked at the agile blue flame, and let out a breath slowly.

The strange fire is a strange thing born from heaven and earth, and it contains powerful energy. It is also extremely terrifying in itself, and it is not an easy task to domesticate it.

If he hadn't practiced Yan Shen Jue, he would never have such an idea in a short time.

After all, this approach is to risk your life, and if you are not careful, you will be burned to ashes.

After adjusting his state, he kept his fighting spirit and mental power at the peak, then stretched out his hands and instantly covered them with a layer of crimson flames, and slowly approached Qinglian's heart fire.

To tame the strange fire, the easiest way is to find the fire at the core, and then fuse with the fire in your body.

This is also an advantage that can only be obtained by practicing Yanshenjue, which greatly reduces the difficulty of devouring different fires.

The fire in the body vibrated slightly, and then a terrifying suction appeared in the palm of his hand.

But at this moment, the cyan flame in the center of the lotus platform seemed to feel something, and it directly broke away from the lotus seat, suspended in mid-air, and its body expanded instantly.

As the volume of the flame grew, the temperature in the cave also rose at an extremely fast rate.

In the bright cave, the cyan flame violently churned.As the clusters of flames burned, there were obviously some conspicuous distortion marks in the space around the flames.

At this time, a red flame erupted from Mo Feng's palm, directly turning into a flame vortex.

With the rotation of the vortex, the blue strange fire was actually sucked in.

However, Qinglian's heart fire is a strange thing, and she has already developed spirituality, so she naturally doesn't want to be swallowed by it, and immediately launched a resistance.

The volume of the flames exploded suddenly, and holes were burned out on the mountain walls in the cave.

The Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, which was originally only the size of a lotus flower, turned into a sea of ​​flames and swept away.

Seeing this, Mo Feng was startled, and quickly used the fifth soul skill of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda to defend.

However, the power of the mask is limited, and it only blocked it for about two breaths before being corroded by the terrifying high temperature.

The flames slammed like huge waves, as if they were going to turn everything into ashes.

But at this moment, crimson flames spewed out from his body, covering his entire body, and the two kinds of flames collided together in an instant.

The different fire is the king of all fires, and it can make other flames rise and fall, but the terrifying Qinglian Earth Heart Fire did not gain much of the upper hand when facing these red flames, and the two sides seemed to be in a stalemate.

Mo Feng's eyes lit up, he didn't expect Yanshen Art to be so powerful, and the flames it produced could compete with the legendary strange fire.

At this time, he was in the sea of ​​flames. Although he could feel the terrifying burning sensation and did not suffer much damage, he could still hold on.

With such a layer of protection, it will be much easier for him to refine the strange fire.

His eyes continued to search, but after a few breaths, he saw a real flame in the center of the blue flame.

The shape of this flame is like magma, flowing slowly, as if the strange fire has been compressed thousands of times, and one can clearly feel the unimaginable powerful energy contained in it.

Mo Feng was overjoyed, he knew that the thing in front of him was the kindling seed of Qinglian's inner fire...

 Thank you for the reward of "If I promise you a hundred flowers bloom for the Qing Emperor"!

(End of this chapter)

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