Chapter 141

Chapter 140: Treasure Land
Beyond Gu Yue Village, Tian Huo came out with Di Yan Lin Lion, and the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon also descended from the sky, "Master, where are we going?"

Tianhuo took out the treasure map, compared the coordinates to recognize the direction, and pointed to the distance, "Nine souls, fly in that direction."

With that said, Tianhuo took Diyan Linshi onto the back of the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon. This guy has the attribute of riding, and Tianhuo also wanted to try the feeling of flying.

The last time he fell from a high altitude, the Level 1 Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon was able to save him. Now that the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon has an extra rideable attribute, Tianhuo naturally wants to try it.

Nine-hundred golden dragon slowly lifted into the sky, and Tianhuo's field of vision also gradually enlarged, but Tianhuo became excited in his heart. He had always envied those NPCs who could fly. Now, he could fly on the nine-hundred golden dragon.

On the fairly broad back of the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon, Tianhuo sat cross-legged excitedly, looking around, and as the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon flapped its wings, the surrounding scenery quickly receded.

It would have taken several hours to travel, but under the flight of the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon, it arrived in less than half an hour.

"Master, is this here?" Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon slowed down, turned his head and asked.

"It's almost here, let's go down!" Tianhuo compared the treasure map, and the coordinates showed that it was near here.

There are towering ancient trees below. Looking down from the sky, apart from the forest sea, there are mountains. I don't know what's in it. If you want to find out the treasure map, you need to descend into the forest.

The Nine-hundred Golden Spirit Dragon pushed down through the dense branches and leaves. Tianhuo also looked around, and after seeing that there were no monsters around, he continued to move towards the coordinates indicated by the treasure map.

The two beasts followed behind Tianhuo, quietly on guard, not long before the Diyan Linshi sniffed around, warning: "Master, there are people ahead."

Tianhuo kept walking, shook his head and laughed, "I told you that you are not a dog, why do you always act like a dog?"

"Huh? But I really smelled people in front, quite a few." Di Yanlin said.

Tianhuo stopped in his tracks, looked at Di Yanlinshi suspiciously, and nodded slightly while thinking, "You guys wait here for me, I'll go and have a look first."

As he said that, Tianhuo directly used his invisible skills, and immediately disappeared in front of the eyes of the two beasts.

Bypassing more than a dozen towering ancient trees, Skyfire had already arrived at the coordinates indicated by the treasure map, but around that coordinates, more than a dozen people were digging hard, and a large pit more than ten meters wide was dug out on the ground.

The center of the big pit is suddenly the coordinates pointed by the treasure map in Tianhuo's hand.

Seeing this situation, Tianhuo couldn't help frowning. It was obvious that what these people were digging for was the treasure indicated by the treasure map in his hand.

"The eyes of Wensheng!"

Frowning, Tianhuo cast the Glyph Sage's Eye to see the attributes of more than a dozen people clearly, but became more puzzled.

Servants: The slaves raised by Fenglei Pavilion have no offensive power, but they are good at doing chores.

These ten people are all of such attributes. At this moment, they are constantly waving the hoes or shovels in their hands. What makes Tianhuo puzzled is that there is no one else except these more than ten servants. So, how do they know that there is a treasure here? of?
With doubts, Tianhuo kept his invisibility and slowly approached the big pit. What is hidden under this big pit that is nearly one person deep!
"If you don't want to die, hurry up. If you are slow, you can't find death?"

As soon as Tianhuo approached the big pit, there was a roar from above, which made Tianhuo slightly stunned, and hurriedly looked up, but saw a middle-aged man in brocade clothes sitting cross-legged on a branch of an ancient tree.

The middle-aged man's face was covered with stubble, and his sharp eyes kept scanning the servants, as if he was watching for laziness.

Fenghun, level 40, a low-level deacon of Fenglei Pavilion.

"This is the true master. The Fenglei Pavilion is in the west, and this person has come to the north. How did he know that there is a treasure here?" Tianhuo, who was in the invisible state, wondered secretly, but it was amused in his heart. Do it yourself, which saves a lot of effort.

Tianhuo didn't expect that the treasure recorded in this treasure map would actually need to be excavated. If he digs by himself, he doesn't know how long it will take. Fortunately, people from Fenglei Pavilion led a group of servants to help.

But looking at the crowd digging out such a large area, Tianhuo felt a little helpless. If it was concentrated in the center, the treasure would be dug soon!

I really want to remind these people, but Tianhuo will not do this. If he shows up, it will definitely cause conflicts, and I am afraid that he will have to dig by himself.

The few people in mid-air hugged each other on thick and thin branches, and Feng Lie poked his head to check the progress of the excavation from time to time, but there was a strong look of anticipation in his eyes.

Almost an hour passed, and the depth of the big pit had reached about two meters. However, looking around, it was still ordinary soil, and there was nothing abnormal at all.

Suddenly, a loud noise came from the big pit, and a servant was thrown flying with the loud noise, thrown straight out of the big pit and fell outside, and fell unconscious immediately.

Under the loud noise, Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly looked towards the center, only to see that the hoe had been shattered, and a black thing the size of a fist was lying quietly in the soil.

Feng Lie, who was sitting cross-legged on a branch above, also hurriedly poked his head out, and when he saw the dark thing in the center of the big pit, he laughed wildly, "Haha, the phoenix sycamore fruit is indeed here!"

Laughing wildly, Feng Lie floated down, and landed straight in front of the phoenix sycamore fruit, but he was not in a hurry to reach for it, but had a look of vigilance on his face.

Tianhuo also looked at the dark fruit in shock. Before that, Tianhuo could see clearly that the servant dug a hoe into the fruit, but was bounced more than ten meters away in an instant, and his life and death were unknown. Even the hoe It's all turned into pieces, such a fruit, no one dares to act rashly!

That's why Tianhuo didn't rush to snatch it immediately, and quietly waited incognito.

Feng Lie in front of the phoenix sycamore fruit looked at the fruit in surprise, then turned his head to look at the place where the servant flew out, hesitating whether to pick up the fruit, but Tianhuo was full of anticipation, as long as he picked it up But it's okay, you can do it yourself.

"You, come here!" Feng Lie shifted his gaze to a servant and shouted.

This guy is smart, he didn't dare to pick it up, so he ordered his servants to pick it up.

The servant didn't dare to hesitate, walked over quickly, and slowly reached out to touch the phoenix sycamore fruit anxiously. At this moment, Tianhuo and Fenghun were looking forward to it. Whether it is dangerous to touch this fruit will be revealed soon. up.

(End of this chapter)

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