The strongest saint

Chapter 101 You Should Use a Pen

Chapter 101 You Should Use a Pen
Chapter [-] You Should Use a Pen

"Ding! The system prompts: Congratulations on triggering the mission - Beast Master's Injury, do you accept it?"

"Accept!" Tianhuo didn't want to see the Beastmaster like this, so he would naturally help if he could help.

"Ding! The system prompts: Accept the task successfully, please check the task panel."

The King of Beasts left with the support of the servants of the Zhao family. Tianhuo looked at the King of Beasts who was going away, sighed secretly, and checked the task panel.

Task: Control the Beastmaster's Injury

Task Difficulty: Grade A

Task Reward: Beastmaster's Gratitude
Task introduction: Beastmaster was seriously injured when he came to the third-level area a few years ago, and he has been unable to recover from his injuries. If he gets the three-pattern ice spirit grass, his injuries can be suppressed for several months.

Looking at the task reward, Tianhuo shook his head indifferently. Although it was not a reward in kind, the Beastmaster was good to him. He had saved him back then, so he should just repay his favor.

"Tianhuo, don't you express that today is a day of great joy for the couple?" The city lord looked at the lively scene in front of him, turned his head and smiled.

Tianhuo was taken aback, and hurriedly closed the task panel, "Senior, how do you say it?"

"Haha, as a literary sage, do you still need to ask me?" The city lord laughed loudly, and this laughter attracted many guests.

All of a sudden, many npcs looked at Tianhuo and the city lord, and the atmosphere became strangely silent.

The city lord clapped his hands, got up and said: "I think everyone knows that Tianhuo is a literary sage, so how about asking Tianhuo to write a poem for the couple?"

clap clap clap...

There was warm applause in the entire Zhao Mansion, and all the npcs also looked at Tianhuo expectantly.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, pressed his hands together, and immediately, everyone waited quietly.

As for Tianhuo, he closed his eyes slightly and thought about it, congratulating the newcomer's poems, and it's hard to find ancient poems, but he can barely find a poem to replace it.

While thinking, Tianhuo slowly opened his eyes and was about to speak, but the city lord hurriedly waved his hands, "That's not the case, you should use a pen!"

Tianhuo smiled, he understood what the city lord meant, the last time he understood the strokes, he left a line of poetry in mid-air, that's what the city lord meant!
"Alright, I hope you don't laugh at me." As he said that, Tianhuo quickly swiped the Golden Panlong Brush in his hand, and saw strokes as black as ink flying towards the midair.

Amid the astonished expressions of thousands of npcs, strokes gathered in mid-air, and then each sonorous and powerful characters slowly condensed out, letting the breeze blow by, those big characters only swayed slightly, but never scattered.

"Once the golden wind and the jade dew meet, they will win, but there are countless in the world. If the two loves last for a long time, how can they be in the same day and night!"

Looking at the poems gathered in mid-air, many npcs showed doubts in their eyes, while Tianhuo smiled mysteriously, and moved his eyes to the groom Qingsong.

"Okay! That's great! But this is like a love poem, not a poem of blessing!" Some npcs whispered, but with the presence of the city lord, obviously no one dared to blatantly say that Tianhuo is not, of course, there may be Tianhuo Because of that palpitating breath.

"I don't think so. That kid seems to want to express something to the couple."


There were constant discussions in low voices below, while the city lord looked at Tianhuo thoughtfully. Qingsong and Zhao Rou met each other in life and death, and the poem in front of him was very suitable, but Tianhuo seemed to have something else to express.

Amidst the doubts and incomprehensions of all the people present, Qingsong bowed to Tianhuo, "Thank you for your kindness!"

The inexplicable words made everyone even more puzzled. Only the city lord showed a clear look and laughed loudly: "Okay! Qingsong, I welcome you on behalf of Wen Shengmen!"

Qingsong also bowed to the city lord, and then whispered in Zhao Rou's ear.

Tianhuo looked at the poems floating in the sky but hadn't dissipated, smiled slightly, and pretended again.

In fact, when he saw Qingsong for the first time, Tianhuo discovered that Qingsong wanted to have great strength, but as a scholar, how could he have it?The only way out is probably to join Wen Shengmen and become Wen Xiu.

It's just that Qingsong has Zhao Rou as his concern, and he can't let it go. The sentence in the air in front of him, "If the two loves last for a long time, how can they be in the same day and night." ' Let Qingsong fully understand, and then say such words to Tianhuo.

Obviously, he has already planned to join Wenshengmen. As for Zhao Rou, Tianhuo doesn't know what to do, maybe Wenshengmen can bring family members.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on creating an unprecedented swan song, all attributes +10, level +1, writing skill proficiency +1000, note: you can only get three special rewards within every tenth level, and you can't get rewards if you exceed the number of times .”

"Ding! System prompt: level up, congratulations on reaching level 37, four attributes +5."

The reward for reciting poems came as usual. After the wedding, Tianhuo and the city lord left the Zhao residence together amidst the admiration of everyone. "Senior, when will you go find the three-grain ice spirit grass?"

The city lord looked at the sky, shook his head and said, "It's getting late, tomorrow morning, it's not easy to deal with the guardian spirit beast at night."

The Beastmaster told Tianhuo a few days ago that the spirit grass that could heal him was guarded by powerful spirit beasts, so it was not surprising at the moment, but since he was going only tomorrow, while the city lord was still here, Tianhuo asked: "Senior , do you know where there is enlightening water?"

The city lord glanced at Tianhuo, and then smiled, "That thing is too rare, I don't know, anyway, it's not in the treasure house."

Tianhuo shrugged. It seems that the ice dragon mask will take a long time to wear.

"Okay, take your time. I'll let you know if there's any news. I'll go back and get ready first, and you should be ready too." The city lord said, walking towards the city lord's mansion.

Tianhuo nodded. He only slept last night, so he probably won't be able to sleep tonight. Looking at the square not far away, he simply went to get today's Jade Rabbit mooncakes, and then brushed three copies to upgrade.

Others can only clear the dungeon twice a day, but Skyfire can clear it three times. He has been busy with missions for the past two days, so he hasn't cleared the dungeon. Now that he is free, Skyfire naturally plans to clear the horror difficulty three times.

But before entering the dungeon, Tianhuo naturally took today's Jade Rabbit mooncake and gave it to the hero casually.

"Ding! The system prompts: The gift is successful, and the experience value is 10, and the double experience Dan × 1."

What Tianhuo needs is this double experience pill, a dungeon of terrifying difficulty, using double experience pills, plus the 100% experience bonus of the Glyph Saint suit attribute, a full 7000 million experience points in one go, this is a dungeon The monsters outside are incomparable.

Tianhuo is now at level 37. Upgrading to the next level requires 68487000 experience points, more than 6000 million, an extremely scary number. Fortunately, there are still two chances to recite poems to get rewards, and with the chance of dungeons, it is also easy to upgrade to level 40 matter.

I just don't know if the experience will decrease if I go to the dungeon as the level increases.

However, Tianhuo doesn't want to use up the remaining two chances to get rewards for reciting poems. You must know that when you level up, your status will be restored to full in an instant. It is of great use!
(End of this chapter)

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