The strongest saint

Chapter 152: Qiu Tianmen's Actions

Chapter 152: Qiu Tianmen's Actions
The auction has ended with everyone excited. This time the auction, the competition between Tianhuo and Yimadao will undoubtedly add a lot of color, causing many players to talk about it.

The transaction amount of the entire auction reached nearly 1.2 million gold coins, and among them, the auction items that Tianhuo took out accounted for 8.8 million. These, after deducting the [-]% tax, will fall into Tianhuo's pocket, and the remaining [-] million, there are also [-]% belong to Tianhuo.

In this regard, Tianhuo didn't feel much. If he was like an ordinary player, then he would be excited.

Undoubtedly, King's Auction House's reputation has been blown away, and the next auction has not yet been decided, but there is no doubt that it will be lively.

At the end of the auction, Tianhuo wandered outside the four city gates, checking the terrain. Tianyan City was surrounded by enemies, and had to resist when monsters attacked the city. This was the only dissatisfaction with Tianhuo, even if one side had a natural barrier. OK!
The sky is getting brighter, and the sky fire has stopped on the city wall in the south of the city. Last time, Di Yanlin and the lion led the beasts to launch the final attack from here. I hope this time it will also come from here.

The Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon hovered over Tianyan City, and from time to time a few dragon chants came out, attracting the attention of many players. In this early morning, there were many players who rushed over from other cities to watch the dragon. Skyfire's pet.

Not long after, a large number of players also appeared from the teleportation array, and as soon as they appeared, they ran towards the east, north, and west gates in an orderly manner. This was naturally the forces of heroes, Dongqing Wushen, and Nan Jinglin.

"Brother Tianhuo, we have selected elites. We will defend these three sides. It shouldn't be a big problem, but if the ultimate boss appears, we have to rely on you." The hero's voice sounded in the team channel.

"Well, now that there is the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon, it doesn't matter which city gate you go to. Dongqing Wushen and Nan Jinglin rely on you to contact me. I'll team up with them." Tianhuo said, and initiated a team formation for the three of them. invite.

"No problem, some players have already thought that there will be a big move. There are many players in Tianyan City now. They will definitely participate in the battle later. My people will pay attention to take the lead. Don't worry." The hero said.

Soon, the three heroes had each brought their subordinates to wait outside the three city gates in the east, north, and west.

On Tianhuo's side, apart from the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon circling in the sky, Tianhuo took Emperor Yan Linshi and four guards, as well as Twilight Breaking Dawn, Wu Chen, and Thief Among Thieves lined up.

However, this kind of action has already attracted the attention of the players. Although there is no news from the world that there are monsters attacking the city, but looking at the four gates, only the south of the city is empty, and many players are running towards here.

But in a few minutes, the south of the city also became crowded. Looking at the formation of the four of Tianhuo, many players were puzzled, "What do you think Tianhuo wants to do? Couldn't it be an appointment with someone to PK here?"

"Every city has a ring, PK on it will not lose level equipment, is he stupid? Look at it, it should be a monster attacking the city, and the other three gates are occupied by powerful players, Tianhuo probably wants to defend alone Here." A player said.

"Monster siege? Didn't see the system prompt!"


Many players piled up behind the four of Tianhuo, chattering constantly, listening to these people's chatter, the fat man smiled, turned his head and said: "The experience and explosion rate of monsters attacking the city are very high, don't miss this opportunity! "

With Fatty's affirmation, the eyes of many players lit up, and they began to look for the team. The personnel gradually dispersed, and soon almost filled the open space outside the city.

Tianhuo looked at the countless players in the field, but he didn't see a member of Qiu Tianmen who was leading the way, and it was less than half an hour since the monster attacked.

"Brother Tianhuo, there is trouble. A large number of players from Qiu Tianmen came and blocked all four city gates." The hero's helpless voice sounded in the team channel.

Hearing this, Tianhuo turned cold and blocked the city gate, so the players behind cannot leave the city. If the players outside the city die in battle, there will be no backup power. When the players are completely damaged, the people from Qiu Tianmen will withdraw , Countless monsters will flood into Tianyan City!
"It's so ruthless to take the lead! Uncle hero, what about others?" Tianhuo asked.

"It hasn't appeared yet, but you have to be careful, he must be looking for you." The hero said.

"I see." Tianhuo nodded slightly, his eyes flashed coldly, he couldn't PK in the city, otherwise, Tianhuo wouldn't mind killing those players who blocked the door!

"There are tens of thousands of players outside each city gate. There is no problem with the other three gates. After all, Uncle Hero and his gang members are well-trained, but we are all casual players here, so they are not very reliable. I'm afraid In the end, it still depends on you." Twilight broke dawn and said with a frown.

"Hey, it's absolutely okay to have Tianhuo here, and soon we will see what it means to be 'one man is the gate, ten thousand men are not open'." The fat man said with a smile.

Tianhuo shook his head. Although his attack range is not small, it will be too stretched to face countless monsters. "You guys wait here first, I will go and see the situation in the city."

