The strongest saint

Chapter 166 The way to become stronger

Chapter 166 The way to become stronger
Novice Yiyi, intelligence +200, negative state resistance +10%.

Explanation: The divine clothes that can fuse all clothing equipment can be merged once every tenth level, and one attribute can be randomly merged each time.It's extremely weird, so it's called a weird dress.It can also be integrated into other clothing equipment, and all attributes are integrated, but it disappears after that.

There are no usage requirements, no grades, but the strange ability of the novice Yiyi made Tianhuo secretly smack his tongue. Although he didn't get the 20% defense attribute, he didn't get the hateful attribute of agility -200 anyway.

Losing a demon weapon and a spiritual weapon, in exchange for the current novice Guiyi, Tianhuo doesn't feel that he is at a disadvantage, after all, what he can use is a good thing.

"Master, are you still resting?" The housekeeper dragged his exhausted body past the living room, was slightly taken aback when he saw Tianhuo sitting on the animal skin sofa, and said with a dry smile.

Tianhuo also smiled, it was already dark outside, but he hadn't rested for the past few days, and he didn't feel tired at all, "No, go and rest!"

There was joy hidden under the butler's tired body, and naturally he couldn't escape Tianhuo's eyes, but Tianhuo didn't ask, it must be a matter of the store or the auction house.

"Master, the next auction has been scheduled for a week later. Look, do you want to bring out some finale items?" The butler said with a smile, as if his physical fatigue disappeared instantly.

Tianhuo was stunned, the things he took out last time were all accumulated since he entered the game, and he hasn't encountered any boss in the past few days, so where can he come up with any good things for the finale!

"That...there are really no good things recently." Tianhuo smiled wryly. If the housekeeper came in earlier, there would still be demon weapons and spiritual weapons. Now...

As he spoke, Tianhuo rubbed against the ring of the sage, and the steward was a little disappointed when he heard the words, and then looked at Tianhuo expectantly.

In the Ring of the Glyph Saint, there are hundreds of pieces of common equipment, most of which are automatically picked up by monsters during the siege, and among these equipment, there is an unusual necklace mixed in.

Demon-breaking chain (spiritual weapon), physical attack 900-900, physical attack +15%, strength +200, physique +200, use requirements: level 30, physics profession, additional skills: magic-breaking, passive skills, 10% chance Break the shield of mage class occupations.

"Hehe, I forgot about this piece of equipment, take it." Tianhuo gave the equipment to the housekeeper without hesitation. He got the magic-breaking chain and the ice dragon mask together. At the beginning, he wanted to find out the requirements for using the spiritual water, but now , is no longer necessary.

The spirit weapon is considered the strongest equipment in the current game. It is very attractive to those big powers and ordinary players. It is enough to use it as the finale item, let alone a week. It is uncertain what better Tianhuo can get.

The butler took the equipment, picked up the necklace directly to check it, and then looked at Tianhuo suspiciously. He remembered clearly that Tianhuo left the necklace on purpose for his own use.

But the housekeeper didn't ask any more questions. He was afraid that Tianhuo would take it back, so he quickly put it away, "Hey, master, I'm going to rest now."

Tianhuo nodded, stood up and stretched, looked at the night sky outside, stepped out of the mansion, and walked towards the envoy of the Gu Yue Cave copy.

The dungeon of Guyue Cave was opened by Tianhuo himself, but after opening, Tianhuo has never entered.

Taking advantage of the time when the hero and the others are preparing, Tianhuo will naturally come to collect some gems, otherwise the hero and the others will probably ask themselves to kill the boss at dawn.

The envoys of the Guyue Cave dungeon look like the village chief of Guyue Village, just like the envoys of the Qilin Cave. They are all based on the NPCs that are mainly involved in each city.

"Hello, please send me to Guyue Cave on elite difficulty." Tianhuo said as he walked up to the envoy of the Guyue Cave dungeon.

The dungeon envoy glanced at Tianhuo and nodded slightly, "You have already cleared the level on normal difficulty, you can, but it will be dangerous to go alone, are you ready?"

"Thank you!" Tianhuo clasped his fists, and then the dungeon messenger waved his hand, and the scenery in front of Tianhuo's eyes began to change.

The map is the same as the Guyue cave I entered last time, but there is no exit, it is a completely closed map. After looking around the mine, Tianhuo directly summoned two beasts, "Diyan, Nine Souls, pull monsters."

This time, the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon did not complain about being received into the pet space again, and started pulling monsters on the side with Di Yan Linshi.

Where the two beasts passed by, one after another illusory figures emerged from the ground or the cave wall, and quickly gathered into an army of monsters, chasing the two beasts, but the two beasts ran straight forward without turning their heads. .

Tianhuo stepped forward, "Small iron clothes on the battlefield!"

Level 46, 230-meter-diameter attack range, the speed of two beasts pulling monsters can't keep up with the speed of Tianhuo killing monsters, even in the dungeon of elite difficulty, the attributes of monsters are generally 1.5 times higher than those of normal difficulty, but in the hands of Tianhuo, these ordinary The monster still couldn't avoid the fate of being killed in seconds.

