Chapter 79

It has been three days since I came to Jianan Academy, these few days have passed very peacefully, Wu Tianlang also treated him as a guest of honor very politely, and set up a banquet to express his gratitude.

In addition, an independent residence was specially arranged for him, and he would take some time every day to come over and chat for a few words.

One afternoon, Mo Feng was meditating in the courtyard, when he heard some slight footsteps.

Looking up, he saw two figures approaching, one was an acquaintance Wu Tianlang, and the other was an old man with white beard and hair.

Although the old man looked a little thinner, he exuded an aura invisible, which could not be ignored.

Mo Feng's expression moved slightly, the pressure brought by this old man was greater than that of Wu Tianlang, and he was definitely a Douhuang-level powerhouse, and his level should be above seven stars!
Seeing the two people walking towards him, Mo Feng also stood up and greeted him, greeted with a smile, then looked at the old man and said, "I wonder if this is..."

The old man also smiled, stroked his beard and said, "My name is Hu Qian, and I am the vice president of the outer courtyard of Canaan College."

Hearing this, Mo Feng raised his eyebrows slightly, knowing it in his heart.

It turned out to be the vice president. No wonder he was so powerful. According to his estimation, this person's realm was not much worse than Medusa's.

Then he clasped his fists and said, "I've seen the vice president."

Hu Qian also said very politely: "Brother Mo, you don't need to be too polite. I have always wanted to meet the first genius in the Northwest Territory, and today I finally got my wish."

"Senior is wrong."

Mo Feng said a word modestly.

Hu Qian looked at the former for a while, and then said: "Brother Mo is indeed a rare hero in the world. It is incredible that he has reached the high-level fighting king before the age of 20."

"It's just luck."

At this time, he can't say anything other than humility.

Hu Gan said: "I heard what Wu Hao said before, Brother Mo seems to have a unique ability, which can improve a person's strength in a short period of time. I wonder if it is convenient to use it, so that the old man can also open his eyes?"

Mo Feng didn't want to hide it either, so he agreed directly.

"It's not inconvenient, but my ability is more effective for weaker people, but the range of improvement for the strong above the fighting king is very limited."

"It's okay, please let go."

Hu Qian smiled.

Mo Feng nodded slightly, then opened his palms, and the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda emerged, exuding brilliance.

"The Nine Treasures are famous, one said: Strength!
Two said: speed!
Four said: Qi! "

As the voice fell, beams of light sank into his body.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Feng's aura suddenly changed, and his realm began to improve rapidly, from the seven-star fighting king to the nine-star peak in the blink of an eye!
And this is not over yet, after reaching the peak of the Douwang, there was a pause of about two seconds, and then the breath was guaranteed again, directly breaking through the bottleneck, and stepping into the threshold of the Douhuang!
Feeling the fighting emperor's aura emanating from the former, both Hu Gan and Wu Tianlang were shocked.

After reaching the Douwang, it is very difficult to advance to a small realm. I thought it would be good if the opponent's strength increased by one or two stars, but I didn't expect to break through to the Douhuang directly!

After a breath, the two came back to their senses and exclaimed, "Such a magical ability has never been seen before!"

Hu Gan's eyes were full of fire: "I don't know how many people Brother Mo can assist at most?"

Mo Feng heard the words: "With my current strength, I can raise up to three peak fighting kings to the fighting emperor level at the same time. If it is a fighting emperor, I'm afraid I can only bless two people, and the promotion rate will not exceed three stars.

However, the more people assisting, the greater the consumption, and the shorter the time it can be maintained. "

Hearing this, the eagerness on Hu Gan's face became even more intense, which meant that the other party alone could make Canaan Academy have three more fighting emperors in a short period of time!
Although it cannot last for too long, it is enough to reverse the situation at a critical moment.

Now that the Black League is powerful and the academy is in danger, it is time to need more powerful people.

But now Mo Feng is only here as a guest, not a member of the academy, so we must keep him as much as possible!

Hu Gan asked: "Brother Mo is a member of the Misty Cloud Sect, so he should be very busy on weekdays, right? How can he have time to come to the Black Horn Region?"

"I only have the name of an elder in Yunlanzong, and I am not in charge of specific affairs, so I am relatively free."

Mo Feng replied.

Hu Qian showed a smile on his face, and then said: "Since that's the case, I don't know if Brother Mo would like to be an elder in Canaan College?"

Mo Feng was overjoyed when he heard the words, but hesitation showed on his face: "It stands to reason that I shouldn't refuse the invitation from the senior, but I am a member of the Misty Cloud Sect after all, this..."

Wu Tianlang who was on the side said: "It's just an elder Keqing, he can come and go freely, he doesn't need to bear too many responsibilities, and there is no conflict with the Yunlan Sect."

Hearing this, Mo Feng looked thoughtful, but did not answer immediately.

Seeing this, Hu Gan said, "Brother Mo came to this Black Horn Region, presumably to hone himself. But there is a good place in Canaan Academy, I believe Brother Mo will be interested."


Mo Feng already had a guess in his mind.

Hu Gan continued: "The academy is divided into the inner courtyard and the outer courtyard, which is the outer courtyard at this time. And in the inner courtyard, there is a sky burning gas refining tower. Practicing in the tower can quickly temper fighting energy, increase the speed of practice, and let Cultivate a thousand miles in a day."

Mo Feng pretended to be surprised: "There is such a good place in Canaan College?"

Hu Qiandao: "The Tianfen Qi Refining Pagoda is the core of the academy, and it stands to reason that you can't get close to it at will. But if Brother Mo is willing to become the guest of the academy, I will apply to the First Elder to allow you to enter the tower to practice. "

After speaking, he looked at Mo Feng, waiting for an answer. He believed that the other party would not refuse such a condition...

 Seeking recommendations!


(End of this chapter)

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