The strongest saint

Chapter 154 How to Resist?

Chapter 154 How to Resist?

At the four gates of Tianyan City, swords, lights and swords flickered, and spells of various colors danced, but in the blink of an eye, white lights began to light up one after another, and in an instant, the members of Qiu Tianmen disappeared in place.

Of course, under this kind of chaos, it is inevitable that some players will be killed by mistake, but no one pays attention to this. The Qiu Tianmen players who blocked the door have been cleaned up, and these players rushed out of the city one after another.

Double experience and double explosion rate are extremely attractive to most players, not to mention it is even easier to fight monsters with double attributes!
"Come out, there are so many people!" Fatty looked at the south gate in feigned surprise, and saw a large number of players pouring out like a tide.

Tianhuo smiled, taking the lead this time, he must be pissed off, but then again, it is impossible for this guy not to come, he must be hiding somewhere.

Without waiting for Tianhuo to look around, he only heard the rumbling sound, and the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon in mid-air also warned: "Master, the monster is coming!"

Hearing this, the three of them quickly moved away from Tianhuo at dusk and dawn, which stunned Tianhuo, and then smiled awkwardly. If they were within their attack range, the three of them would have no chance to fight monsters at all.

The ground was trembling slightly, and one could imagine the situation of thousands of beasts galloping ahead. Gradually, monsters appeared in everyone's field of vision. This second wave was level 40 monsters.

"Play freely!" Tianhuo patted Diyan Linshi beside him and murmured.

Diyan Linshi let out a roar, then moved its four hooves, and shot out. The four guards on the side also quickly rushed out, and soon met the group of monsters.

Seeing that the attack mode had returned to the peaceful mode, Tianhuo also stepped out, and big golden characters roared out of his mouth, covering a radius of more than 200 meters. As the big characters fell down, white lights burst out neatly.

"Ding! The system prompts..."

The experience hints soared like swiping the screen, and the three of them looked at each other in amazement not far away, and stepped up their offensive.

The players behind Tianhuo stayed away from Tianhuo very tacitly. If they want to gain experience here, they must stay away from Tianhuo.

In mid-air, the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon spit out dragon flames one after another, and the scorching breath permeated the air.

Tianhuo didn't stop at his feet, cleaned up a lot of monsters, and then used his daily travel thousands of miles to plunder the place where the monsters were densely populated. All the monsters he passed were instantly killed on the spot. At this moment, the experience bars of the three of them increased rapidly, and the speed Frighteningly fast.

"Look, this is one man guarding the gate and ten thousand men not opening it, tsk tsk, it is worthy of being a big fire!" The fat man sighed, swinging the dagger in his hand from time to time to attack the monster in front of him.

Twilight and Wuchen looked at each other and smiled, the two of them were not slow in their movements, Wuchen's longbow was drawn quickly, and a series of sharp arrows fell into the monster group, while Twilight was even stronger, with a long sword at the level of a spiritual weapon in hand , a large amount of damage value popped out while waving.

This second wave of monsters is like a tide, but with the fire in front, a large area of ​​monsters turns into white light in an instant, which relieves a lot of pressure for the players behind.

Skyfire's attack range is as high as 215 meters in diameter, which can be called terrifying, but at this moment, in the face of such a large-scale monster attacking the city, it seems a bit insignificant. It is impossible to stop the monsters in the entire south of the city with one's own strength. .

"Ding! The system prompts: Your pet Emperor Yan Linshi has been upgraded, and the current level is 22..."

"Ding! The system prompts: Your pet Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon has been upgraded, the current level is 13..."

It has been a long time since there was such a hearty killing of monsters. Wherever Tianhuo passed by, there were big characters fluttering, which attracted the envy of countless players. One after another, the application for joining the team kept ringing, but Tianhuo could only ignore it and continue to kill monsters.

"Tianhuo is big, come back quickly, the boss has appeared here." Not long after, Fatty's voice sounded in the team channel.

Tianhuo turned around and saw a ten-meter-tall giant elephant approaching with heavy steps. Wherever it passed, the players avoided it one after another, not daring to fight it.

Tianhuo looked at the giant elephant in amazement. That leg was thicker than several people combined. If it stepped on it, it would definitely not feel good.

War giant elephant (dark gold boss), level 45, HP 1400000, attack 6800, defense 7000.

Description: A war elephant good at siege, its sharp ivory makes it invincible.

Skills: Earth-shaking trample, active skill, tramples the ground with huge power, makes people trembling and makes people stand unsteadily, and produces a terrible air wave to blast the place in front of them.

Brutal charge, active skills, with the help of a huge body to hit the target, even an iron wall is hard to resist.

"What a scary guy, Tianhuo is big, don't you need help?" Not far from the boss, the fat man looked at Tianhuo with a smile and asked.

Tianhuo shook his head and signaled Diyan Linshi to go up, while he stood 200 meters away and began to use his skills. With the strokes of his fingers, Diyan Linshi also stepped into the range of Diyan's awe.