"Ding! The system prompts, congratulations on killing the death soul leader, gaining 520 million experience points and an additional 1040 million experience points. Congratulations on clearing the copy of the ancient moon cave on the elite difficulty level."

"Ding! System prompt: Glyph Sage's Sorrow activates, pick up primary punching stone x 1, primary attack stone x 1, intermediate punching stone x 1, intermediate blood stone x 1."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on upgrading your pet Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon..."

In Guyue Cave on elite difficulty, only seven low-level gemstones of various types and one intermediate-level blood stone exploded in the entire dungeon at one time, which made Tianhuo a little speechless. Although he had expected that the explosion rate would not be high, it also It was so unexpected.

"Master, is it over? We want to go out to play." Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon couldn't help but said when he saw that the dungeon was cleared.

Tianhuo rubbed his chin, "I'll go later, let's continue with the horror difficulty first."

Dungeons need to be cleared one by one to play higher difficulty. After clearing the level of elite difficulty, the next time will naturally be horror difficulty.

The Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon and Di Yan Linshi didn't feel dissatisfied in the slightest, and it only took five or six minutes to complete a copy like this.

Horror difficulty, just as Tianhuo expected, the boss has already released high-level punching stones and gems, brushed the horror difficulty twice in a row, let the Nine Soul Golden Dragon and Diyan Linshi leave, and Tianhuo directly used the homecoming skill to return to the mansion middle.

Leaving the low-level and mid-level gemstones in the living room, Tianhuo kept walking towards the blacksmith shop. In addition to the first kill obtained last time, he had two high-level attack stones and a high-level blood spirit stone in his hand. Tianhuo planned to ask the blacksmith to help him. help.

In the blacksmith's shop in the middle of the night, there were quite a few players, and there was always the sound of beating one after another in the backyard.

Tianhuo came to the blacksmith shop quite a few times, but every time he came, he didn't see the blacksmith taking a rest. At this moment, the blacksmith was instructing the players to forge equipment.

Tianhuo was not in a hurry, he stood aside and mingled with the players listening to the blacksmith's explanation.

The uncle blacksmith explained while demonstrating, from the characteristics of various materials to the coordination of various materials, he talked for two hours before stopping, and motioned everyone to disperse and practice their hands.

Tianhuo listened with gusto, although it was only a low-level forging technique, not as good as refining weapons, but Tianhuo felt very useful, but what made Tianhuo puzzled was that what the blacksmith handed over to these players was a regular forging technique, not like A big hybrid refiner like myself.

"Hey! When will there be a genius like Engong? These idiots haven't made much progress after so long." While Tianhuo was thinking, the blacksmith muttered to himself and walked towards the house deep in the yard. There was no sky fire in the crowd at all.

Hearing the blacksmith uncle talking to himself, Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, genius?I didn't rely on the blacksmith uncle to pass on the leading craftsman to me, otherwise I would be a low-level blacksmith, and I wouldn't even choose a blacksmith.

"Uncle blacksmith, why are you sighing?" Smiling, Tianhuo quickly stepped forward, caught up with the blacksmith, and said with a smile.

The blacksmith was taken aback, and turned around hastily, the helplessness on his face suddenly turned into surprise, "Grandfather!"

"Hehe, uncle blacksmith, are you okay?" Tianhuo said with a smile.

The blacksmith hurriedly shook his head, "What could be the matter, but these boys don't make progress, hehe, they're not like you... Huh? Why is your innate spirit cauldron still like this?"

Tianhuo showed embarrassment. The Xiantian Lingding stayed in his dantian. It has been like this for the past few days, and there has been no change. Useful.

"Ahem, benefactor, this innate spirit cauldron needs to devour other cauldron furnaces to strengthen itself. You haven't gone to the cauldron furnace these days, have you?" the blacksmith coughed dryly and said.

Dan Ding and Qi Ding are also a kind of equipment, but Tianhuo really doesn't know where to explode the Ding all the time.

"The Xiantian spirit cauldron is not only for alchemy and weapon refining. As a cauldron sage, you should focus on strengthening the Xiantian spirit cauldron. Engong, this spirit cauldron is not only capable of alchemy and weapon refining, but also has a strong impact on your combat power." increase." The blacksmith was afraid that Tianhuo would ignore his words again, and continued.

"Amplification?" Tianhuo was overjoyed. Does that mean that the innate spirit cauldron has attributes when it develops?Doesn't he have an extra way to become stronger?

"That's right, the person who has the innate spirit cauldron... Hehe, it's too far away, anyway, you should remember to take it to heart and strengthen it." The blacksmith hesitated to speak, and said with a dry smile.

"Well, I tried my best, but it's a pity that I never knew where I could get the tripod." Tianhuo said, looking at the blacksmith with hopeful eyes. As a craftsman, he owns a tripod of the spirit level, so he must know where to get it. To Ding.

Moreover, Tianhuo is also very much looking forward to the attributes of the Innate Spirit Cauldron.

"Ding? Didn't the evil Fenglei Pavilion come to attack Tianyan City last time? He has a not-so-weak tripod in Fenglei Pavilion's hand. Getting it should change the innate spirit tripod of En Gong." Blacksmith Said.

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched slightly, and went to Fenglei Pavilion again?
(End of this chapter)

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