Saying that, he summoned the Nine Souls Golden Spirit Dragon to descend from the sky, and flew towards the city carrying the Skyfire.

Looking down at the situation of Tianyan City in the sky, Tianhuo frowned even more, and saw that the four city gates were crowded with players from Qiutianmen, and the players from Qiutianmen who extended tens of meters were tightly packed together, and the four gates were crowded together. The gate of Daocheng was blocked.

"Break my way? Take the lead, you are really ruthless!" Tianhuo said to himself, thinking about the solution in his mind, it would be impossible to let Qiu Tianmen go on like this.

Suddenly, Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth curled up, "Let's take the lead, let's see how you can resist the anger of the crowd!"

Talking to himself, Tianhuo found the location of the grocery store and landed slowly.

There was no one in the grocery store, only the shopkeeper was walking back and forth worriedly, and when he saw Tianhuo coming in, he showed a look of astonishment, "The monster you attracted attacked the city, why are you still here?"

Tianhuo was also stunned, did all the NPCs know?Then he smiled, "Boss, put on the four treasures of the study for me."

The grocery store owner shook his head helplessly, then quickly walked back to the counter and took out a set of the Four Treasures of the Study, "Ten thousand gold coins!"

Tianhuo glanced at the owner of the grocery store, without saying much, took out the brush after taking the Four Treasures of the Study, and began to write on the Book of the Sage of Grammar.

"Man Jianghong, bursting into anger..." Tianhuo wrote large characters on the first page of the book of literati.

The owner of the grocery store looked at Tianhuo's movements suspiciously, hesitated for a moment before saying: "I heard that the pen of the scribe is the key to filling the book of the scribe. I'm afraid it won't be of much use if you use this ordinary brush."

Tianhuo shook his head indifferently, and continued to write. The moment he finished writing Man Jianghong, he saw the book of Wensheng suddenly closed.

"Huh?" Tianhuo wrote poems on the Book of Grammar for the first time, and he didn't know why. With doubts, he slowly opened the book of Grammar again. Suddenly, golden light shone from the book, and a A large character flew out from the first page, directly piercing through the roof and flying towards the sky.

And as the last word flew out, the book of Wen Sheng was closed again, Tianhuo hurriedly put away the book of Wen Sheng, and ran towards the outside of the house. The entire Tianyan City was enveloped.

Under these poems, at this moment, all the players feel that their bodies are full of strength.

"Ding! World news: Under the swan song of the player Tianhuo, Tianyan City has been blessed by the power of the Glyph Saint. Within 40 minutes, all players in Tianyan City have doubled their attributes, obtained items, and doubled their experience!"

The last time a monster attacked the city, Tianhuo also achieved this effect by singing Manjianghong, but that time was only 30 minutes, and Tianhuo also remembered the situation last time, so he came here to try to use the book of sages to induce the meeting. What's the situation.

World news, all players can see, for a while, online players ran towards the teleportation array, and the target was naturally Tianyan City.

Tianhuo looked up and watched the big characters on the top gradually fade away, leaving only a faint golden light still shrouded. He opened the book of Wensheng again, but saw that Man Jianghong was still on the first page, but it had turned gray. There is a cooldown countdown, one hour!
Tianhuo turned to the second page, waved the brush and wrote the beginning of the Mid-Autumn Festival's Water Tune song. After the writing was completed, the book of Wensheng closed itself again, and Tianhuo was not in a hurry to open it, but directly opened the third page. On the page, it says "Xia Ke Xing".

"Tianhuo, I'm more confident this time, and the attributes have doubled!" Just as Tianhuo finished writing the hero's journey, the hero's voice sounded a little excited in the team channel.

"The good show is yet to come, and this time it will be bad luck to take the lead this time." Tianhuo smiled lightly, put away the book of literati, stepped on the back of the nine-hundred golden spirit dragon and lifted off into the sky again.

Looking from the sky, I can see that the light of the teleportation array has never been broken, and countless players have poured out of it. Tianyan City has 40 minutes to double the time attribute, experience, and burst rate. Such a temptation, most players cannot withstand.

"Tianhuo, the monster has appeared, come back quickly." The voice of Twilight Breaking Dawn also sounded in the team channel.

"There are monsters appearing at the four city gates. It is indeed more difficult than last time." The hero said, but there was no worry in his words, after all, the attributes have doubled now.

Tianhuo nodded and signaled the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon to go back, but at the moment when it flew towards the city gate, countless players glared at the members of the Qiu Tianmen, and curses kept coming.

"Get out of the way, why don't you Qiutianmen not let us out of the city?" Now it's time for double experience and burst rate, countless players want to go out of the city to fight monsters, but they are blocked by Qiutianmen, and anger permeates the field for a while .

Noisy cursing continued, and the members of Qiu Tianmen who blocked the door also showed embarrassment. Get out of the way. If you take the lead, you will be furious. Don't let it go. Thousands of players are cursing in front of you, and you are in a dilemma for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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