My Wanjie Assassin System

Chapter 376 Sea God Temple

Chapter 376 Sea God Temple (5)

I don't know how much different fire energy can be found this time, as long as it is possible, I hope it is all that is left.

No matter what kind of difficulties he will face, Yechen will not back down in the slightest, only by fighting for himself can he know the final result.

Even if you go down the mountain of swords and the sea of ​​fire, you have to try it yourself.

This is a very magical place, so many people want to go to it, but there are very few people who can really go there.

Yechen believes that he is the luckiest person, so he must find those things!

Of course, this is just casual talk, if it is really a soul beast, it is really difficult to do, unless the entire island is directly destroyed, but that will attract many powerful sea soul beasts.

You must know that the soul beasts in the sea are many times stronger than those on land. If you encounter a particularly powerful sea soul beast, it will be difficult to handle.

The most important thing is that some powerful sea spirit beasts have some special abilities, and they are extremely weird.

"Hey, look quickly, Yechen, that ship"

Huo Huo suddenly pointed at the approaching ship, which was almost reaching the shore.

Black is black, white is white, there is no self in a thousand mirrors, and you can hide in the smallest detail!
Yechen immediately pulled Huohuo, the concealment effect was activated immediately, and the two of them became transparent instantly.

When he came to the edge of the cliff, he stared at the approaching ship. There was a figure standing on the bow of the ship.

He seemed to have noticed the boat staying not far ahead, and then quickly rowed to the shore.
"Strange, what are they doing here?"

Nangong Yumo searched the boat, but found no clues, so he got off the boat and walked to the island.

His expression was dignified, and his steps were hurried. When Ye Chen saw the man's appearance clearly, he just frowned slightly, "Nangong Yumo, you really are not simple..."

"Nangong Yumo?"

Huohuo eagerly repeated Yechen's words, "Isn't this person from your Shrek?" Then he turned his gaze to Nangong Yumo, who was walking towards the forest.

"I thought he was not simple early in the morning, and it seems that he is too."

Looking back on the situation when he saw the strange fire before, although the surface was very peaceful, the thoughts in his heart were not simple.

It seems that this person also knows the existence of the system, so his identity?

"Why is he following us?"

I haven't been in contact with other people very long, and I usually have a relatively close relationship with Xiao Wu and a few girls, so I don't know most of them very well.

However, seeing Ye Chen's serious expression, Huo Huo guessed that it might not be that simple.

"His purpose is actually very simple. He just wants to know who I am!"

Yechen's heart is still very calm, and he will not panic because of Nangong Yumo's stalking.

After all, if he knows and understands the system ability user, then there is nothing strange about this incident, which means that he should also be hunted down by Nightmare and escape here...

But why didn't Luo Yue and the others notice his existence when they came?

And that Juyou's time-space Yudie has a special reaction, so if Nangong Yumo is also a system ability user, how could he not be aware of him?

Thinking of this, Yechen couldn't help being stunned for a moment, so it could not be ruled out that he might be Yan's defector, but
"Go, go and see!"

I didn't have time to think about it, so I asked about the specific situation first, and guessed that Nangong Yumo would not lie.

"Yechen, do you have any ulterior secrets about you?"

Huo Huo asked curiously.

"I can have any secrets, isn't it because the Wuhun is special!"

Ye Chen replied with a smile.


Huohuo couldn't believe it, and always felt that Yechen was deceiving herself.

"Of course, why should I lie to you?"

A few minutes later, the two came down and walked in the direction they came in before.

After a while, I saw Nangong Yumo walking over.

Nangong Yumo also noticed Yechen and Huohuo at the same time, and this time he had no intention of avoiding them.

"It seems that you have discovered me long ago?"

After all, with Yechen's vigilance, it's not uncommon for him to find out.

I followed them all the way, and I wasn't very careful, but kept a relatively long distance, and when I was approaching the Xislan sea area, I shortened the distance a little.

But he almost found out at that time, but since he had already reached such a place, there was no need to hide it any longer.

Yechen stared at Nangong Yumo with scrutiny, and asked, "You've followed me for so long, didn't you just want to enjoy the scenery?"

