My Wanjie Assassin System

Chapter 349 The battle begins

Chapter 349 The battle begins (8)

If you can't find a way to stabilize Bo Saixi now, you will have no chance, so you must think of a few reasonable explanations.

"I don't know the rules here, so I came here!"

Although this is a bit reluctant, it is still impossible.

Logically, this should not be the case, because even if there are few fire crystals, the energy contained in the fire crystals is still very large. Unless the energy incorporated into itself is very small, this situation will definitely not happen.

Yechen also seized this opportunity to search this place carefully, maybe he will gain a lot in the end.

Although I am not very familiar with this place, but it is more magical than imagined, so there is no shortage of those things...

But don't think about that for now, let's take a look inside first, and go to the island to see the situation.

"This place is so beautiful, it seems to have lived here forever!"

Huo Huo said enthusiastically.

Yechen ignored her, looked at his own things, but was too lazy to waste time on her!

When I think of two people who don't know the heights of the world, I feel funny in my heart, but the matter is easily resolved, and there is no need to care about it.

Seeing Ye Chen's stern and terrifying face, You Ming has already resigned to his fate. The person in front of him is really too powerful, and has seriously surpassed his own cognition.

His soul power can no longer be summed up in simple words, perhaps even the silver priest can't compare with him.

There is actually such an existence on the Austin Continent, and I have never seen it before.

Since what happened on Immortal Island last time, this person disappeared, but now he reappeared. What is the purpose?
"You Ming, tell me, what last words do you need me to help you fulfill, and I'm not so cold-blooded and heartless!"

Ye Chen said boastfully.

"Hmph, if you want to kill, kill, I won't flatter you, I, You Ming, was not born to bow to others, and sometimes others bow to me!"

You Ming still has such a temper, Ye Chen wants to laugh when he looks at it, now that he is at the end of his battle, he still has such courage, does it mean that he has arrogance?Or is he an idiot?

But with his temper, it's normal for him not to bow his head to others easily. People with such a stubborn temper and aloofness will behave like this, so Ye Chen doesn't care about him.

"Maybe you are still useful in my opinion? I really give you a chance, but if you are still so stubborn, then I can only help you ascend as soon as possible, how?"

Yechen said in a cold voice, his eyes fixed on You Ming, to see what he was going to do.

"Bah, in my opinion, you are even more cold-blooded than me. You can say such words from your mouth and take away the soul seal of eternal life without permission. Do you think you are a good person?"

"Of course I don't think I'm so good, but isn't it fun to be able to decide the life and death of others so easily?"

Ye Chen's words silenced You Ming for an instant. Now that his life is hanging by a thread, it's also a reminder to him, don't always look at people with that expression, it's very annoying.

Yechen doesn't like dealing with such people, and he doesn't like having much verbal communication with them.

Knowing that your life is in the hands of others, you may die at any time, so if you are not afraid of death, you'd better be honest.

And because there is no one who is not afraid of death, unless the brain is really abnormal, even if you are not afraid mentally, when you are really facing the threat of death, you will still be timid in your heart. This is a human survival instinct, and no one can change it.

Even now, like You Ming, after hearing Ye Chen's words, his body shook a little bit, he was resisting, he didn't want to die like this.

There are still many important things that have not been finished, how could he die here, but if he bows his head easily, it will violate his original intention, and he will never bow his head to anyone
"Do you know why Gilgamesh is more suitable to become a prince than you? Although your strength is a little bit worse than his, you are missing one very important thing!"

Ye Chen said.


You Ming's body is almost unable to hold on, because of the overdrawn of soul power and serious injuries, the blood is still flowing, and it is almost reaching its limit.

Yechen turned around, looked at You Ming coldly and said, "Mind nature is a very important factor, but you don't have it!"

Yechen raised the Weeping Blood Blade, and directly chopped off You Ming's head. The Weeping Blood Blade made a strange clanging sound, absorbing all the blood.

Summoned the holy flame of the dead, cleaned up the two corpses, and burned them directly.

