Fighting the strongest martial spirit

Chapter 90 The Dark Horse of the Contest

Chapter 90 The Dark Horse of the Contest (Part [-])
The top ranking competition officially kicked off. This time, a total of 50 people participated in the competition, all of whom were elites with extraordinary strength.

Even if it is placed in a big sect like Yunlanzong, it can still get the seat of elder.

Therefore, there will be many forces coming to win over the graduates of each class.

And this competition represents the highest level of the Inner Academy, and it will definitely ensure fairness and justice.

The first is to determine their respective opponents by drawing lots and conduct a two-two battle.

After the first round, 25 people will advance to the second round in the same way.

Sitting on the high platform above, Mo Feng couldn't help but nodded slightly as he watched the battle between the students.

If you judge it from the perspective of the entire field, everyone in the strong list can be regarded as a genius, and they can be regarded as the pride of an empire.

In order to get a better ranking in the competition, everyone used their housekeeping skills to stand out.

However, as the so-called strong players have their own strong players, the gap between the fifty top players is also very large. For example, there is a top ten player who defeated his opponent with only a few moves.

Although the potential of the top students is extraordinary, because of the length of time in the inner court, outstanding talent does not mean that they are very strong now.

Those who can break into the top ten have basically been in the inner court for more than three years, and they are senior students.

In such a fiercely competitive environment, it is undoubtedly very difficult for newcomers to succeed. In most cases, it is necessary to wait until the seniors graduate, and then the following people can fill in.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything. From time to time, there will be one or two dark horses in the competition, and they will enter the top list.

And this time there were two people, and their performance was quite eye-catching.

One person is as gentle and elegant as Mr. Pianpian, and the sword gang fighting skill in one hand is already quite promising, even for people with a higher level of realm, it is difficult to parry.

The other person was tall and strong, and he used a majestic long spear, which was fierce and domineering, and had the power to split mountains and rocks.

These two people are called Lin Xiuya and Liu Qing respectively, and they are both in their early twenties. Although they have only entered the inner courtyard for only a year and a half, they have already reached the level of five-star fighting spirits.

Compared with many senior veteran students, it is much stronger.

The two successfully defeated their opponents in the first round and entered the next round of competition.

Because there were 25 people in the second round, there was a bye quota in the two-two battle. After the discussion of the elders, it was decided to give this quota to Ziyan.

Regarding this decision, none of the students objected, after all, no one hoped that their opponent in the next match would be a strong fighter.

But the little girl Zi Yan was not very happy, she pouted and said: "Boring."

For such a militant, watching a play from the sidelines is naturally not as enjoyable as going off to beat someone up in person.

After fierce duels, the second match passed quickly, and only thirteen of the top fifty students remained.

Because the top ten of the strong list must be selected first, six people can only be selected by drawing lots, and then three of the six will be selected to make up ten.

However, in order to ensure the fairness of the competition, Zi Yan was once again left out, and the draw was only made among the remaining twelve people. .

Such a decision made her unhappy. Originally, as the number one on the strong list, she wanted to show her prestige today, but now it has become a foil.

In order for the students to show their best condition, seeing that the next match is scheduled for tomorrow, a certain amount of rest time is given.

On the morning of the second day, the competition continued, and the remaining 13 people will have an ultimate duel.

In the six-to-three competition, Lin Xiuya and Liu Qing were unfortunately selected to fight with two seven-star fighting spirits.

These two battles were extremely fierce, and the final result was also surprising.

Both of them actually defeated opponents who were stronger than themselves, and successfully entered the top ten of the strong list.

However, in order to win, they also used all their strength. After a fight, they collapsed to the ground and couldn't even stand up, so they couldn't carry on the next battle.

In the final judgment, Lin Xiuya was ninth and Liu Qing was tenth!
Getting such a ranking after entering the inner courtyard for just over a year is enough to make them proud.

After the two were carried down, the competition continued. Although the top ten can all get the competition rewards, the order of ranking is also very important to the students.

Not only is it about reputation, but more importantly, the fire energy that No.1 can receive every month is several times that of No.10!
However, although the resources of No.1 are very greedy, no one dares to spy on them.

As long as Ziyan is still in the inner courtyard for a day, this No. 1 will not change hands, because all students who become Douwang will graduate automatically.

The competition came to an end, and the final result was as expected.

Ziyan used her small fists to strongly defend her No.1 honor, ranking No.1 in the Inner Court Strong List for the fourth time in a row!
After the competition, Mo Feng, the chief examiner, also completed the task and wanted to practice with peace of mind.

But at this time, the Great Elder gave him a task again, that is to take the top ten selected just now to the bottom nine floors of the Qi Refining Tower, and accept the training of Yuanyuan Xinyan...

 To make up for yesterday's update, there will be four chapters today, this is Chapter 1.

(End of this chapter)

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