"Then I'll get straight to the point." Nangong Yumo took a deep breath, "Actually, I should have guessed that you are also a system ability user, but I was afraid that you were sent by Yan, so I have never dared to have any relationship with you." Negotiate!"

"It wasn't until the battle between you and Luo Yue that I realized that you are not a member of Nightmare!"

Nangong Yumo walked over slowly and expressed his concerns and thoughts, feeling relieved.

"It seems that you are very smart, but don't you think that if I were a member of Nightmare, then you would have died long ago. If you hadn't found a system capable person, why would you get up in such a ghostly place?"

Yechen corrected a mistake that Nangong Yumo had made all along. Although he was cautious, the matter was not as complicated as he thought.

"Besides, Yan's power is expanding elsewhere, and this is not their main target!"

Ye Chen said calmly.

"Since you left in that battle, I thought you would disappear from now on, and then my hope would be destroyed again..."


Yechen hesitated.

"Actually, I am also a system capable person, system has been damaged and cannot be started, so I can only be reduced to this place!"

Nangong Yumo had a sad face and didn't want to talk about these things.

"It seems that this is your main purpose. You want me to help you find a way to repair the system, right?"

"Your system level is so high, is there no way?"

Nangong Yumo immediately asked.

And Huohuo on the side was confused, and didn't know what the hell they were talking about.

"You think too much, I am the first generation system, how can I be as tall as you think!"

Since the other party knew about the existence of the system, there was no need for Yechen to hide it. After all, the first-generation system seemed to have been eliminated long ago.

And only by finding a way to upgrade the system can I better display my strength.

"It's impossible that you can't be the original system."

Nangong Yumo suddenly said that with a face full of disbelief, Yechen also realized this.

"Why not?"

I haven't heard Luo Yuxuan and the others mention it before, but Nangong Yumo suddenly said that it can't be the first generation system.? !
"Because the first-generation system was only used for testing by the Kingdom of Light at the time, and I heard that only three first-generation systems were included in the test at that time, but no one knows what happened."

Kingdom of Light?

Yechen heard this name for the third time, what a coincidence, how could this Nangong Yumo know?
The two Guangming Kingdoms are actually the place where the system originated. According to what he said, as long as you find the Guangming Kingdom, is it possible to upgrade the system?Or you can find all the information about the system.
"And after that?"

Ye Chen continued to ask.

"The first-generation system was not perfect. During the test, because the host could not fully withstand the powerful pressure, it exploded together with the system, so I said that there is no first-generation system."

"How come, where did you see this information?"

Yechen even began to suspect that Nangong Yumo might be a spy sent somewhere.

"I have these in my system repository, but I can't boot anymore now!"

"What, you have information about the Kingdom of Light?" Ye Chen was extremely surprised, "Could it be that you are a third-generation system?"

"That's right, my system is the third-generation system. Don't be so surprised. My ability is the God King system. It can absorb all power attribute energy and absolutely enhance the burst of power. After becoming the master of the world, I was attacked by Nightmare."

Nangong Yumo didn't even dare to recall those scenes, he managed to save his life, and spent so long in Douluo Dalu.

I have always hoped to meet someone who can help me. I have been waiting for tens of thousands of years. I have witnessed the rise and fall of Douluo Continent with my own eyes.

It wasn't until Yechen's arrival broke the tranquility that Nangong Yumo saw hope again.

"Your system doesn't work anymore, could it be that Yan did something to you?"

Yechen asked.

"There are still some powerful beings in Nightmare. The powerful dark sealer who fought against me at that time cast a spell on my body. Since then, I can only try my best to escape."

So now it can only be said to find as many fire crystals as possible, and then increase the fire energy of different fires.

When the time comes, you will still have the strength to fight against Yan. After all, Yan is very powerful. Even if you are a system capable person, you may not be able to defeat them. Their strength is really unfathomable...

Passing Bo Saixi's test here will give you the opportunity to experience the energy of the different fire, which is still a very good deal.

In fact, no matter what, Yechen would not give up, even if he had to fight Bo Saixi, it would not hesitate, but he hoped to achieve his goal.

The most important thing is the strange fire, there must be no mistakes.

(End of this chapter)

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