Then turn around and leave, as if nothing happened...

After obtaining the Silver Winged God Flame, there will be nothing else to do in the Aoting Continent, and Yechen will return to the Douluo Continent.

However, just as he was about to leave, he suddenly felt another powerful energy fluctuation of the different fire.

However, no matter how Yechen inquired, he still couldn't determine the exact location.

It's just that the jelly seems to be right in front of me, but I just can't find it.

And he subconsciously thought of the Silver Winged Divine Flame, as if it was the perception of the Silver Winged Divine Flame.

Is it?

Yechen thought for a while, maybe it was because the Silver Winged God Flame could tell the subtle fluctuations in the energy of the different fire.

But because the scope is very broad, it is impossible to know what is going on at this stage.

But this shows that there is another kind of strange fire on the continent of Odin, but where is this different fire now?
"By the way, since the Silver Winged Divine Flame has this special induction, maybe it can find the location of that strange fire through the fluctuation of energy!"

Immediately, Yechen released the original energy of the different fire of the Silver Winged God Flame, and those energies turned into a stream of light, not knowing where to go, Yechen quickly followed.

"It really works, follow this light, and you will be able to find where the strange fire is!"

With the help of the Silver Winged Divine Flame, there is no need to worry about finding the location of the strange fire in the Xislan sea area of ​​the Douluo Continent.

It is really special to be able to find the place where the strange fire is through the mutual attraction of energy and breath.

Not only is it powerful, but it also has such a special ability, which is not ordinary at all.

You must know that although the different fires can devour each other, they can't be perceived, and the Silver Winged God Flame has such an ability, which shows that it is very special.

This is just like the information transmission of the human brain. When two information links are detected, an information network is formed.

The same is true for this strange fire, they also have their own ways of transmitting information.

And if only the different fires can perceive each other, maybe they will be found soon.

Now I only have so many strange fires on my body, it is really not easy to collect all the strange fires.

Douluo Dalu is quite sufficient, but I don't know where those strange fires are.

After all, the Xislan sea area is too huge, trying to find it is like looking for a needle in a haystack, and it is impossible to find it quickly.

And now with this Silver Winged Divine Flame, it is only a matter of time before another kind of strange fire is collected.

However, if the detection accuracy of the Silver Winged Divine Flame is extremely high, then there is no problem, maybe all the hidden strange fires in the Douluo Continent can be found quickly.

"There are only 22 types in the Douqi Continent, and I don't know how many are left in the Douluo Continent. If you can collect half of them, then it's still pretty good..."

After all, there are a thousand kinds, and there is still a flame soul, so no matter how powerful the ability is, it still takes time to find it.

When all the different flames including the flame soul have been collected, then the flame of light will be in hand.

And there is also an eternal flame, but this kind of fire seems to be in the hands of the white devil.

But those were all rumors, and I don't know whether they are true or not. If it were really in the hands of the White Demon, it would be an extremely destructive battle.

Only by finding the two types of fire, then the Creation God Flame will be in hand...

"what is that?"

While walking, Nangong Yumo suddenly pointed to the mountain not far away and said.

Yechen looked over subconsciously, and saw a huge purple flame, and his heart was instantly excited.

Different fire?

This color should be a very special strange fire, Yechen thought about it carefully, and finally confirmed the strange fire, but he didn't expect it to be the amethyst Lieyangyan who was ranked fifteenth!
It's not because of how scary it is here, the most important thing is that there is no danger at all, which Ye Chen is [-]% sure of.

So here you can only rest assured and look for what you need seriously!
How is it possible that the Fire Crystal, which was found so hard, can only absorb a little energy?

And where did the lost energy go?Is it back to nature?
If Yechen didn't feel the energy leakage, then what happened?
"Impossible, anyone who enters the range of Sea God Island will be discovered by me, but how come you appear here, and you can't sense your existence at all?"

Bo Saixi asked for a while.

"That's because my martial soul has hidden abilities, so you can't detect it!"

(End of this chapter)

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