The strongest saint

Chapter 105 Magic Chen Ice Fox

Chapter 105 Magic Chen Ice Fox
Chapter [-] Magic Chen Ice Fox
I don't know where Ice Wind City is located in the Destiny Continent. The entire area of ​​Ice Wind City is covered with white snow, which has a different flavor compared to other places.

"Senior, what kind of spirit beast guards the three-grained ice spirit grass?" Tianhuo couldn't help but ask while walking in the icy and snowy field. It's been two or three hours since he walked, and there is no sign of the player nearby.

"I don't know about this, Tianhuo, I heard that you have a third-level city lord's order?" The city lord was also wrapped in a thick cotton jacket, turning his head and asking.

Tianhuo was stunned for a moment, not knowing why the city lord mentioned this, nodded and said: "There are two, senior, do you need them?"

The city lord shook his head, and smiled bitterly, "You must know that I violated the sect's rules and joined the world and became the city lord of Tianyan City. At that time, I only thought about excitement. After a few years, I'm already tired."

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows without a trace when he heard the words, and listened to the meaning of the city lord, he doesn't want to be the city lord anymore?
"Senior Brother Jiuwang's situation is unknown now. I want to go back to the sect to have a look as soon as possible. Even if the suzerain doesn't recognize me, I have to go back." The city lord continued, "And once I leave, Tianyan City will have no owner. I hope you can Next, don’t let my painstaking efforts over the past few years go to waste.”

"No problem!" Tianhuo agreed without hesitation. This is a great thing. If you want to find other unowned cities, you need to develop slowly by yourself, but Tianyan City is different. Everything is developing well. There are many NPCs and players. , There are many shops.

The city lord smiled, and patted Tianhuo on the shoulder, "Of course, you don't have to spend too much time on Tianyan City, it's almost enough, improving your own strength is the kingly way."

Tianhuo nodded. Although he agreed to the city lord, he may not be the one who becomes the city lord. After all, Tianhuo understands that he can't finish his work, so how can he manage Tianyan City in time.

After walking forward again for a while, there was a faint rumbling sound, which lasted for a long time, and as the two moved forward, the rumbling sound became louder and louder.

"It seems to be the sound of a waterfall? There is a waterfall in a world of ice and snow!" After listening for a while, Tianhuo was sure that it must be the sound of a waterfall.

"That's right, that's our destination." The city lord nodded and said.

Walking towards the direction where the sound of the waterfall came, the first thing they encountered was a river rising from mist. The source of this river was the waterfall. Along the river, the waterfall gradually entered the eyes of the two of them.

"Be careful later, that spirit beast must not be weak if it occupies such a place." The city lord said with a serious look on his face.

Tianhuo nodded and looked intently. The waterfall was less than ten meters wide, but it was a hundred meters high. In this icy and snowy land, wisps of mist rose from the water.

Following the city lord, Tianhuo took out some golden panlong pens, ready to strike at any time.

There was a pitch-black cave about ten meters away from the waterfall. Seeing the city lord's eyes fixed on the cave, Tianhuo knew that the three-pattern ice spirit grass must be inside.

"Senior, I can be invisible, I'll go in and have a look first." Tianhuo said, the city lord already knew that he could be invisible, so he simply said it.

The city lord nodded, "Then I'll wait for you outside, and if the situation is wrong, I'll come in right away."

"Hidden spirit!" Tianhuo's figure disappeared, followed by footprints that appeared suddenly one by one, walking towards the cave.

The cave was not dark, it was covered with thick ice crystals everywhere, and ice cones hung upside down from the ceiling of the cave. After taking a closer look, Tianhuo continued to move forward.

In the stealth state, the movement speed is only half of the usual speed, but fortunately this cave is not deep, and after more than ten meters, it suddenly becomes clear, and there is a stone hall with a radius of 30 meters in front of you. Wrapped in a thick layer of ice.

Near the center, an ice platform is particularly conspicuous. On that ice platform, a palm-sized strange grass like ice crystal stands on it. Through the ice layer, you can still see its short roots.

The eyes of Wensheng!

Tianhuo silently used the Glyph Sage's Eye to see clearly the attributes of the ice crystal-like grass.

Three-pattern Ice Spirit Grass: A strange herb from heaven and earth, its effect is unknown.

"Sure enough, it is the three-pattern ice spirit grass, but it seems that there are no so-called spirit beast guards." Tianhuo thought to himself, and looked around cautiously again.

After a while, Tianhuo still didn't see any spirit beasts, so he felt relieved and walked towards the three-pattern ice spirit grass while maintaining his invisibility.

Suddenly, a small figure fell from the top of the cave, stopped beside the three-patterned ice spirit grass and looked in the direction of Tianhuo warily, "Who is it! Show me!"

Tianhuo looked at the small figure falling from the top of the cave in astonishment, it turned out that the spirit beast was hidden there!
Magic Chen ice fox (spirit beast), level 35, HP 3800000, attack 18000, defense 10000.

Skill: Hide.

"Did you think I didn't notice you?" A clever female voice came from Huanchen Binghu's mouth, and Tianhuo felt the temperature around him suddenly drop, and the chill hit his face. At the same time, the invisible state was broken uncontrollably.


As Tianhuo's invisibility state was broken, a huge damage appeared from the top of Huanchen Binghu's head, which was exactly the effect of Ten Thousand Slashes!

"You're looking for death!" Huanchen Binghu was taken aback for a moment, and then launched an attack without hesitation, only to see its one-foot-long body abruptly appearing in front of Tianhuo, and its sharp little claws scratched Tianhuo's chest Pass.


Huanchen Binghu's attack took away more than 7000 life points of Tianhuo, and immediately, green +195 points popped up one after another on the top of Tianhuo's head, which was naturally the life recovery brought by the equipment.

"What a fast speed!" Seeing the size of Huanchen Binghu, Tianhuo thought that the speed of this little guy must be extremely fast. It wasn't until it launched an attack that Tianhuo realized that he underestimated this little guy.

"Huh? Didn't die?" Huanchen Binghu also said in surprise, and then his figure flashed, and he rushed towards the skyfire again.


At this moment, the city lord also rushed in from the cave, and wanted to fix Huanchen Binghu as soon as he made a move, but unexpectedly, the latter seemed to be unaffected, and continued to plunder towards Tianhuo. The claws were already aimed at Tianhuo's neck.

"The Lion King roars!"

Tianhuo knew that it was because the city lord's skills did not apply to Huanchen Binghu, so he hurriedly used a wide range of state skills. Under the roar of the Lion King, the Huanchen Binghu had a dizzy sign on his head, and his body was also under inertia. Hit into Tianhuo's arms.

Tianhuo followed the Huanchen Ice Fox who was in a stunned state, and threw a capture technique on it by mistake, "Capture technique!"

"Ding! System prompt: capture failed, proficiency +2, additional proficiency +2."

"Eh? Tianhuo, you..." Looking at Tianhuo's actions, the city lord couldn't laugh or cry, then shook his head and ran towards the three-pattern ice spirit grass.

Tianhuo didn't seem to hear the voice of the city lord. His catching technique is advanced. Although the target's health is less, the success rate is higher, but now that Huanchen Binghu is in a state of dizziness, it should be the best time!
The capture technique only has a cooling time of two seconds. When the time is up, Skyfire casts it again, "Capture technique!"

PS: Happy birthday to book friend 'Chen Xin', hereby add more~! ~
(End of this chapter)

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