The strongest saint

Chapter 147 Escape from the Dead

Chapter 147 Escape from the Dead
The scorching breath permeated the field, but hundreds of disciples of Fenglei Pavilion rushed towards Tianhuo and the two beasts without any fear. If they captured Tianhuo, it would be a great achievement!

Among the crowd, Fenghun paused quietly and slowed down. He had seen the tip of the iceberg of Skyfire's strength, so he wouldn't rush forward so foolishly.

Tianhuo didn't see Feng Lie in the crowd, and Tianhuo was naturally angry with this guy who disregarded human life, but he didn't kill him in order to find Fenglei Pavilion.

At this moment, seeing those disciples rushing up desperately, Tianhuo sighed secretly, this time, it will not do without killing people, "Mouth punishment, kill one person in ten steps!"

Accompanied by Tianhuo's voice, big golden characters flew out one after another, filling the sky for more than 200 meters in an instant, and then these big characters fell down one after another.
42180, -43590...

Within the range covered by the big characters, countless damage values ​​emerged, rising like a sky, and then faded away, and the npc disciple who rushed into this range fell down after running not far away, turning into white light.

"Ding! The system prompts: kill the white npc, and get the crime value +10."


A series of system prompts sounded, but Tianhuo didn't bother to pay attention. If he didn't kill him, he would be dead. Besides, Tianhuo's crime value was more than [-]. Even if he killed all these people, he wouldn't be famous.

"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up 12551 gold coins, and equip 48 pieces."


The system prompts sounded continuously, and Tianhuo led the two beasts forward quickly. With the combination of the three, the npc disciples in front of them could not be stopped at all. After all, Tianhuo's attack speed is not slow, and the damage is high. After losing 40% of the attributes, it won't last long.

"Stand back, deputy pavilion master, elders, what are you waiting for!" At some point, the pavilion master also stepped out of the forbidden area, and when he saw countless disciples dying, he immediately roared.

Following the shout of the pavilion master, figures rushed out from the crowd and rushed towards Tianhuo.

These are all boss-level existences, Tianhuo's pupils shrunk, trouble is coming!

"Master, I'm afraid we are in danger." Di Yan Linshi said slightly turning his head to look at Tianhuo.

"Yes, master, why don't you let me take you up?" Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon also said.

Tianhuo shook his head with a wry smile, why didn't he want to?However, the master of the Fenglei Pavilion used that token to ban the air, and he couldn't use the ability to go home. How can he go?
Suddenly, Tianhuo's eyes lit up, recalling the scene where the pavilion master used the token, that token looked familiar.

While thinking, Tianhuo patted his forehead, and took out a token from his hands, "So it's this thing!"

The token in his hand is exactly the same as the one that the Pavilion Master crushed, but it is still unknown at this moment.

"Glyph Sage's Eye!" Looking at more than a dozen high-level Fenglei Pavilion roaring from outside his attack range, Tianhuo hurriedly used the Glyph Sage's Eye towards the token in his hand.

This time, Tianhuo's luck was good, and he was identified by using the Glyph Sage's Eye for the first time.

Wind and Thunder Token: A token specially made by Fenglei Pavilion. After crushing, it can activate the mountain protection formation. Under the formation, you cannot fly, and you cannot use the scrolls and skills of returning to the city. After crushing again, the restriction can be lifted instantly.

"This time there is hope!" Looking at the token in his hand, Tianhuo was overjoyed. If the restriction was lifted, he would be able to use the homecoming skill!

However, Tianhuo seemed to be overjoyed. In the blink of an eye, the dozen or so senior members of the Fenglei Pavilion had rushed forward, each with their weapons out, and launched attacks from far or near.

"Use the injury-free spirit ball!"

Facing the attacks of more than a dozen bosses, Tianhuo couldn't guarantee to avoid them completely, and the attacks of so many people would kill him in an instant, so he had to use the injury-free spirit ball.

"Ding! System prompt: Successfully use the injury-free spirit ball once, and you will be immune to all damage for 10 seconds."


As soon as Tianhuo heard the system beep, a series of attacks also fell, but they were all immune to damage.

"Come back, Lingdun, go home!" In this colorful attack, Tianhuo crushed the token in one go, took back the two beasts, and then used the skill of Lingdun to get out of the fighting state, and then used the skill of returning home.

The whole process was done without the slightest sloppiness, and was completed in one go. Under the attack of more than a dozen rays of light of various colors, a string of misses appeared above Tianhuo's head and then disappeared.

"Huh? Where are the people?" More than a dozen senior officials of Fenglei Pavilion looked at the place where Tianhuo was no longer in astonishment, and they all became puzzled.

Under the attack of the crowd before, those rays of light obstructed the line of sight, so that the crowd could not see the whereabouts of the sky fire.

"Won't it be blasted to pieces?" An old man murmured.

The pavilion master quickly ran to the place where Tianhuo was standing before, the tip of his nose twitched, and then he frowned, "He actually escaped?"

"No way? With so many of us attacking together, we should have been blasted to pieces." The old man murmured.

