Fighting the strongest martial spirit

Chapter 97 Yin Yang Profound Dragon Pill

Chapter 97 Yin Yang Profound Dragon Pill

Following the appearance of the cold jade box, all the forces in front of the auction suddenly straightened up, staring at the cold jade box with undisguised greed in their eyes.

On the Dou Qi Continent, pharmacists who are qualified to successfully refine the seventh-grade elixir are almost rare, and these people are all the generation of grand masters.

It's just that in the Black Horn Domain, no one seems to be able to refine such a grade of elixir.

But for them, it doesn't matter where the baby comes from, as long as they can get it.

At this time, Mo Feng's eyes were also locked on the cold jade box on the crystal table.There was a golden elixir the size of a longan lying quietly in it.

The surface of the elixir is extremely round, and two strands of golden airflow are circulating erratically inside the elixir. Looking closely, the golden airflow actually converges into two tiny golden dragons, entangled with each other.

The subtle sound of the dragon's chant slowly diffused through the vibration of the air, making the souls of those who heard it tremble involuntarily under the power of the dragon.

Amidst the looming dragon chant, the entire auction house fell into a deathly silence.

"It really is Yin Yang Profound Dragon Pill."

Mo Feng thought to himself.

He still has some impressions of this kind of elixir. Although it can't directly improve people's cultivation, it has the effect of breaking and standing, and the effect is amazing.

I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence that I just happened to run into it.

Different from the previous three thousand thunders, this Yin-Yang Xuanlong Pill also has a great effect on itself.

He has already made up his mind that no matter who auctions off this pill, he must get it.

At this time, the auctioneer said: "This pill ranks the seventh grade, named Yinyang Xuanlong Pill, if anyone takes this Yinyang Xuanlong Pill, then when they are seriously injured or dying in the future, not only will they be able to save their lives, but they will also promote Human beings are born and transformed. Regardless of body, soul or even fighting spirit, they can all be improved to a higher level!

Thinking back to the time when the famous Venerable Feng was still Dou Zong, he also took this pill when his life was dying, and after breaking through, he was promoted to the legendary realm of Dou Zun after seven years, which shows the power of this pill. magic! "

"Dou Zun!"

Hearing this, everyone below was also quite shocked. Anything that can be connected with Dou Zun on the mainland is basically a priceless treasure, enough to make Dou Huang and even Dou Zong go crazy.

There was a gleam in Mo Feng's eyes, he still had some understanding of Yin Yang Xuanlong Pill.

In fact, the auctioneer's words were a bit exaggerated, as if such a pill would already be a strong fighter.

In fact, this elixir only gave people a chance to transform, and the possibility of success was not high. After all, it was not easy to truly break through after being severely injured.

If there are really no restrictions, then this pill will at least rank among the eighth rank.

But even so, it is still impossible to deny the powerful effect of the Yin Yang Profound Dragon Pill, which can be regarded as the top rank even among the seventh rank.

Even if it is placed in Zhongzhou, it is definitely what countless people dream of, and the value is even higher than the three thousand thunder!
It stands to reason that this level of pills is unlikely to appear in the black corner domain, and it is also a kind of luck to encounter it here.

In the huge auction house at this moment, the silence lasted for a while, and the sound of breathing was almost continuous. When countless people looked at the golden elixir in the prison again, the salivation in their eyes had completely changed to greedy.

Dou Zun, that is a realm that many people dare not even dream about. At this moment, such an opportunity seems to have arrived.

If it weren't for the presence of a strong man, the people below probably couldn't help but want to snatch it.

"Stop talking nonsense and make a quotation."

Many people have already shouted impatiently.

The auctioneer nodded with a smile, cleared his throat, and said seriously: "The value of this Yin-Yang Profound Dragon Pill must be clear to all of you, pure money alone is not enough to measure its price.

Therefore, the owner who consigned this elixir requested that it could only be exchanged with special items, which could be treasures comparable to its value, or some special conditions.

As for what kind of price to offer, it depends on everyone's ability and sincerity. "

Hearing this, the eyes of the people below flashed a gleam, as if they were thinking.

Although this request was a bit weird, no one gave up because of it.

After a few short breaths, someone spoke and showed his capital first.Afterwards, people from the Heavenly Snake Mansion, the Blood Sect, and the Heiku Tomb also offered their bids.

The auction hall was once again in contention.

After half a stick of incense, the ownership of the Yin Yang Profound Dragon Pill was finally decided, and the auction officially ended.

After the Heavenly Snake Mansion paid a huge price, they finally got the elixir in their hands.

As soon as they got the elixir, the people from the Heavenly Snake Mansion left in a hurry without stopping, obviously they knew what other people were planning.

As soon as they left, many people chased after them.

There are quite a few forces such as the Blood Sect and the Heiku Tomb, and anyone with any ability wants to take the pill for themselves.

Mo Feng also stood up and followed.

Although Sanqian Leidong and Yinyang Xuanlong Pill were in the hands of two waves of forces, it was difficult to attack them at the same time, but Mo Feng did not hesitate at all.

He doesn't need the ground-level fighting skills, but he must get the Yin-Yang Xuanlong Pill...

 Seeking recommendations!


(End of this chapter)

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