Chapter 55 Goodbye
Finally another day passed.

Today is finally here. In the imperial city of the northern border, the inner palace hosted a banquet, formally accepted the surrender, and started the court peace talks.

Early in the morning, the Inner Palace Secretary Li came.

His Majesty the Emperor has an order: "Today, order me to wait. Everyone in the Northern Border Kingdom, all officials of the third rank and above, must attend this time."

Of course, because the palace system of my "Huachangguan" is in the capital of the northern border country, it is the first-rank management with official status, so, this also means: I-Taozhen, of course, will also be accepted there this time. Invitation list.

No matter how reluctant I am in my heart, but looking at the imperial call, I know in my heart that I have to obey.

However, if I went there so rashly this time, and was recognized by the man in white by accident, I don't know what trouble I would cause.

Still have to guard against it.

'It seems that at this moment, I still have to hurry up and think of a way, so that I can get through this difficulty safely. '

Because, this time, I really have no other way.As you can see, now, at this moment, no one can share the burden with me.

So, I had no choice but to turn around and ask for help from one person, that is my previous savior, Rong Yu.

Thinking: "It seems that now, it seems that the only one who can really help me is Mr. Rong Yu." '

I immediately sent a letter by flying pigeons, hoping that Mr. Rongyu could help me find a way to get out of today's predicament.

It didn't take long before I received the brocade silk from Young Master Cong Rongyu.

I quickly unfolded the brocade, and saw that it said: "Be safe and don't be impatient, I have my own way to help you out of trouble, and you can go to the palace as planned."

Now that Mr. Rongyu has explained that he will come to help me this time, I feel relieved a lot.

But, I just don't know how much ability he has to help him out of trouble?
After all, Mr. Rong Yu is not from the inner palace.

'It seems that at this moment, it can only be 'a dead horse as a living horse doctor'. '

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but secretly sighed.

'That's all!This time, let's just believe that Mr. Rongyu can help him out of trouble. '

Suddenly, a servant girl came to report from outside the door, saying: "Master Dianshang is waiting for me outside the Huashang Hall at this moment, and I think he will go to the palace with me to face the saint."

Hearing this, I hesitated for a moment, then I finally did it, lifted my feet, walked out of the door, and together with Mr. Dianshang, got into the carriage of "Huasangguan" that was waiting outside the hall, and walked towards the palace .

At this moment, the inside and outside of the palace, and the gates of the palace, were already full of soldiers, standing on both sides of the palace gates.

There were teams of carriages of dignitaries neatly lined up on both sides of the palace gate.

Seeing that the inner palace is bustling with people, so lively, we got off our horses and prepared to walk into the inner palace.

The nine-story exquisite palace tower is not as prosperous as before.

I followed behind Mr. Dianshang, and entered the inner court one after the other.

I saw that there were already ministers waiting there, and people were arranged in their seats in order according to the etiquette system.

After I handed over the palace booklet to Mr. Dianshang, we also found our own seats at the back of the court, and sat down respectfully like everyone else.

But I found that all the people present had serious faces, and they were sitting quietly, only waiting for the arrival of His Majesty and those envoys from the Great Chu Kingdom.

After a while, only a burst of drum music was heard.

'It's His Majesty, they are here! '

All of us present hurriedly got up, bowed down respectfully, and congratulated in unison: "Honor, wait, welcome the envoy from afar! Welcome Your Majesty! Your Majesty is in peace!"

Wait a minute, His Majesty and his party are seated.

Finally, His Majesty raised his hand to signal everyone to sit down.

It's all, it's not like before, but everyone looks serious.

"For this peace negotiation, I also hope that your guests will raise their hands high, and give us, the northern border country, and this old man a face."

Just listen, the old man His Majesty said slowly and in a low voice.

"Oh, I don't know who provoked those fierce battles before? Who designed and murdered the 'First General' of our Great Chu Kingdom?"

I saw that the one who was talking aggressively was the man in white who was the 'leader' of the Great Chu Kingdom.

Today, he is no longer wearing a white robe when we first met him, but changed into a water-blue robe for some reason. At this moment, he is sitting on the top of the hall, asking me impatiently His Majesty said.

"As for what you said just now, I will tell you the truth. This time, the old man is telling the truth. Didn't you also not find the body of the 'noble man'? Besides, is this a conspiracy? The widow really doesn't know, because my son has been handling this matter all along."

Just listen to the words of His Majesty of the Northern Border Kingdom.

"Then, it seems that there is no need for this general to waste time with you here. Since you have not even had the most basic sincerity until now, we have nothing more to say today. Come on Man, let's go!"

I saw that the man in blue flicked his robe sleeves slightly, stood up from his seat angrily, without even looking at His Majesty of the Northern Border Kingdom, he spoke bluntly.

Because, at the moment, I was sitting in that corner, and I was sitting on the side seat, so for a while, I couldn't see the situation in front of me too clearly.

I just heard that His Majesty of the Northern Borderlands is trying his best to keep the man in blue.

"Wait a minute! Your side is here, so don't get angry. My widow has already sent someone to call Gou'er to explain to you. Please stay calm and don't be impatient."

Just listen, the old man His Majesty said hurriedly trembling slightly.

Faintly saw the group of people sitting down again.

At this time, a servant ran in from outside the hall, with a hurried and panicked look on his face.

I saw that the person who came rushed into the main hall, ran to the side of the majesty in one breath, whispered something, and then saw the face of the majesty, who seemed a little flustered.

'Could something be wrong again? 'I couldn't help thinking.

At this moment, all the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty are also frightened. Everyone is afraid that if they are not careful, they will lose their lives in the court today.

Just listening, the old man of His Majesty spoke with a pleasant face, and said to the group: "Today, I am really sorry that my son is not in the palace, and I hope all the distinguished guests can forgive me. I will definitely give you an explanation in the future. Now, please go to the palace to rest first. Tomorrow, I will give you an explanation in person. I hope you are rude today, and I will give you more convenience. The widow will immediately send someone to help your country to find someone. I hope If you can give me a chance to make up for my mistakes, it is right to give the widow a face."

I saw that His Majesty was talking in a humble manner, while constantly looking at the man in blue, observing the man's face.

I don't know why, but the man in blue acquiesced after hearing this.

He opened his mouth loudly and said to everyone in the hall: "In this case, the peace talks will be postponed until the day after tomorrow."

As if he had the air of a king, there was not a single wave of emotion on his face.

In the end, he left in a hurry with his subordinates.

(End of this chapter)

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