My Wanjie Assassin System

Chapter 392 Sea God Temple

Chapter 392 Sea God Temple (21)

No matter how tricky Bo Saixi's attack method is, it will have no effect on Ye Chen, and he can only let him escape.

Yechen looked back at the situation from time to time, and Bo Saixi had nothing to do.

"It looks like I'm going to succeed!"

As long as the time is delayed enough, it is a victory for oneself.

But Yechen believes that as long as you have confidence, you can still find it, it's just a matter of time!
I don't know where the two of them have gone now. I guess Huohuo's character is very worrying. Nangong Yumo probably can't control him!

Just as Yechen was thinking for a moment, a white light flashed out and floated directly beside the formation in the middle.

In the next second, a man wearing a snow-white gold silk robe appeared, with delicate features, and looked cold and ruthless.

Long silver hair fluttering in the wind, full of aura, obviously a person who lives in seclusion here alone.

Moreover, he felt a few pure soul power fluctuations from his body, which shows that his strength is not weak.

"who are you?"

Ye Chen asked.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is why you broke into my Ice Demon Cave without authorization, and you were able to break through my outer defense line and successfully enter here. I'm afraid your purpose is not simple?"

The other party didn't express much, but obviously he knew that Ye Chen came for the flower beside him.

It's just that he definitely won't let him succeed easily, but to be able to break through the defense line easily, his strength must be much weaker than yourself.

But fortunately, you can compete with it. After all, the energy of many different fires is gathered together, and the power of the sun is also very powerful.

As long as the ice-cold power of the Ice Lotus Divine Fire is consumed gradually, then a strong attack can easily take it down.

It may be because it has been cultivated into a human form, and its consciousness is still there, but it does not have a human body, so it is understandable that it has such a strong resistance under the support of strong spiritual power.

But once its power is consumed, it will no longer be able to resist Ye Chen's attack.

The Ice Emperor watched with relish, feeling that watching this level of battle was more exciting than fighting by himself.

And when those two super powerful forces clashed together, the Ice Empress could only hide far away, not daring to take a single step forward, not even half a step away!

"This is the so-called god-like power. It is estimated that even the silver priests can't do it. It is still very rare to release such a powerful power!"

However, Yechen was puzzled. There was no obstacle all the way here. Where did the line of defense come from?

This person is testing himself, but this method is too rustic and has long since been eliminated.

Yechen wanted to step forward, but the other party immediately reminded: "I advise you not to act rashly. Since you came in, you have fallen into the trap I set up. If you have any intentions, you will definitely die here!"

"This place is your territory, why do you live here all year round?"

Ye Chen asked curiously.

"I don't need you to take care of my affairs. You should leave here quickly. If you are still stubborn, don't blame me for being rude!"

There are good words to say, but if Yechen dares to make any moves, he will definitely make him come and go.

The two stared at each other for a while, Yechen said with a smile: "I'm here to fetch the Ice Lotus Divine Fire, I need it urgently, and I hope you can borrow it from me?"

"Hmph! Hahahaha, your purpose is not pure. This ice lotus divine fire is a sacred object in this arctic snow region. Once you leave here, this place will become a hellish sea of ​​flames, and all creatures living here will be swallowed up. , do you think I'll let you take it?"

The man smiled wryly, feeling that Yechen was just dreaming and wanting the Binglian Shenhuo, it was just a joke.

And because until now, this person is the first to come here, and there is no one else who knows this place except himself, how did he find this place?
Even the Silver Priest, it is impossible to know that there is such a place, this person is not simple.

"But I also need this Ice Lotus Divine Fire very much. I also want to save hundreds of millions of lives. For those hundreds of millions of lives, what's the point of sacrificing this?"

Ye Chen said sadly.

"What's the point of sacrificing this? Are you willing to let you die, and you also said to save hundreds of millions of lives? Is this your attitude?"

