Tomb guard sign in for 500 years, I am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 148 Knowing the Sea God Palace, the Peak of God Refinement

Chapter 148 Knowing the Sea God Palace, the Peak of God Refinement

At the same time, the various forces and orthodoxy in the Myriad Worlds also caused shocks.

On the eve of the Eternal Secret Realm is about to appear, many hidden ancestors, immortal royal families, Tianjiao freaks, etc. also appeared one after another.

Since the Eternal Secret Realm disappeared last time, unprecedented major changes have begun again.

Someone once saw a woman in red standing with a sword in a secret place called the restricted area of ​​life.

Some people saw giant whales in the sky and fish and dragons swimming.

From Canghai to the east, Ruoshui to the west, Fentian to the north, and Xianshan Mountain to the south, there are people who see the changes of riding a dragon, blowing clouds and fog, and hiding shapes.

Looking at the many interfaces, from time to time one can see beams of light shooting up into the sky, and countless arrogances exiting the customs.

At the same time, in a certain plane in this world, there is a woman in white robe and silver armor standing on the top of the mountain with a gun.

The woman has crescent eyebrows and phoenix eyes, her eyes are flowing, and she is heroic.

Holding a silver Panlong spear, his body curve is even more exquisite and charming against the backdrop of light armor.

This woman is exactly Su Mulan who had a lot of friendship with Huo Ming in the universe world.

Now she is no longer in the universe world, but in another brand new interface.

At the same time, her cultivation has also stepped into the Heaven Opening Realm from the original Star Reaching Realm!

However, now this woman is holding a gun in one hand, while tightly holding a piece of paper woven by mana in the other hand.

It was the arrest warrant issued by Lingxiao Palace, and the person in the portrait was Huo Ming.

She frowned, staring closely at the portrait on the paper, and her beautiful eyes revealed a touch of longing and worry from time to time.

She had been staring at the portrait for an unknown number of hours, and after a while, Su Mulan finally folded it carefully and put it back into her arms with some reluctance.

"Huo Ming... Wan Haiyu... I will definitely find you."

Su Mulan murmured softly, and then disappeared in place in an instant.

At the same time, in Wuwang Realm, somewhere in a dense forest.

Huo Ming was sitting cross-legged in the void, slowly comprehending the supernatural power of selflessness.

It has been more than three days since he first entered Wuwang Realm.

That day, after he killed the supreme soldier holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, he also understood everything about Wuwang Realm in the soldier's sea of ​​consciousness.

The basic content is roughly consistent with what Na Hongmei said, and the entire Wuwang Realm is firmly in the hands of the person they call "Zun".

However, according to the information in the soldier's sea of ​​consciousness, this venerable had announced that he had entered retreat a month ago.

At the same time, before retreating, he also issued an order, ordering the alien vortex connected to each interface in Wuwangjie to absorb monks from the Supreme Realm more frequently for life-and-death gladiatorial battles.

The living, indeed, as Hong Mei said, have a lot of benefits, all kinds of natural treasures, beauties, wine and food.

And the dead will be directly annihilated on the spot, turned into nourishment, replenishing the entire Wuwang Realm, and at the same time being absorbed by the respect indirectly.

If this venerable is still there, then Huo Ming would not dare to underestimate the enemy, but after knowing that this venerable has already retreated and cannot easily leave the closed door, his heart is relieved a lot.

Not to brag, he asked himself, with his current supernatural powers, except for the Zun who created this interface, as long as he wants to hide, no one can find him.

After killing the soldier, he didn't stay in place, but found the restricted area where he is now.

It is said to be a restricted area, and it is said that the dignity order prohibits anyone from setting foot in it, but no one knows the specific reason.

Therefore, Huo Ming is now making good use of the time when that person is not around, and quickly improves his strength in all aspects.

Now, Huo Ming has successfully promoted to the second level after comprehending the selfless supernatural power of the Dao for several days.

Now in his sea of ​​consciousness, there was a space that was originally like a golden vast sea, and a magnificent palace was quietly floating on the sea.

That is the shrine formed by his divine consciousness, like an indestructible golden sun, a brilliant sun.

Previously, he had easily strangled that supreme soldier by turning into a sharp sword with only this divine soul.

This can also indirectly show the importance of supernatural powers.

In fact, among the monks of various schools today, apart from the more mainstream cultivation methods and body training, there is also a relatively small school-refinement of gods.

It is a monk who specializes in cultivating the primordial spirit and soul.

Refined to the extreme, the soul is ever-changing, and with just a touch of the soul, one can easily obliterate other cultivators of the same realm.

It's just that if you want to step into the school of refining gods, the conditions are very harsh, not to mention that you must be a peerless arrogance with talent in the soul, and in the later stage of cultivation, you need countless treasures related to the soul as assistance.

Just relying on these two conditions, countless people have been discouraged.

However, Huo Ming, who is currently practicing the Dao Wuwu supernatural power, if he can practice this method to the extreme, it can be said that even the arrogance of these refining gods is far from being able to compare with him.

"Cultivation, body training, god training, plus the soul-slaying immortals and spirit feeding that I am raising now, I have already set foot in all four schools, and what I want to do is to cultivate to the peak in all aspects."

Huo Ming thought so.

He still wanted to continue to study for a few more days, but in the distance, he noticed an intense noise.

It is in a mountain outside this restricted area.

(End of this chapter)

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