Chapter 163
"Sacred weapon! It's actually a divine weapon! Damn it..." The fat man's face turned red, and he looked at the battle armor that the old man took out in disbelief.

Tianhuo and Mu Yichen were also incomparably astonished, can you still buy the artifact?

Seeing that the three of them did not make a sound, the old man put away the armor with some regret, and then took out a pair of daggers surrounded by colorful light, "I am not interested in the armor of the artifact, what about the dagger of the artifact?"

The three of Tianhuo only felt that it became difficult to breathe, and the excitement in their hearts could not be increased, and there was still a magic weapon?

"Hey? I'm not interested yet. What about these? God-level hidden occupation scrolls, holy warrior, shocking shooter, magic sword master, heaven-shaking war god, shadowless thief god, etc." The old man put away the divine weapon dagger and flipped through More than a dozen scrolls appeared in his hands, and he asked expectantly.

Little did they know, the three of Tianhuo were already stunned, their mouths closed in astonishment, and it was extremely difficult to speak, how could they answer the old man?
The old man didn't seem to see the astonishment of the three of them, thinking that the three of them were not interested, he reluctantly put away the scroll, and took out another pet egg, "I'm not interested in equipment and professions, it seems that you guys like pets, right? This beast pet Egg, are you interested?"

"Damn it..." Fatty couldn't bear it any longer, and let out a long sigh.

Tianhuo suppressed the astonishment in his heart, and hurriedly looked towards the old man, only to see that he was looking at the three of them with the words 'Hundred Treasures Taoist' on his head, hoping that the three of them could buy something.

"The Eye of the Glyph Sage!" Tianhuo secretly used the Glyph Sage's eye, trying to see the attributes of Taoist Baibao.

Taoist Baibao, his attributes are hidden.

Explanation: A strange person who wanders all over the mainland, carrying countless rare treasures.

There is only a simple introduction, but without this introduction, Tianhuo also understands the wealth of Taoist Baibao, and all the treasures he took out before are the rare treasures that players want to have.

"How... how do you sell the artifact dagger?" The fat man asked expectantly, his flushed face full of anticipation.

Taoist Baibao was taken aback for a moment, and then the beast pet egg was replaced with a dagger, "Is this it? Let's talk about it. Seeing that we are destined, I will give you a discount."

Fatty is overjoyed, [-]% off, one-tenth of the price, shouldn't be expensive, right?

"1000 billion gold coins." Taoist Baibao continued, and the fat man paused after hearing this, and then he couldn't stand still.

Tianhuo and Mu Yichen also stared blankly at Taoist Baibao, 1000 billion gold coins, among many players, who can afford such a price?It's still a [-]% discounted price. Isn't the original price worth trillions?

"Damn it, what are you kidding!" Fatty pointed to the dagger in Taoist Baibao's hand, "Are you kidding us?"

Taoist Baibao hurriedly shook his head, "This is a discounted price, it's already very cheap!"

All artifacts are powerful. Even the Prisoner Ring in Tianhuo's hands is nothing more than a sealed artifact, but even so, the Prisoner Ring is still as powerful as before. In the hands of Taoist Baibao in front of him, it is a complete artifact. , Although such a price is outrageous, but the artifact is priceless, if someone can afford it, it is not necessarily a disadvantage.

The fat on the fat man's face trembled slightly, and he continued to ask with some reluctance: "What about the hidden occupation scroll? The one that steals the gods."

"The scroll of Thief God? Let me have a look." Taoist Baibao put away his dagger, looked through it for himself, and found two scrolls after a while, "Which one do you want?"

This time, not only the corners of the fat man's mouth twitched, but also Tianhuo and Mu Yichen were not much better. It's exactly what Fatty wants, after all, this guy wants to become a god of robbers.

The fat man was no longer as excited as before, but asked warily, "How do you sell it?"

"It's cheap, just 50 billion gold coins." Taoist Baibao said with a smile, holding a scroll in one hand.

Cheap?The fat on the fat man's face trembled again. If it's all cheap, how can people live?
"Senior, do you have enlightenment water?" Tianhuo helplessly interrupted Fatty and Taoist Baibao's business, those things are not something players can afford!
"Yes, I have all kinds of rare props. Take a look, and buy what you like quickly." Daoist Baibao was overjoyed, and a shop panel suddenly appeared in front of him, listing various props.

Ten times the experience pill, the price is 1000 million gold coins.

Level up scroll (level ten), priced at 1000 million gold coins.

Spiritual Enlightenment Water, the price is 1000 million gold coins.


The three of Tianhuo became dumbfounded again. All the items listed in it were treasures, but the lowest price was 1000 million gold coins!

After a long time, Tianhuo let out a long sigh of relief. The Spiritual Enlightenment Water is also worth 1000 million gold coins, which is higher than the value of the spirit weapon itself. After all, the current equipment is just transitional, and it will be exchanged for more advanced equipment in the future. , There is no need to waste tens of millions of gold coins to buy a bottle of enlightening water.

And from Tianhuo's point of view, the price of this Baibao Taoist is too high, it's a scam!

"Too rich, I'll kill you, senior, take me as your disciple!" The fat man suddenly exclaimed, and grabbed Taoist Baibao.

Daoist Baibao was taken aback, and hurriedly threw the fat man away, "You're kidding me? You can't afford it at all, right? Huh! Waste of old man's time."

