My Wanjie Assassin System

Chapter 407 Sea God's Flame

Chapter 407 Sea God's Flame (2)

After entering the Sea God Temple, Yechen felt a magical and mysterious power, in which he could still feel the surge of strange fire energy, and it was very pure.

In the Sea God Temple, Ye Chen watched carefully and inspected, and found that there was such a reaction on the stand of the Sea God Trident in the center.

He asked Po Saixi to tell him the information, and then made a further judgment.

In this way, things are much simpler, just search here.

Don't worry about other things at all, as long as you find them.

And this Amethyst Lieyangyan is very special, so it must be obtained this time.

Can actually create such a space, who is it?
As long as they can find the way to Sea God Island on Purple Pearl Island, then they will know some things very soon.

Including those strange fires scattered in the waters of Xislan, perhaps the answer can be found on Sea God Island.

Yechen also hopes so, so he must find Purple Pearl Island as soon as possible.

Although Huohuo and Nangong Yumo are heading now, the direction may not be clear yet, so there is still time to catch up.

However, there are too many strange fires here, and it is still a bit troublesome to find them all!

"Yechen, let's go to the island first, maybe we have some adventures!"

Huohuo suddenly became interested, and he didn't know what was going on in this person's mind all day long.

The boat leaned against the edge of the coast, and the two jumped off, "This place feels weird..." Ye Chen immediately noticed something, and looked around from time to time.

However, when he looked backward subconsciously, he found another moving black dot appeared at the end of the sea, "That is."

snort!It seemed that someone was really following them, and they all came here.

"Yechen, is someone following us?"

Huo Huo hurriedly asked.

"It should be, let's go!"

In short, don't let the other party find out that he has been discovered, first find a place to stay and see who it is.

Then he left the beach and walked towards the island.The island looks very lush, looking at a green scene, there is a feeling of vitality.

Generally, islands like this on the sea have no vitality, but this island is not only full of vitality, but also full of vitality!
There is a thick and constant breath of life, and this feeling seems familiar
But I still can't remember where I saw it, but it seems to exist subconsciously.

But all the way into the island, you can still see many soul beasts, and even met a ten thousand-year-old one-horned manatee!
The one-horned manatee is an amphibious spirit beast that can live in the sea or on land, so it rarely participates in the deep-sea predatory battles.

What they advocate is peace, and their usual food is only plants.

"It's quite quiet here. If you can live here forever, you don't have to worry about what's going on in the outside world..."

Huo Huo said it so easily, Ye Chen felt it was a little funny, there is no such good thing in the world, even if you find a quiet place, one day, war will still come.

Tall and sturdy trees stood tall and tall, and there was one every step of the way, and there were bright exotic flowers and plants everywhere. If you look closely, you can find that those are all plant-type soul beasts.

However, some of these plant soul beasts that can be seen everywhere are actually of great use to soul masters.

In Douluo Continent, there are no waste spirits, only waste soul masters!
This sentence is very classic, as long as you use your martial soul reasonably, even the poorest quality martial soul can produce miraculous effects.

"Yechen, did you hear anything?"

Huohuo was startled, Yechen shook his head, indicating that he didn't hear anything.

"No. There is a sound, there is. It seems to be... your heartbeat, haha!"

Huohuo looked at Yechen with a grin, wondering if his brain had short-circuited.

Yechen's face darkened, "Be serious, this place feels strange."

I'm too lazy to joke with her, where can I joke at a time like this, it's more important to get down to business.

"Forget it, I won't tease you, actually. I really heard a strange sound..."

"Then tell me, what's the sound?"

Yechen was speechless, he only knew the voice, what kind of voice was it, wouldn't he describe it?

At the very least, what are the characteristics of this voice, so that a certain judgment can be made!

"It's like thump thump! thump thump!"

Huohuo felt it carefully, "It seems to be like this, it should be right." She stared at Yechen with a smile on her face.

"To be honest, I really don't believe you, forget it, go up!"

There are also mountains standing on the island, stand higher and see farther!
On a slightly higher level, see what that stalker is up to.

At a slightly higher place, you can see more clearly, and you can see that the ship is slowly sailing over.