Ye Chen's words deeply stimulated the man, thinking that he is a demon who kills innocent people indiscriminately, how is he different from that old bastard who is the silver priest?
In order to achieve their own goals, they can sacrifice other people's lives, such people deserve to die!
"In this world, there will always be sacrifices. It is impossible to be safe and peaceful all the time. The same is true for Odin Continent. It is not so peaceful on the surface. The Silver Priest is already planning his next thing. I hope you can start from here." Long-term considerations, not the current Ansheng”

The first time Yechen saw this man, he guessed in his heart that this man must also know about the Silver Priest.

But the power source of the entire Odin continent is brought by the silver priest, and this person is so powerful, except for the silver priest here, he is the king, so will this person be the king?
"You know the silver priest? Aren't you sent by the silver priest?"

The man was a little unbelievable. He thought that he might be the person sent by the silver priest, but he didn't expect it to be.

"Of course I am not. Who would be willing to be their slave? Who are you?"

Ye Chen asked again.

"I am the first king, Ice Emperor, and I am also the strongest king among all the kings of the Aslan Empire and even the four great empires. My power is also the medium used by the silver priests to achieve their goals. After discovering their purpose, I just sneaked away from that devilish place!"

Ye Chen felt a little familiar when he heard this name. There are actually people in the Austin Continent who call themselves the Ice Emperor. If this is the case, then things will be easy to handle.

"I'm over 2000 years old now, because I possess three peerless talents, Four Elephants Limit, Ice Extreme and Immortality. For the Silver Priest, I am both a threat and a pawn that can be used."

The ice emperor began to tell the story of the past, with a sad face.

"Since you already know the purpose of the silver priest, you should also know the definition of a perfect container, right?"

Bingdi asked Yechen, and the spark of anger could be seen in his eyes.

Yechen nodded, of course he knew this, and he knew it better than anyone else.

"I am the perfect container, and I am the purest perfect container, but for thousands of years, only I have been the purest. Although the other perfect containers can barely withstand the power of the silver priest, there may still be power The situation of backlash, and my talent determines my foundation as the perfect container!"

"But when I found out that they trained me only to become their soul container, I had the urge to escape. I was hunted down by all the princes and apostles, but unfortunately none of them were my opponents. I fled to this place. At that time, I ran into a person who was being chased by three other people. I wanted to help, but those three people were extremely powerful. I managed to escape their pursuit in a dangerous situation, and I was seriously injured because of it. , in order to save me, that person himself..."

Bingdi seemed unwilling to think about those past events, and felt uncomfortable when those images sounded.

In the final analysis, I was still not strong enough. The most important thing was that those three people were not from the Odin continent. They might be mysterious powerhouses from other continents. After all, there are still many undiscovered magical places and many mysterious things in this world!
"who's that person?"

Yechen could vaguely guess who the three people who chased and killed them were, but he was still not completely sure.

"It's the Ice Lotus God Fire in front of you!"

Ice Emperor replied.

Yechen immediately understood that he had guessed correctly, the three people who chased and killed them should be Moyou and the others. He didn't expect that they had been here before, but they just returned empty-handed.

"You live here just to protect it?"

Yechen smiled wryly.

"Yes, so no matter what, I can't let others make plans for my benefactor!"

Ice Empress said very firmly.

However, he didn't know that the Ice Lotus Divine Fire was originally a fire seed, but it was cultivated into a human form. Its life is eternal, and it can never die.

"Then you also set up this formation?"

Yechen felt that this was not a simple formation, nor did it look like something on the mainland of Odin.

"No, he set it up by himself. He said that as long as he survives in this formation for 1000 years, he can turn back into a human form!"

How much I hope this is true in my heart, at least not to let my benefactor suffer.

Originally, I wanted to help, but I didn't expect to be rescued instead. This kind of ridiculous experience makes everyone laugh.

After wandering around the waters of Xislan for a long time, they found a trace of fire. They seemed to be on their way to the Purple Pearl Island!

So Yechen still decided to look at the most basic situation here in the process of searching for the fire crystal, and there may be many things he doesn't know.

The energy swept and diffused again and again, and this place turned into a bloody chasing battle, which was shocking.

Everyone watched closely from a distance, Yechen's performance was jaw-dropping.

(End of this chapter)

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