As soon as Taoist Baibao put away the panel, he brushed past Tianhuo and the others and walked towards the distance.

"Ding! The system prompts: Taoist Baibao used the wind to sweep away the clouds, and the items in your backpack were emptied, and all the items in your backpack were stolen by the other party."

Taoist Baibao just passed by the three of them, when the system notification sounded in the ears of the three of them. For a moment, the expressions of the three of them froze, and then their anger surged.

Tianhuo's face was even more ugly. The incomplete treasure maps, skill books, equipment, and tokens that had just exploded from the elder of Fenglei Pavilion hadn't had time to be transferred to the Ring of the Grave Sage. Fortunately, none of them were left.


"Stand still!"


The three shouted violently in unison, Tianhuo and Mu Yichen hurriedly used their skills, if he was allowed to run away, they would not be able to get the things back.

Right now, Tianhuo understands why this old man has so many treasures, probably it has something to do with his mysterious 'wind and cloud' skill, it's too ruthless, there is not a single item left in the backpack!

"Hey, three poor ghosts, all this rubbish on their bodies?" Taoist Baibao didn't care about being trapped by Tianhuo and Mu Yichen, and sneered.

Tianhuo's face was gloomy, "Shameless old man, team mode!"

miss, miss!

Unexpectedly, Tianhuo's title, Diyan Linshi and Diyan Shocking did not cause any harm to Taoist Baibao.
1205, -1310...

Tianhuo looked at the damage on Taoist Baibao's head in amazement, and his heart skipped a beat. His strokes could only cause more than 1000 damage to Taoist Baibao!
"Give back my spirit weapon dagger!" The fat man was also full of anger. The spirit weapon dagger allocated before was in the backpack, but right now, there was nothing in the backpack.

Roaring angrily, Fatty rushed directly in front of Taoist Baibao, using the stealing technique continuously.

Tianhuo's cage can only last for 23 seconds, and Mu Yichen's immobility can only last for 30 seconds, that is to say, he can only trap Taoist Baibao for 30 seconds, but Fatty's stealing technique can only be used once in 3 seconds!

"We can only rely on Fatty." Tianhuo kept attacking, on the one hand, it was a cover for Fatty's theft, but in his heart he hoped that Fatty would get a few good things, otherwise this time it would really be a big loss.

Especially the incomplete treasure map, if Taoist Baibao took it away, I'm afraid there will be no chance to get it back in the future.

Taoist Baibao looked at the three of them jokingly, not caring about being trapped at all, "Come on, haha, the things I got from Taoist Baibao are only sold, never..."

Saying that, Taoist Baibao's voice stopped abruptly, and he stared at Fatty angrily, "Little guy, you are looking for death!"

Fatty was unmoved, and cast the stealing technique as soon as the time was up, and as time went by, Taoist Baibao's face became more gloomy, "I didn't want to start killing, but you angered me!"

As soon as the words fell, Taoist Baibao raised his palm and slammed towards the fat man with a little bit of his fingers.

Tianhuo and Mu Yichen were startled, if the fat man dies, who will take back the things?Thinking of this, Mu Yichen, who was attacking Taoist Baibao at close range, turned around, just blocking the finger pointed out by Taoist Baibao.

A blood hole immediately exploded in Mu Yichen's chest, and Mu Yichen was attacked by this attack, but he didn't resurrect on the spot, and just disappeared into the white light.

"Go to hell too!" Taoist Baibao roared angrily, as if something important had been stolen by the fat man, he pointed it out again, and sent the fat man back to the city in an instant.

In an instant, only Tianhuo was left in the arena, and Tianhuo knew that he was not the opponent of Taoist Baibao. Seeing that Fatty and Mu Yichen were instantly killed and returned to the city, he didn't dare to stay. He quickly took back the two beasts and used the spirit Dun, and then used the returning home skill.

"Huh?" Taoist Baibao was still trapped. He didn't expect Tianhuo to be able to break out of the fighting state in an instant, and just disappeared. He became even more angry for a while, and pointed out again, instantly killing the four guards not far away on the spot.

"Boys, you can't escape. If you don't return the things to me, I promise to hunt you down to the ends of the earth!" Taoist Baibao roared, his voice echoing over the Kuangshi Grassland for a long time.

In the mansion, as soon as Tianhuo's figure appeared, he opened the team channel: "Xiaomu, fat man, how are you doing?"

"It's a big loss, the sky fire is big, this time the loss is heavy, everything is gone, I only stole a decoration." The fat man who had just walked out of the resurrection circle wanted to cry but had no tears.

Mu Yichen shrugged beside the fat man indifferently, he had all his good equipment on him, and there was nothing valuable in his backpack.

Hearing this, Tianhuo narrowed his eyes slightly, and almost all his belongings would be transferred to the Ring of Glyph Sage immediately. After all, the things in the Ring of Glyph Sage cannot be stolen. Bao Taoist, so there was no transfer, but nothing left was stolen.

While thinking about it, Tianhuo's eyes lit up again, decorations?I'm afraid it's not that simple, otherwise how could Taoist Baibao get so annoyed like that, thinking of this, Tianhuo said: "Fatty, show me that decoration, maybe we can redeem our things."

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(End of this chapter)

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