"There are still quite a few islands like this in the waters of Xislan, but the distance is too far away, maybe they can't be seen with the naked eye!"

After all, it is an uninhabited island, and only some soul beasts live on it, so it will inevitably feel strange.

But after staying here for a long time, maybe you will gradually get used to it.

Walking on the island, I feel like stepping on something with every step, and there is a kind of energy resistance, which I can't describe.

You two always feel that a pair of eyes are looking at you, but the invisible pressure gap seems to be close at hand!
Huo Huo followed Ye Chen, looking around, not knowing what she was looking at, but it was strange that she was very interested in such a strange island.

There is always a hot light in the eyes, which is the first feeling when seeing new things, and there will be such a consciousness, but it will become dim over time, because once you get used to it, you will find it meaningless.

Huohuo is currently at this stage, so Yechen won't say much to her.

This entire island is actually not that big, it is just a small island, which is far from the real island.

This place is like a living organism suspended on the sea level, and various spirit beasts are raised on the organism, and they depend on each other.

But this is only Yechen's personal thoughts, as to whether this is the case or not, I don't know.

And if you stand still, you will suddenly feel that the island is magically moving.

All the plants on the island seem to have eyes, and Yechen always feels that they are looking at him.

And those trees and flowers seem to be moving, appearing fantastic and mysterious!
From time to time, the sound of birds "twittering" can be heard in the mountains and forests, and the whole mountains and forests seem particularly peaceful.

Walking all the way to a slightly higher cliff, Yechen and Huohuo stood on the cliff and looked down, without any obstruction of sight.

And looking into the distance is to look at the end of the sea and sky, and see a fishing boat approaching.

"See, that is the person who has been following us, this time we must catch him!"

At first, Yechen wondered if it was the other Shrek people who also wanted to come to the Xislan Sea to take a look, but they couldn't find a suitable excuse to follow, so they simply followed.

However, after the last time he found out that he was being followed, the other party obviously didn't dare to show his face, so this inference can be ruled out completely.

So who is it? !
"Look, Yechen, this flower looks so strange!"

Huo Huo suddenly seemed to see a baby, and reached out to pick the flower.

The whole body of the flower is fiery red, but the flowers are like a collection of red flowing fire, which is particularly gorgeous.

And when you get close to the flower, you will feel very warm, as if you are protected by something.

"Is that Lie Yan Hua Hua?"

Strange, how could there be such a strange flower as Lie Yan Blossom here, this is a magical flower, and it would appear here?
I didn't notice it just now, because all my attention was on the following ship.

The pyrotechnics are very violent, once ingested by mistake, the whole body will be burned and festered to death.

Even if it reaches Title Douluo, if it is a fire attribute and a powerful martial soul, then you can try to absorb its energy.

And thinking of this, Yechen himself is happy, the strange fire energy he possesses can completely cover up the fiery energy of the raging flames and blooming flowers.

So snorting it up shouldn't be a problem, and it might help a lot.

You must know that the fire attribute energy of this flaming flower is extremely powerful, and if you can absorb it, you can greatly increase your flame energy explosion.

Huohuo picked off Lie Yan Blossoms, thinking it was a good thing, but met such a strange flower in this place.

However, things went wrong the next moment, and the whole island suddenly shook violently a few times.

"what happened?"

Huohuo said with some worry and fear.

Kan Yechen noticed the flames and flowers in Huohuo's hands, which had lost their original luster and turned dark red, as if they had no energy left.

"It's strange, how could it shake so violently all of a sudden?"

Yechen wanted to see what was going on, but the island stopped shaking again.

"Could it be the reason why you pulled out the blazing flowers?"

Because everything was still very calm just now, it was just the shaking that appeared the moment Huohuo pulled out the flames and flowers.

Except for such a sudden thing just now, there is nothing else.

It turned out that this was the altar for Sea God's inheritance, no wonder it was so, Bo Saixi immediately awakened the formation.

This is the passage to the land of inheritance, and Yechen can only try it.

I hope that I can pass it successfully. After all, only the inheritors can pass this, and I can only have the mentality of trying.

(End of this chapter)

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