The strongest saint

Chapter 103 The Legend of Pill Artifacts

Chapter 103 The Legend of Pill Artifacts
It was rare to have free time, Tianhuo followed the blacksmith into the house expectantly, and saw a large tripod as tall as a person quietly placed in the center of the house.

"Engong, my Lilong cauldron has already recognized me as the master, so I can't use it for you, so I can only make do with this tripod." The blacksmith pointed at the cauldron with some embarrassment, raised his head and said to Tianhuo.

Tianhuo looked at the cauldron curiously, sized it up for a moment before saying: "Uncle blacksmith, what's the difference between the cauldron used for refining and alchemy?"

From Tianhuo's point of view, both alchemy and equipment refining use cauldrons. Although he is a high-level pharmacist and a low-level equipment refiner, to be honest, he really doesn't understand the difference between the two occupations.

The blacksmith smiled, looked up at Tianhuo, and said slowly: "Good question, in fact, the essence is the same, let me tell you a secret, a long, long time ago, when it was so long, I didn't know Clearly, anyway, at that time, pills were not separated!"

"At that time, as long as you were an alchemist, you must also be an alchemist, but I don't know when, the alchemy gradually separated, and it became what it is now, and the tripods used by the two professions have also separated their functions. "The blacksmith sighed, as if he was nostalgic for that long time ago, if he was born in that era, then he was also an alchemist at the same time.

Tianhuo looked at the blacksmith in surprise, and couldn't help but look at his occupation again, and couldn't help asking: "Uncle blacksmith, so I have to prepare two tripods?"

"Hehe, that's not necessarily the case. The alchemy cauldron above the spirit weapon is universal. It can be used for both alchemy and weapon refining. If you get one, you can have the best of both worlds." The blacksmith laughed.

Tianhuo smiled awkwardly, and said it lightly, but the spirit weapon level tripod is more precious than ordinary spirit weapons, how can it be so easy to get.

"Engong, there are quite a few powerful cauldrons in the Destiny Continent, and they seem to be left over from that time. I believe you will definitely get the right ones in the future. How about it? What kind of things do you want to refine this time?" said the blacksmith.

Today's Tianhuo doesn't know anything about refining, and doesn't know what to refine, but he still lacks a lot of traditional equipment, such as bracelets, leggings, etc., so he doesn't know whether a refiner can refine.

"Uncle Blacksmith, please come up with an idea, what is suitable for refining for the first time?" Tianhuo asked.

The blacksmith nodded his head and smiled slightly, "This is actually the same. Tailors and craftsmen will become craftsmen in the end. Different paths lead to the same goal, so you can refine whatever you want. Don't forget, you are a craftsman! "

"Oh? I thought you could only go to a tailor for clothes and other equipment, so that's the case!" Tianhuo raised his eyebrows involuntarily as he spoke. This setting is very similar to the situation in the novel. Hands, panacea, equipment do not worry.

"Then make a leggings first, maybe I can use it." Tianhuo said after gathering his composure.

Hearing this, the blacksmith thought about it, and found a few items after a while, "For the first time refining, this golden jade spider silk and black ling soft iron are suitable for you to try, but unfortunately I don't have hard materials, otherwise if you add them, Combined with the demon pill, the effect will be even better."

"The demon pill can also refine weapons?" Tianhuo said in astonishment, he knew that the demon pill could refine alchemy, but he didn't expect to be able to refine weapons.

"Hehe, that's right, it's okay to say that ordinary items don't use demon pills, but if you want to refine spiritual weapons, demon pills are indispensable." The blacksmith's face was relaxed and freehand.

"Uncle blacksmith, the materials you gave me to try are materials for refining spiritual weapons, right?" Tianhuo raised his eyebrows. If it was the first time to refine spiritual weapons, it would be too difficult for others.

"No, this material can at most be used to refine gold tools, and the addition of the demon core is just to make the attributes stronger." The blacksmith shook his head and said, which made Tianhuo breathe a sigh of relief.

"That's okay, just put them in the cauldron to fuse these materials together?"

"Well, it's the first time refining, so make it simpler, just let the material melt and condense together, and then control it to form the shape you want. After you become proficient, you have to follow the properties of various materials, Ability, characteristics and other conditions, to find a suitable position for them."

Tianhuo nodded, and took out the wolf king's gold teeth and demon pills from the last time the monster attacked the city, "Uncle Blacksmith, is it okay to add these two materials?"

"Haha, I knew you had something hard, no problem, try it!"

Both Heiling soft iron and Jinyu spider silk are extremely soft. If you don't add something harder, I'm afraid the defense of the refined equipment will not be enough.

The purpose of the blacksmith is to let Tianhuo try his hand, and Tianhuo hopes to create equipment that he can use, so it is natural to find suitable materials.

After receiving the blacksmith's instruction, Tianhuo got a little tangled up, "Uncle blacksmith, you just said to control them to form the shape I want, but through the tripod, how do you control them?"

"Haha, as a craftsman, he naturally has his own way. You touch this tripod and try to concentrate on it." The blacksmith laughed, as if he was laughing at the naive question of Tianhuo. .

Tianhuo did not doubt that he was there, according to what the blacksmith said, he tried to focus his attention on the past, and suddenly, a space of two or three meters in size appeared in front of Tianhuo's eyes. At this moment, Tianhuo only felt that he could see through the alchemy generally.

As soon as his hands left the cauldron, the sense of perspective disappeared, but Tianhuo looked at the blacksmith in surprise, "I understand."

This feeling is like opening your own ring of sage sage, but it is much more troublesome than opening the ring of sage sage. After all, it only takes one thought to open the storage space of the ring of sage sage, and this big cauldron needs to concentrate as much as possible attention.

"Attention, once you start refining, you can't stop or get distracted, or you will fail!" The blacksmith turned serious and confessed.

Tianhuo nodded, and put the four materials into the tripod according to what the blacksmith said.

"Others put the materials into it in order, which requires grasping the timing of melting each material, which is too complicated, but my method is different. All the materials are put into it at once, which seems impossible. , in fact, from the beginning of the materials, they can be fused one by one, and there will be no repulsive force from the beginning to the end!"

The blacksmith's voice finally came from Tianhuo's ear, and then Tianhuo completely focused his attention on the cauldron.

Looking at Tianhuo who started refining the weapon, the blacksmith's eyes gradually burst into hope, "Gong Gong, I was ridiculed by my brothers and despised by the seniors of the sect because of this method of refining weapons. They all said that I disobeyed the ancestors." According to the rules, you are not worthy of staying in Qizong..."

He let out a long sigh of relief, and the blacksmith's eyes looked even more hopeful, "But how do those old-fashioned people understand that this is the best way to refine weapons! I hope you can let them see that they are wrong."

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(End of this chapter)

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