Chapter 119

Chapter 110 Nine Divine Healing Techniques
Although Tianhuo has 35000 HP, the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon's attack is as high as [-]. If it is attacked by it, even a normal attack can cause nearly [-] damage to Tianhuo, which can't last a few times.

It was for this reason that Tianhuo said no to Chief Shao.

"No, young man, don't worry, I'm a therapist, I guarantee you will be fine." The village chief said, showing off one of his skills.

Divine Healing: active skill, advanced 10020/100000, restores 10% of the target's health instantly after casting, consumes 10% of MP, and cools down for 1 second.

"Damn it, what an awesome skill!" Looking at the divine healing technique, Tianhuo felt an unbelievable feeling in his heart. He can use it once every second. As long as he has enough MP, such a skill is almost immortal. !

However, Tianhuo also understands that every time 10% of MP is consumed, it cannot be recovered within a certain period of time. If the amount of MP is low, this must be an invincible skill, but to have such a skill, the total MP How could it be less?
"That...Young Village Chief, can you teach this skill to others?" Tianhuo asked cheekily, if he learned this skill himself, it would be much easier to face the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon.

"I'm really sorry, young hero, if you break through to the advanced level, you can indeed teach it, but as you can see, I'm still an advanced level, so I can't teach it." The village chief said helplessly.

Tianhuo was disappointed for a while. It seemed that he couldn't learn this amazing skill.

"If the young hero can help Gu Yue Village to kill that evil dragon, then why don't I teach you this skill!" Just when Tianhuo was disappointed, the village chief said, from what that means, he also knows the magic healing technique, and has surpassed it. advanced.

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and he really wanted to learn it now. Wouldn't it be a little more sure to slay the dragon?But the village head has already turned his head aside, it is obviously impossible to teach it to Tianhuo now.

Tianhuo shrugged, that's okay, anyway, he learned this skill by himself.

"Father, let's hurry up to pick cold iron! Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be too late." Seeing that the village chief had settled down, he said hastily.

After the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon has recuperated for a while, he will definitely come to Gu Yue Village to seek trouble and revenge. Everyone must get ready before it arrives.

"See if this works." Tianhuo asked, taking out the thousand-year-old iron chain and throwing it on the ground.

It's not that Tianhuo doesn't respect them, but that the iron chain is so heavy that Tianhuo can't lift it at all. Last time, with the help of Di Yanlinshi, he received the ring of the sage.

Millennium Cold Iron Chain: An iron chain made of millennium cold iron, the purpose of which is unknown.

The eyes of the village head and the young village head lit up, and they touched the millennium-old cold iron chain on the ground delicately, secretly marveling, "It's such a waste of money to make such a precious thing into a blacksmith!"

"Young hero, that's great. With this iron chain, today is the day of the dragon's death!" The village chief stood up with a smile on his face.

Tianhuo rubbed his chin. What he was curious about now was how they used the thousand-year-old iron chain to lock the Nine-hundred Golden Spirit Dragon. That guy could speak out his words, so he must have a lot of wisdom, so he wouldn't be easily fooled.

The village chief took out a bottle of something unknown from his pocket and handed it to the young village chief, "It's not too late, let's go now."

"Well, hurry up, let's go!" The village chief waved his hand, and everyone lifted up the thousand-year-old cold iron chain and walked towards Yixiantian.

Tianhuo followed behind everyone, feeling a little excited. If a pet egg could be released from divine healing and spirit beasts, it would be perfect. I just don’t know if there is such a setting in the game. After all, the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon is an infant Period, pet eggs should not explode.

In front of the bloody cave, a few middle-aged men deftly set up traps, nailing one end of the thousand-year-old cold iron chain into the ground, and turning the other end into a trap.

Tianhuo looked aside for a while, a little puzzled, but seeing how proficient they were, it seemed that this trick would really work.

After the arrangement was completed, the young village chief took out the bottle that the village chief gave him, spilled it on the ground, and then led the crowd to hide quickly.

"They are all hunters, and they are very good at setting traps. You will know later, this time, the dragon will definitely die!" The young village chief said in a low voice with his eyes shining.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, he had a deep understanding of the benefits of killing spirit beasts, plus his explosion rate bonus, there must be spirit weapons, if you want to be strong, you must rely on powerful equipment.

"Young Village Chief, what is the medicinal powder you sprinkled just now?" Tianhuo was very curious. Since the Young Village Chief wanted to use that medicinal powder to attract the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon, the medicinal powder must be not simple.

Village Chief Shao smiled mysteriously, "This is only valid for the Dragon Clan, please forgive me for keeping it secret."

Tianhuo shrugged and waited with everyone.

The entire mountain range became silent, Tianhuo and others hid in the hollow of the boulder, and the village chief stuck his head out to observe the cave from time to time. Several hours passed, but there was no movement at all.

Tianhuo's excitement gradually faded away, but he still waited vigilantly. After killing the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon, he could go into the cave to find the quest item. Tianhuo was looking forward to the reward of this quest.

Another few hours passed, and it was already evening, and everyone became a little impatient, but seeing the unchanging alertness of the young village head, Tianhuo still held back his doubts, looking forward to the early appearance of the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon , otherwise when it gets dark, I am afraid that the strength will increase.

Suddenly, the head of the village quickly withdrew his probing gaze, hurriedly made a hissing gesture to the crowd, and then signaled for the crowd to start to move, and those big men were all shocked, and the traps in their hands tightened tight.

"hold head high……"

The low-pitched dragon chant made everything in the mountains tremble slightly, and the nine-hundred golden spirit dragon seemed to be venting the anger in its heart.

The sound of the dragon's chant gradually dissipated, and then there was the sound of heavy footsteps walking towards the direction of the trap. Although everyone didn't dare to check it at this time, they all understood that the evil dragon was about to be fooled.

At this moment, everyone's hearts were raised, especially Tianhuo. The right hand holding the gold panlong pen tightened involuntarily. The critical moment has come!
Hearing the sound of footsteps gradually approaching the trap, everyone held their breath, for fear that the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon would be aware of it because of their own breathing, while the head of the village slowly put his right hand in front of everyone's eyes, the meaning was obvious , ready to go.

Suddenly, the head of Shaocun clenched his fist, and several big men understood and pulled the trap violently...


The Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon whimpered, as if someone had strangled its neck, and then it struggled violently, the vegetation, sand and rocks around it rolled away, and waves of air spread out.

"It's done, take action!" Shaocun Chief jumped out and shouted loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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