The pavilion master's face was gloomy, he glared at the old man, then scanned the surroundings, and then said: "This person uses scrolls to attack, and he must have something to do with Wen Shengmen, so don't rush to contact Prisoner Dragon Sect, pass on the order, Looking for this person, I want his life to be worse than death!"

The pavilion master ordered, but he had a plan in his heart. The phoenix sycamore fruit was on Tianhuo. If he found Tianhuo, he could take it back. If he contacted Prisoner Dragon Sect directly, the phoenix sycamore fruit would not belong to Fenglei Pavilion.

"It's so dangerous! You narrowly escaped death!" Tianhuo appeared in the living room staggeringly, panting calmly, and muttered to himself.

Fortunately, the token exploded from Laomo Feng's body, otherwise, this time, he would definitely be dead or alive!

Fighting against a sect with one's own strength, even if it is only a small sect, is beyond the imagination of ordinary players. It is lucky that Tianhuo can escape.

This time, although he lost some gold panlong pens, he got the Book of Glyphs. In general, the attack has hardly changed, but the attributes such as health and defense have skyrocketed, and the overall strength of Tianhuo has naturally increased greatly.

"Master, you are finally back. The auction will start in two hours. You must participate." Every time Tianhuo came back, the steward seemed to know that this time was no exception. As soon as Tianhuo calmed down, the steward was already running quickly Come.

Tianhuo smiled, hid the mask, and nodded slightly, "That's natural, I also want to see the situation of this first auction."

The housekeeper smiled awkwardly, and then left.

Tianhuo let out a long sigh of relief. He has experienced life and death in the past two days, and finally came back safely. Since there are still two hours before the auction, why not go to the blacksmith uncle first, maybe you can upgrade the Rabbit Fairy Medal, By the way, it is inlaid with high-level blood spirit stones.

While thinking, Tianhuo quickly ran towards the blacksmith shop.

It was almost dusk, but the blacksmith shop was busy. Many players chose to practice their sub-professions here. Seeing the arrival of Skyfire, the number one player in the rank list, most players were used to it. They all knew that Skyfire was more advanced than blacksmiths. Refiner.

However, everyone does not know that today's Tianhuo is no longer a craftsman, but a tripod sage who can refine alchemy and weapons.

Regardless of the eyes of many players, Tianhuo ran directly towards the hut where the blacksmith often stayed.

The blacksmith didn't close the door and was busy working inside. When he heard footsteps, he said without turning his head, "Wait if you have any questions. I'll come back to answer your questions when I'm done."

"Uncle blacksmith, I really have a lot of questions!" Tianhuo joked, without the slightest anger, Tianhuo understood that the blacksmith regarded himself as an outside player.

Hearing Tianhuo's voice, the blacksmith hurriedly stopped what he was doing, and said with an embarrassed smile, "So it's Mr. Benedict. I haven't seen you for several days."

"Hehe, uncle blacksmith, are you safe?" Tianhuo said with a smile.

"It's okay, it's okay, sit down, benefactor, what treasure have you got recently?" The blacksmith hurriedly asked Tianhuo to sit down.

Tianhuo kept smiling, "Two things, one is that I got intermediate and high-level punching stones, and I want to ask uncle to help inlaying gems, and the other is about medals, I got the Rabbit Fairy Medal, and I also got two To upgrade the medal, see if the blacksmith uncle can help me upgrade it."

"Well, you also got the devil's blood beads, right? It's amazing, you actually killed the monster again." The blacksmith's eyes flickered and he said.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, he couldn't hide from the blacksmith every time he came, he could always sense the good things on his body, "Yes, I also got one of the devil's blood beads, uncle blacksmith help me to see, what equipment can be upgraded would be the best But that's all."

The uncle blacksmith hurriedly shook his head, "Grandfather, I can't see your equipment now, if you have equipment that can upgrade this attribute, just take it out."

Tianhuo shrugged. The devil's blood bead is a good thing. The equipment upgraded with it has the property of self-explosion, but right now, Tianhuo really doesn't have such equipment, which is a pity.

Taking off the hidden spirit jade pendant and the Rabbit Fairy Medal, Tianhuo handed the materials to the blacksmith, "There is no upgradeable equipment yet, uncle blacksmith, please help me get these two pieces of equipment."

The blacksmith's eyes flickered, and he took the Rabbit Fairy Medal directly and looked at it fondly. He kept tsk-tsk, and it took him a long time to helplessly return the medal to Tianhuo, "Grandpa, my ability is not enough, and I can't do it." Help you upgrade the medal, this, I am afraid that at least you have to go to the second-level area to have a chance to upgrade."

Tianhuo touched the tip of his nose, feeling a little regretful, if he upgrades at this time, the attributes of critical strike chance and critical strike damage will definitely increase, "No problem, I will look for opportunities to upgrade when I get to the second-level area in the future."

The blacksmith smiled awkwardly, took the punching stone, the high-level blood spirit stone and the hidden spirit jade pendant, walked to his treasure tripod and started to work, "Grandpa, wait a moment, it will be ready soon."

Tianhuo nodded, took out the golden treasure box, skill book and Fenglei Pill to check, these are all the things he got today, it shouldn't be bad, and it was the first time for Tianhuo to open the golden treasure box, so he was looking forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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