The strongest saint

Chapter 107 Fighting Prisoner Baiteng Again

Chapter 107 Fighting Prisoner Baiteng Again

Chapter [-]: Battle Prisoner Baiteng Again

Tianhuo said that he wanted to stay, the city lord looked suspicious, but the woman beside him snorted coldly, "I'm not comfortable walking with you!"

Tianhuo stared at the distance and moved his eyes to the woman, shaking his head slightly, because of his title of beheaded by thousands of people, the treatment is really different!

The woman ignored Tianhuo's gaze and left alone, while the city lord shook his head and smiled, "Then we will wait for you in Tianyan City."

The city lord naturally knew that it wasn't that Tianhuo didn't want to go with this woman, but that he could see that Tianhuo was indeed in trouble.

Tianhuo nodded, but the woman misunderstood him, and he stayed because Prisoner Baiteng of the Prisoner Dragon Sect came, and the city lord and the woman were both disciples of the Prisoner Dragon Sect's hostile sect, if they were present, they might be implicated .

It's good now, the woman thought she didn't want to go with them.

Watching the two leave, Tianhuo breathed a long sigh of relief, his expression turned cold, "Jian Baiteng, you killed my Emperor Yan Linshi, today, you must come and go!"

The first time, I was almost killed by Prisoner Baiteng. The second time, if it wasn't for Di Yan Linshi, I'm afraid I would be dead too. Now, although the attributes have not changed much compared to level 30, the defense is higher Many, this time, Tianhuo has great confidence!

Character name: Tianhuo

Occupation: Vincent

Auxiliary occupation: pharmacist (advanced), refiner (junior)
Rating: 38
Upgrade experience: 15831040/72238000
HP: 65066/65066
MP: 12156/12156
Tome Attack: 14640-16140
Defense: 8630
Strength: 1235, Constitution: 1145, Intelligence: 1045, Agility: 1135
Reputation: 299500
Sin: -102
Pet: Emperor Yanlin Lion (Death)


Glancing at his attributes, Tianhuo raised his head and looked towards the distant sky, where a figure was coming from the sky.

"The guard's call!"

Three rays of light lit up beside Tianhuo, and then three identical figures appeared in the rays of light, quietly waiting for Tianhuo's order.

"Sky fire! You made me become like this, you are going to die!" Prisoner Baiteng's figure had not yet arrived, but the roar had already been heard.

Tianhuo stared coldly at the prisoner Baiteng who was getting closer, and he was already holding the gold panlong pen in his hand, "If you kill my pet, will I let you go?"

Prisoner Baiteng landed steadily, with snowflakes splashing under his feet, but his figure didn't stop. As he stepped, he rushed towards the sky fire violently, and the long sword in his hand pierced an arc of air that was visible to the naked eye.

"Rushing to the crown, leaning against the corner, resting in the Xiaoxiao rain..."

Nearly 95 meters apart, Tianhuo knew that not all pen attacks could attack Baiteng, so he avoided Baiteng's attack and directly used the verbal attack with an attack radius of [-] meters. Baiteng popped out from the top of his head.

But the prisoner Baiteng's speed was so fast, Tianhuo only recited two lines of poetry, and he had already plundered more than ten meters in front of Tianhuo.


Seeing that the distance was almost the same, Tianhuo did not hesitate to use the skill of Prisoner's Ring. Now at level 38, he can be imprisoned for 19 seconds. For Tianhuo, the biggest advantage of this skill is to reduce the attack target.

As long as they are in this cage, although they can still move, but because the cage is narrow, it is difficult for the target to avoid the attack of Skyfire.

Seeing that Baiteng was trapped, Tianhuo waved the Golden Panlong Brush in his hand, and the black strokes whizzed out, shaking off the falling snowflakes and flying into the cage.


-32350, -99820, -64580!

The second stroke of the first word actually showed critical strike damage, with the bonus of the Glyph Saint suit, the critical strike damage was extremely high.


Without Emperor Yan Linshi's ability to reduce the enemy's attributes by 30%, and his title of Ten Thousand Slayers is ineffective against Prisoner Baiteng, Tianhuo can only rely on himself to attack Prisoner Baiteng. Tianhuo remembers clearly that this guy has a lot of abilities 300 million health points!
The second word bombarded Prison Baiteng, causing critical damage from time to time, and the three guards also arrived in front of Prison Baiteng, surrounding him and attacking.

Prisoner Baiteng's face was ugly. He knew that Prisoner Tianjie had such an ability, but he couldn't crack it. At this moment, there was a sky fire attack in the distance, and three guards were attacking nearby. Prisoner Baiteng couldn't ignore it completely. A blinding white light began to emerge.

Tianhuo squinted his eyes, and naturally knew that it was Prison Baiteng's large-scale attack. Back then, all the prisoner spirit tribe and those players were instantly killed by him using this skill.

"Give me... get away!" Prisoner Baiteng roared, and streaks of terrifying white light turned into sword lights and shot out in all directions.

The three guards were the first to bear the brunt, and more than 1 damage values ​​emerged from their heads.


Tianhuo also suffered more than 7000 damage from the top of his head, but Tianhuo didn't care at all, and kept attacking Baiteng.

Prisoner Baiteng's angry face was a little anxious, and he accelerated his attack on the three guardians, and it took seven or eight blows to kill a guardian.



Boo!Two lines of poems flew out under the stroke of the pen, and the cage was also broken, and the time was up.

"This time, let me see what skills you have!" Once the cage was broken, Prisoner Baiteng shot again, but Tianhuo could tell that this guy had only used three long-range attacks so far, and at this moment he Wanting to step forward, presumably his close attack is more powerful.

Since he couldn't see the prisoner Baiteng's health bar, Tianhuo could only secretly calculate that the two poems caused almost 200 million damage to him, and the damage from the three guards was only more than 240 million. .

If Di Yan Linshi hadn't died, the prisoner Baiteng would have been brought down by now!

"Lion Roar!" Seeing that Prisoner Baiteng entered the range of the Lion King's roar, Tianhuo hastily used this skill, which could make him dizzy for 5 seconds, which was also considered as gaining precious time.

In the face of attacking powerful enemies, such state skills are undoubtedly the key to victory.

"Things! It's over!"


These five seconds were completely Tianhuo's attack, but they could only swipe two words, ten strokes, and two additional damages, taking away about 45 of Prison Baiteng's health.

"It's now!" Prisoner Baiteng didn't have much life left, but unexpectedly, he had a smug look on his face, and as he roared, the long sword in his hand gave off a palpitating aura.

Seeing this, Tianhuo's pupils shrank slightly. Last time, Diyan Linshi died under this move. With one move, he killed Diyan Linshi instantly. If it fell on Tianhuo, Tianhuo believed that he would not be able to avoid the fate of being instantly killed.

At this moment, Tianhuo felt a deep chill in his heart, just a little bit, Prisoner Baiteng only had about [-] HP left!
(End of this chapter)

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