Diyan's deterrence caused the attributes of the giant war elephant to suddenly decrease, and Tianhuo's stroke attack also arrived. Facing such a large target, there is no need to worry about it being missed. With more than ten strokes falling, this seemingly terrifying war giant fell like this go down.

"Damn it, Tianhuo fights the dark gold boss just like we fight mobs, don't bring such a pervert!" The fat man was hit again, wanting to cry without tears.

"Master, the third wave of monsters has appeared!" In the sky above, the voice of the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon entered Tianhuo's ears.

Tianhuo glanced at the battlefield. This wave is almost over. I didn't expect the third wave to come right after it. There is no chance for the players to breathe!
"Uncle hero, the third wave is here, how is the situation on your side?" Tianhuo said through the team channel.

"What? The second wave is almost halfway through. It's okay. Many players have come out to help. It's not a big problem." The hero said in shock.

Tianhuo frowned, wondering if this was the last wave, and if so, where the final boss would appear.

The second wave of monsters attacking the city has not yet ended, and a roar of beasts has been heard from a distance, but within a few tens of breaths, monsters have already appeared, rushing over with the roar of beasts, and soon with the second wave Waves of monsters fused together.

Many players had different expressions, some were excited, some were nervous, and so on, while Tianhuo frowned and looked at the direction where the monster was coming. In the sky, there was a figure shooting towards him.

"Could it be a humanoid boss? He can still fly, so it's going to be a big trouble." Tianhuo murmured, staring intently at the flying figure.

As the figure approached, Tianhuo could also clearly see the red name above his head: The Third Elder of Fenglei Pavilion!
The red-named NPC exists like a monster. Tianhuo never thought that the people from the Fenglei Pavilion would take this opportunity to come, or maybe, the people from the Fenglei Pavilion are the ultimate boss of this monster siege.

"Hey, I want to be the lord of Tianyan City, Tianhuo, have you asked me about Fenglei Pavilion?" The third elder of Fenglei Pavilion is a middle-aged man, staring at Tianhuo with unruly eyes.

"The eyes of Wensheng!"

The third elder of Fenglei Pavilion, level 55, with hidden attributes.

Can't see through this person's attributes, but Tianhuo's brows gradually relaxed, looking at the middle-aged man who landed a hundred meters away, "If it's normal, maybe I can't do anything with you, but you picked the wrong time."

Now is the time to double the attribute, this guy is not looking for death, what is it?Tianhuoguang's health has exceeded 40, and his attack and defense are even more powerful.

"Hey, that's crazy, but do you think I'm the only one here? Hand over the phoenix sycamore fruit, maybe I can consider saving you from death." The third elder laughed wildly, and stepped forward slowly regardless of the surprised expressions of many players.

Tianhuo shook the book of literati in his hand, "You think highly of yourself."

The third elder stopped walking, and then turned his head to look behind him. In the jungle in the distance, there was another figure galloping towards him. Seeing that figure, the third elder smiled again, "The phoenix sycamore fruit will eventually be my Fenglei Pavilion!" Yes, now, entertain your enemies!"

As the voice fell, that figure also came to the field, and it was none other than the one who took the lead.

Seeing the joking face taking the lead, Tianhuo was even more puzzled. It's fine for the people from Fenglei Pavilion to come, but the player can be associated with the siege monster. Tianhuo couldn't figure out what to think.

"It's surprising, isn't it? Haha, Tianhuo, you made me lose face. Now, I also let you not be the city lord of Tianyan City. You don't seem to know it? The punishment for failing to defend the city is very heavy!" Take the lead His face was full of complacency.

The quartermaster told himself that if he failed, not only would Tianyan City suffer heavy losses, but he would also have to be lowered by at least 10 levels, and he didn't want to bear the consequences.

"It's very surprising that you can fool around with the siege monster, it's very unique!" Tianhuo had a smile on his face, but a coldness began to spread in his eyes.

"That's right, only you can't think of it, I can't do it without it, hehe, let's see how you can resist the monster attacking the city!" He immediately took out the staff, and his expression became crazy.

"Haha, he left it to you, remember to give me the phoenix sycamore fruit." The third elder saw that he was the first to make a move, he jumped into the air amidst loud laughter, and flew towards Tianyan City.

Tianhuo frowned, and with a wave of his hands, the Nine-hundred Golden Spirit Dragon fiercely spread its wings, and chased after the third elder. At this moment, the only one who can stop the third elder is the Nine-hunted Golden Spirit Dragon. Tianhuo's requirements are not high, as long as he is driven The ground will do.

"Don't think too much, it's useless!" He said jokingly first, and then waved the staff, and the light gathered on the staff.

"Team mode, hand him over to me, you go and stop that man!" Twilight's voice sounded, and Tianhuo saw the gloomy Twilight, like a phantom, suddenly rushing towards the lead.

"Looking for death!" He snorted coldly, and the light on the staff rushed towards the twilight and dawn.

(End of this chapter)

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