Chapter 284
Throughout the night, the house was filled with a warm and happy atmosphere. . . . . .

Ever since that wedding night in the bridal chamber, Mu Liu suddenly found out that now, he has become obsessed with Mu Li's body almost like crazy. During the whole day, they frantically demanded from Mu Li, until Mu Li couldn't get out of bed for three whole days!

Mu Li, for him, has already been "acting both soft and hard", but he still sent him not to leave. Looking around, the entire northern border country has been closed for several days.

I complained a lot about this, but Na Muliu even euphemistically said: "I, this time, I am doing 'serious things'."It is to add more children for the royal family. '

Another day passed.

"Li'er, today, are you thinking of me?"

For several days, every time Mu Li opened his eyes, the words that greeted him were all in his ears.

At first, Mu Li answered him: No.However, what we welcome is always, Mu Liu, this fellow, a 'punishment' for himself, so, this time. . . . . .

Mu Li, cunningly, blinked slightly, and observed secretly, while Mu Liu's expression on the side, slowly opened his mouth, and said in a low voice, "Think."

"Okay! Now that we've thought about it, let's..."

The next moment, before Mu Li could react, Mu Liu turned over and pushed Mu Li into the couch. A "war" started again.

Even Mu Li himself didn't know why this Mu Liu was so 'violent', working like he was on the battlefield, every time, it seemed, he was trying his best .

After the incident, for a few days, Mu Li stopped talking to him, and, moreover, no longer allowed him to step into his palace.

However, it was impossible to imagine, this guy, afterward, but, as he called it, explained: "Because there is only Mu Li in the harem, so I can only work hard on everything."

After hearing these words, Mu Li couldn't laugh or cry again.

Six years in Germany, August.

On this day, Mu Li had dinner in his own 'Taohua Palace', and saw that it was almost three o'clock in the sky, but, still, not necessarily, that Mu Liu came back from court early, in his heart, Already, a little strange.

Ever since Mu Liu was in power in this northern border country, there was never a day, no, when he came to eat with him, no matter how late it was, he never missed it.

Seeing that the food in the palace was removed, it was warmed up several times one after another. Finally, Mu Li couldn't wait any longer and called the palace servants to come in, thinking: pack the food for him personally.

Just about to go out to bed, suddenly, I heard the door of the palace outside the palace rang.

"His Majesty."

Suddenly, there was a maid at the gate of the hall, so she opened her mouth and called.

Mu Li, that's it, in his heart, he knew: this Mu Liu has returned.

He hurried out of the inner room, greeted him, and helped him to sit with him.

Mu Li, always, would not, speak up, go, and ask him: "Today, why did you come back so late."

It's just that, after serving him, we had dinner together, and waited until the maids all left.

Mu Li, see, there is no one else, so he turned his head and stared at Mu Liu with a serious face.

Mu Li, don't ask, just wait, Mu Liu can take the initiative to say to himself, because, for him, he, of course, trusts him.

(End of this chapter)

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